Saturday, August 31, 2019

Capstone Paper

An accomplished leader is a strong communicator, motivator and problem solver. Building teams, motivating employees, measuring client needs and managing conflicts are some of the critical tasks of a leader. The definition of leadership is â€Å"the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals† (Durbin, 2). This is the primary goal of a good leader however I believe the leader needs to have a certain number of characteristics or traits in order to provide this to his/her employees. Loud have to say that the most important traits of a good leader are a passion for the work and the people, self-confidence and trustworthiness. I think that it is crucial for a great leader to be passionate bout the work that they do as well as the team that they are leading. Within my current role as a Senior Business Support Coordinator, we're required to take on a leadership role on an almost daily basis. One particular instance that re call of which I had to take on a complete leadership role was during a snow storm. I was one of the only seniors or management that was actually able to make it into the office.With the few of us that were actually able to make it into the office, took control and distributed all of the cases that needed to be handled that day. I made sure we had appropriate phone overage and triages all incoming work that was received. On this day with short staffing we were able to handle all of the cases that were due for that day and we had not late reports to our home office or the FDA. The association amongst effective performance evaluations and employee morale is very close. Actually, one of the core reasons to evaluate employees is to encourage them.As a leader, this is an opportunity to reinforce things an employee does well and provide correction and planning for areas that need improvement. It is important to understand that performance evaluations re definitely a necessary evil, however the process chosen to evaluate one's employees needs to be considered very carefully. Problem Statement The issues with performance evaluations are not within the systems themselves but in how they are administered. It is hard for an employee to deal with a negative performance evaluation in general.However, it is even harder to deal with a performance evaluation that one would consider average when the employee may feel that their work performance level is really much higher. Research Design This capstone paper will consist of taking a anonymous poll within my apartment of my co-workers in regards to how they feel about how the process of performance evaluations are handled with our organization. How these performance evaluations and promotions affect their work performance and feeling about the company. Results of Study Within my company we have a system in which we used called the UP system.This system has all of our goals that are cascaded down from out managers. Within the pro duct safety department the majority of all our goals are group goals so it is extremely hard to stand out individually. It allows for a â€Å"loafer to receive the same rewards because the other's pick up the slack and still hey look good in return. In December and January of each year the employee lists their progress, weight goals, lists any accomplishments, year- end self-appraisal on UP/LDAP (Individual Development Plan) and we submit them to our manager.The manager and employee then discuss to ensure everything is clear and accurate. The manager then obtains feedback and input on the employee's performance and behavior from others and participates in calibration. Calibration is a system of checks and balances that ensures the employee's performance is rated as fairly, objectively and equitably as possible. The next step to the UP process is to have the manager draft UP year-end appraisal considering employee's self-appraisal, input and managers own observations. Here is where the issue in my opinion comes into play.It is understandable that feedback is necessary in order for managers to make an accurate assessment of the employee's performance and behavior. When the managers meet to discuss ratings they are allowed to provide input on each employee even if they do not directly work with that employee. How is it possible to make an assessment on an employee's performance or behavior if a manager is not directly working with them at any time? I believe the feedback should come directly from those that work directly with the employee so that a true assessment and feedback Can be given.We are also required to attach to our UP system is a form that is called an DIP or Individual development plan. The purpose of this form is to set long term goals for your career path and your manager is supposed to help you GU did. After all this has been performed at the end of the year and an assessment has been performed a rating is applied to the employee.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Awareness Of Sensory Loss Essay

