Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business questions - Essay Example As Jones & George say, consumption and investment rates are highly dependent on the economic aspects and the political scenario respectively (128). The political force, in my opinion, is the major determinant of successful business transactions. Political forces determine whether a society will be peaceful and stable enough to allow for investment. As Lynch indicates, the Chinese would benefit from venturing into the U.S markets as there are fewer trade barriers, alternative energy sources are in plenty, as well as the Chinese are better placed to learn new technologies that could benefit their home markets (1). With the Chinese shifting a lot of focus in the U.S markets, Lynch is of the opinion that U.S.A. will gain from job creations by the Chinese. The Chinese companies have sustained investors with loans, which is shifted to U.S economy (Lynch, 1). With the IMF expecting the Chinese outward investment to augment, the U.S assets are slowly gaining prominence among the Chinese buyers. The U.S markets and economy will automatically grow, while back at home, the Chinese manpower is grabbed by the world’s superpower (Lynch,

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