Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Database Administration -2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Database Administration -2 - Essay Example The database administrator would have the above given skills in order to perfectly perform his/her roles and responsibilities to manage the information system database in an organization. It is pertinent to mention here that these are the basic and fundamental skills of a database administrator; therefore, the database administrator must have these skills in addition to the specific skill set requirement of the organization (CWJOBS, n.d). The database is considered accurate if the values stored in the fields of the database are correct. As the organizations rely and presume that the information that is input into a database is faultless as well as accurate. Therefore, the design of the database should be accurate and reliable that will not only help to achieve new business ideas, but also play vital role in promoting the organizational goals. It is sure, if the data gathering and storing process is malfunctioning, the established data will be incorrect as well; this process is known to be as Garbage in Garbage Out (GIGO) (Rushinek & Rushinek, 1985). Updated and current data have been always important for any organization; therefore, the stored data has to be updated and current with respect to the requirements of the organization. The end users of the database have to be aware of any variation of a standard update schedule of the database. Real-time information is one of a key component of timeliness. A DBMS system contains metadata i-e data about data, in other words the data and a full explanation of the data. The explanation of the data includes: how data would be accessed, what are the data formats and record structures. On the other hand, the file processing approach is contrasted to this approach, whereas, the structure and format of data and records are required to be known to the application programs. The changes in the database i-e change in data format, change in index structure or entering a new field etc. are reflected in the catalogue; therefore,

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