In sensory loss (touch, mobility, vision, hearing) this can have a negative impact to an individual like for example in mobility an individual can experience poor mobility, leaning to one side or difficulty with their coordination, the individual may have difficulty to feed or dress themselves, or may not be able to participate in an activity and in some circumstances an individual may not be able to manage/maintain their personal daily living. Another is eyesight or vision, an individual who suffers from this disability may have a very hard time communicating or even to express themselves to what they want to do and what their wishes are without the help of another person. This case is the same with an individual who is deaf or have limited hearing. see more:identify the main causes of sensory loss Sometimes when you suffer from these disabilities, people easily judge you in a way that they try to seclude you or belong you to have a below average intelligence and assume that you cannot do or think for yourself or think the same as other people which may cause further illnesses for the individual such as depression, anxiety and isolation. There can also be a positive impact of having these disabilities because help is always available, aids and benefits are available to support you, there are care systems in place that an individual may use to support them with day to day living and encourage the individual to have a positive outlook on life, helping the individual lead as much as an independent life as possible which in the long run will ensure the individual is happy and secure. 1.2 Some steps that can be taken to overcome the negative factors could be; With an individual with sight impairment ensure the individual has their glasses on if prescribed, ensure the glasses are clean and the individual is able see through them. Ensure the area is clear of any obstacles to prevent the individual from tripping over or bumping into things, if the environment remains the same and items are not moved the individual may find it easier to move around as they will be familiar with where things are and will be able to avoid them. An individual who has a hearing impairment may find it easier to hear you if they are taken in to a quiet and well lit environment  to talk, also ensure the individuals hearing aids are in and working and the volume is turned up to their liking. Always make the individual aware of different groups and organisations that can help them, ensure people include the individual when they can instead of talking over them or leaving them out of activities as if they are not there. If this does happen then challenge any discrimination and explain why it is wrong. 1.3 People placing limitations on an individual with sensory loss can be disabling, for example, believing that a blind/poor sighted individual can’t manage alone or can’t see what others are doing toward them or others, or that of a deaf/poor hearing individual are funny because of the way they talk or are mocked for continually asking for a person to repeat themselves. These attitudes and beliefs can prevent the person being including in society as an equal. This can then have a negative effect on the individual which can cause a chain reaction of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and isolation. 1.4 You can overcome disabling attitudes and beliefs in sensory loss by challenging discrimination immediately and explain why it’s wrong, model good practice. You can also get involved in social activities that promote positive attitudes. Outcome2 2.1 Sight loss – Always identify yourself to the individual and ensure you make it clear that you are speaking to them and not someone else, they can’t read your body language so you need to be clear about your meanings and directions etc. A noisy environment can make it difficult for them to concentrate on your voice so it may be better to try reduce background noise. Hearing loss – Be respectful to the individual when trying to get their attention e.g. use a light touch on the arm, bend down to the individuals level so they can see your face, if they lip read they will need to see your face to be able make out what you’re asking them, you need to speak clearly at a normal pace and tone, you may need to be patient and repeat things. Deaf blind – some of the above plus you need to know the levels of deafness and blindness and their preferred method of communication. 2.2 Individuals with sensory loss such as hearing or sight can benefit from different types of effective communication. Individuals with hearing loss may benefit from using sign language or pictures to communicate. Those with sight loss may benefit most from vocal communication and touch. 2.3 Information can be provided in many different ways to an individual with sensory loss listed below are a few examples of ways information can be passed on to the individual, Sensory loss –braille, tape recordings hearing loss – British sign language, Makaton, visual aids e.g. pictures, lip reading. Deaf/blindness -, Braille is a system of raised dots which can be read by touch. The Moon alphabet consists of embossed shapes which can be read by touch. Objects of Reference are objects that have special meanings assigned to them. They stand for something in the same way that words do. Outcome 3 3.1 The main cause of sensory loss is aging, as we age our senses become less and less. Sensory loss can also be caused by an illness such as dementia or by having an accident and sustaining injury. 3.2 Congenital sensory loss means the individual was born with it, whereas acquired sensory loss is when the sensory loss has developed as is the result of ageing, serious injury or illness with the individual. 