Sunday, August 25, 2019

Policy Briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Policy Briefing - Essay Example Its main mission has remained unchanged; to prevent and detect illegal entry of people into the United States of America. The department of homeland security is currently in charge of border security in the country. The point of interest is often the American Mexico border. Together with other law enforcers, the border patrol team has continued to place the US border under surveillance with an intention of identifying any threat to national security as well as illegal entry. Border policy does not prevent people from entering the United States, it only ensures that the entrance of people who are in possession of legal documents as well as screening individuals who may be trafficking contrabands and drugs into the country (Chà ¡vez, 2003). The border patrol in the county is responsible for patrolling two thousand miles of coastal waters surrounding Florida peninsula as well as six thousand miles of Canadian and Mexican border (Ngai, 2008). The agents are allowed to work around the clock in all types of weather conditions and terrain as well as in other isolated communities within the county. So many changes have taken place since the inception of the policy in the 1924. The number of agents patrolling the border has been increased to over twenty one thousands agents by the end of 2012. Although the United States border control measures may be considered as strict by many international states, I believe that their actions are extremely justified. The United States government has a mandate of ensuring that the people are safe from terrorists and other insecurities (DHS Increases Border Security in Response to Narcotrafficking Violence., 2009). The border patrol team thereby acts to ensure that the likelihood of dangerous people entering the United States of America is lowered. These activities are often accomplished through following leads, maintaining surveillance, interpreting and following tracks as well as responding to aircraft

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