Thursday, July 25, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Argument - Essay Example The incident happened between the months of January to October 2006. As early as January 2006, my cousin told me that she is getting married in October 25 of the same year. For this reason, my best friend and I planned to visit my cousin for her wedding celebration. I was really looking forward to meet my cousin for the first time aside from the fact that it will be the first time I will be able to go to Florida. For this reason, I ended up spending at least 12-hour shift at work to save money for my accommodation, food, and travel expenses. Just like me, my best friend was also eager to join me in this occasion. My best friend and I were supposed to leave town a week before my cousin’s wedding day. I was terribly disappointed when my best friend told me that she suddenly changed her mind about going to Florida because her dog was sick. Because of my disappointment, I ended up accusing her for being unreasonable for not going with me because of a dog. I was really angry at her for breaking our plans. I personally believe that it is rude to break something that you have committed yourself into. I feel that my best friend’s dog is more important than I am. I am her best friend. I simply couldn’t believe that she is prioritizing her dog over me. Isn’t she supposed to prioritize me over a highly domesticated animal? Because of my anger, I did not bother to speak to her for more than a week. Some of our common friends noticed the distance between me and my best friend. For this reason, our common friends decided to patch things up between me and my best friend. A week after the wedding celebration, my best friend and I ended up talking over a cup of coffee. She told me that she really felt bad for breaking our plan to go to Florida. She explained that the real reason why she could not go is because she was very shy to tell me that she was not able to come up with enough

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