3.3 The percentage of the general population having sensory loss is 45%, according to Sense estimates that there are around 250,000 deafblind people in the UK. Outcome 4 4.1 These are a few of the many indicators and signs to identify sight loss, hearing loss and deaf/blindness. Sight loss †¢Increased sensitivity to light and glare †¢difficulty distinguishing colours †¢Clumsiness, bumping into things in familiar surroundings †¢difficulty distinguishing objects from one another †¢holding books/papers close to face †¢regular headaches/eyes hurting †¢reduced night vision †¢Trouble reading small print i.e. on medications †¢difficulty recognising faces of family and friends †¢squinting when watching the television †¢loss of interest in hobbies such as needlework Hearing loss †¢difficulty hearing clearly when in a group conversation or noisy room †¢Asking people to repeat themselves all the time †¢people appearing to mumble when they are talking normally †¢not hearing the telephone ring or the door bell †¢having to have the volume on high on the television or radio †¢hearing better in one ear compared to the other †¢Adult voices easier to understand than children’ †¢getting tired or stressed due to having to concentrate harder when listening Deaf and Blindness †¢to response to sound or light †¢sensitive to being touched †¢difficulty making sense of surroundings †¢Withdrawal and isolation †¢developmental delay †¢use of other senses, taste, smell and touch, to gain information †¢personalised methods of communication 4.2 When concerns are raised regarding sensory loss or changes, the first course of action should be to contact their g.p, eye specialists who after examination may refer them to a specialist at the hospital for further hearing and vision tests. Outcome 5 If you are concerned about sensory loss or you know someone who is you can  report this to your carers, seniors, mangers if in a care home setting. Regarding individuals living in their own home you can seek advice or report the problem to your local g.p, social worker or speak to family members. There is a website called sense you can look on for help and support regarding sensory loss and you’d like advice and information about the support and services available, you can call Sense on 0300 330 9256 or email:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Different Type Of Treatment For Breast Tumors Health Essay

Cancer is one of the most common malignances in adult females. This paper has given me the chance to research the different types of chest malignant neoplastic diseases and different modes of interventions. In this research paper will give an overview of the physiology and hazards factors and different ways to naming the disease. Once diagnosed with this lay waste toing disease the different types of intervention from chemo to surgical intercessions. I would non desire to bury to include the psychological impact on the adult females and household members after being diagnosed with this malignance. This undertaking will give me the chance to larn more about the disease procedure and other facets of interventions other than surgical. As an Operating Room nurse I have had exposure to the surgical interventions of the disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is the most common malignance in adult females and histories for18 per centum of all female malignant neoplastic diseases. The per centum of adult females who develop chest malignant neoplastic diseases are normally post- menopausal, but more than 8,000 are under the age of 50 old ages of age. McCready, Tracey. â€Å" Management of patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease. ( Continuing professional development: oncology ) . â€Å" A Nursing Standard17.41 ( 2003 ) : 45+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. Screening methods like chest malignant neoplastic disease consciousness, clinical chest scrutinies, mammography, Ultrasound, MRI has increased early detainment in chest malignant neoplastic disease. Consequently, we have more statistics report organize these showing trials. Screening, diagnosing, and intervention are indispensable to survival, and the importance of early detainment should non be overemphasized. Patients should be good informed what their options are for intervention. Some adult females avoided the diagnosing, believing that the intervention was worse than the disease. This topic usage to be a tabu. The end of showing is to place chest malignant neoplastic disease at the earliest phase, which allows the highest possible remedy. Therefore, many adult females spouse up with their physicians and other health care suppliers to seek the right reply for their diagnosing. The five twelvemonth endurance rate for chest malignant neoplastic disease identified in the earliest phases is now 98 per centum. The mortality rate has dropped by 30 per centum since 1992, which is advancement! We still need to perpetrate to bar by making all we can make to halt malignant neoplastic disease before it starts. These statistics should remind us to eat healthier, more veggies and less nutrient with no nutritionary value, and non gorge in alcoholic drinks. Healthy life styles change such a low-fat diet and exercising can hold signi ficant impact on chest malignant neoplastic disease endurance. These good wonts will cut down your hazard. Plan a scheme for good wellness and act upon your organic structure ‘s destiny. We must besides back up research into environmental and other possible causes for malignant neoplastic disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease starts as a precancerous mass that progresses to presymptomatic tumour ( the tumour so little that can non be detected by mammography or physical scrutiny ) , so to tumours that are detected by mammography and eventually tumours that are big plenty to be detected by physical scrutiny. Buyske, Jo, et Al. â€Å" Breast malignant neoplastic disease in the 1890ss. â€Å" A AORN JournalA July 1996: 64+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. With mammography the tumours can be detected as early before going tangible, every