Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Art History - Essay Example Roy Lichtenstein is a pop artists and contemporary of Andy Warhol. He used parody using old-fashioned comic strip. He was a teacher before venturing to Pop art based on commercial images such as advertisement painting focused on bard-edged figures. His 1961 Look Mickey used Be-Day dots or a technique comparable to Pointillism (Lobel, 33). Since then, he has produced more art works combining oil or Magana paint exemplified in Drowning Girl and the pop art diptych Whaam! He has influenced other DC comics artists (Lobel, 60). Liechtenstein is an iconography in pop art that until today amaze collectors and contemporary comic book fans. While he may be regarded by some as quite commercial for his techniques and use comic-style graphics, he is one artist to reckon with. Charles Atlas is a filmmaker and video artist. In his online biography, Charles Atlas came from St. Louis, Missouri and born in 1958. Video art uses the video tape as a statement of exploration on the medium or against commercial, entertainment video and may not have any logical presentation or narrative plot except for juxtaposition of images and scenes (Knight, 49). Atlas worked both on stage, screen, museum, and television and also had video installation works. He is considered to have pioneered the â€Å"media-dance, a genre in which original performance work is created directly for the camera† (PBS, P 2) and worked with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company for ten years. He collaborated with choreographers, dancers, and performers such as Yvonne Rainer, Michael Clark, Douglas Dunn, Marina Abramovic, Diamanda Galas, John Kelly, and Leigh Bowery. His four-hour montage â€Å"Television Dance Atlas† on Dutch television used dance styles of ballet, burlesque, and figure skating (PBS P 3). His video installation â€Å"The Hanged One† used rotoscopes, motorized mannequins, and theatrical lighting and may be considered evolving in its various presentations. He

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