bit little as 1mm in size leting for a greater likeliness of early sensing that can take to bring around. Mammograms are recommended by the A merican Cancer Society on adult females every one to two old ages from age 40 and 50 old ages of age, adult females younger than 18 should execute monthly chest introspection and have one-year scrutinies by their doctors. Womans with higher than mean hazard factors, may necessitate more intensive surveillance. Hazard Factors: Every adult female is indiscriminately at hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease sometime in her life. There are several factors that increase the hazard of the disease development. The biggest hazard factor of all is age, with the bulk of chest malignant neoplastic diseases being diagnosed in the post-menopausal age group. Oestrogen has being evidenced as a critical endocrine in the increased hazard factor for chest malignant neoplastic disease. Early menses before the age of 11, are at increased hazard and those have late climacteric ( after the age of 50 ) are twice likely to develop chest malignant neoplastic disease. The likeliness of chest malignant neoplastic disease increases with the age of the adult females ‘s first gestation. After the age of 30 the hazard additions. Womans who have their first gestation at a higher age are more predisposed to breast malignant neoplastic disease. In fact, adult females who have non given birth run a h igher opportunity of happening. A alteration in endocrines during gestation besides has an consequence on the development of chest malignant neoplastic disease. It is more preventable in multiparity and gestations at an early age. Oral preventives and endocrines replacing tablets are besides important. There is a little hazard associated with taking the unwritten preventive pill before the age of 20 are at higher hazard than adult females who begin at an older age, There is a little hazard associated with the usage of endocrine replacing tablets and for the first one to four old ages after usage has ceased. McCready, Tracey. â€Å" Management of patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease. ( Continuing professional development: oncology ) . â€Å" A Nursing Standard17.41 ( 2003 ) : 45+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. Family history provides the strongest hint to the possibility of familial chest malignant neoplastic disease. A female parent, sister or girl with chest malignant neoplastic disease is a strong va riable in the development of chest malignant neoplastic disease. Hereditary chest malignant neoplastic disease attributed to a mutant in a peculiar cistron ( i.e. , BRCA1or BRCA2 ) can be passed on the following coevals, transmitted in an autosomal dominant form. The cistron mutant may arise from the paternal or maternal side and each progeny of a BRCA bearer has a 50 per centum opportunity of inheriting the mutant. Gostout, Bobbie S. , Noralane M. Lindor, and Sandhya Pruthi. â€Å" Identification and direction of adult females with BRCA mutants or familial sensitivity for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. â€Å" A Mayo Clinic ProceedingsA 85.12 ( 2010 ) : 1111+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. Factors that indicate likeliness of a BRCA cistron mutant are: Multiple instances of early- oncoming chest malignant neoplastic disease ( age, & lt ; 50 twelvemonth old ) , a combination of chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease in the same adult females bilateral chest malignant neoplastic disease, one household member & lt ; 50 twelvem onth old with chest malignant neoplastic disease or ovarian malignant neoplastic disease and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, male chest malignant neoplastic disease, a comparative with documented BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutant and multiple instances of chest malignant neoplastic disease across several coevalss in a household. The increased usage of familial testing has being helpful in observing this mutant that increased the potency of chest malignant neoplastic disease in adult females. This familial mutant of BRCA1 and BRCA2 has accounted for 60 per centum of familial chest malignant neoplastic disease and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. Womans with this germline mutant in BRCA1 and BRCA2 or a familial sensitivity for chest malignant neoplastic disease have markedly increased hazard of early-onset chest malignant neoplastic disease and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. Gostout, Bobbie S. , Noralane M. Lindor, and Sandhya Pruthi. â€Å" Identification and direction of adult females w ith BRCA mutants or familial sensitivity for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. â€Å" A Mayo Clinic ProceedingsA 85.12 ( 2010 ) : 1111+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. With this two cistrons inhered through a first grade household, it is recommended they seek familial guidance. Familial guidance is considered the mainstream of a multidisciplinary attack to the intervention of familial chest malignant neoplastic disease. Decrease Schemes: Once it has being identified the adult females to be a bearer of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 there are different options offered for intervention. Chemoprevention- tamoxifen a raloxifene, selective estrogen receptor modulators approved for chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard decrease, are by and large prescribed for 5 old ages, and their function beyond this clip frame is unknown. . Gostout, Bobbie S. , Noralane M. Lindor, and Sandhya Pruthi. â€Å" Identification and direction of adult females with BRCA mutants or familial sensitivity for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. â€Å" A Mayo Clinic ProceedingsA 85.12 ( 2010 ) : 1111+.A Academic OneFile. Web.22. Other options may be bilateral contraceptive mastectomy ( known as hazard decrease mastectomy ) . Your sawbones will explicate the different types of mastectomies, simple mastectomy, where the whole chest is removed and some alar lymph nodes may besides be removed and hypodermic mastectomy, where less breast tissue is surgically excised. These processs significantly cut down the hazard of chest malignant neoplastic disease in adult females with first degree household history of the disease. Several surveies have shown a 90 per centum to 95 per centum decrease in chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard among BRCA bearers, intending that adult females with BRCA mutants can accomplish a degree of chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard that is the same or lower than that of the general population. Gostout, Bobbie S. , Noralane M. Lindor, and Sandhya Pruthi. â€Å" Identification and direction of adult females with BRCA mutants or familial sensitivity for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. â€Å" A Mayo Clinic ProceedingsA 85.12 ( 2010 ) : 1111+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. A Womans can hold rehabilitative surgery station these processs with expanders, a pocket is created under the thorax ‘s pectoral muscle major musculus and the expanders is filled with sal ine, and subsequently on hold breast implants. Tram Pedicle Flap is another option which is a flap of tegument, fat and implicit in musculus is cut from the venters and anastomosed as a chest. Another option is a Deep Free Flap, a flap of tegument and fat that is removed from the venters, along with blood vass that have been dissected from the implicit in musculus and with this a chest is made. Once the chest mass has being found on mammography, which is the most of import diagnostic tool, the sawbones will desire to make obtain a sample of life tissue. Biopsy may be done if the physician is concerned about chest malignant neoplastic disease because of unnatural findings on the mammogram or chest ultrasound, or during physical scrutiny. A chest biopsy is the remotion of chest tissue to analyze it for marks of chest malignant neoplastic disease or other upsets. Several different types of biopsies can be done. Open biopsy which involves a little scratch in the chest and take portion ( incisional ) or all ( excisional biopsy ) of the country. If the full ball or country is removed, it is a lumpectomy. If the sawbones can non easy experience the ball or cyst, a biopsy under needle localisation will be done under ultrasound to turn up the ball ; this acerate leaf will be left in topographic point to assist the sawbones during the incisional biopsy. The sawbones will take the nuc leus of tissue environing the wire, and send the specimen to pathology and radiology. The biopsy can uncover certain of chest abnormalcies that are non malignant neoplastic disease or precancerous, adenocarcinomas, fibrocystic chest disease, intraductal villoma, mammary fat mortification. Other biopsies may demo precancerous chest conditions, untypical ductal hyperplasia and a typical lobular hyperplasia. Then there are the two chief type of chest malignant neoplastic disease found, ductal carcinoma, most chest malignant neoplastic diseases are of this type and lobular carcinoma. Biopsy consequences are deciding if there will be a demand for chest surgery in combination with radiation and chemotherapy. In order to cognize if the lymph nodes holding being invaded with malignant neoplastic disease it is recommended to hold a lookout node biopsy. This cognition will avoid alar node dissection if the lymph node is non affected. Internal mammary nodes can besides be assessed during the p rocess to finish the theatrical production procedure. Staging of chest malignant neoplastic disease: Staging the chest malignant neoplastic disease is critical constituent in the development of the individualised intervention program. Stage 0- ( noninvasive carcinoma, carcinoma in situ ) this is really early phase chest malignant neoplastic disease is considered precancerous. Stage 1- this is an early phase of chest malignant neoplastic disease, the size of the leery lesion measures up to two centimetres in dimension, and no lymph nodes are involved. In this phase adult females may hold a chest -sparing surgery like a lumpectomy with radiation intervention or they may hold a mastectomy ( remotion of full chest ) they can be have Reconstruction surgery following the process. Breast preservation surgery is the most popular intervention because most carcinomas have a restricted size and big tumour can be reduced in size with anterior chemotherapy before surgery. Radiation therapy along with chemo therapy and /or endocrine therapy may besid es be given after the surgery to destruct any staying malignant neoplastic disease cells. Stage 2- the tumour steps between two to five centimetres or the malignant neoplastic disease has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm on the same side as the chest malignant neoplastic disease. This phase is divided into two classs stage 2 A and phase 2 B. Phase 2 A-Three ways it can attest itself. There is no tumour found in the chest but the alar lymph nodes are positive for malignant neoplastic disease cells. Cancer in the chest spans two centimetres and alar lymph nodes are involved. Tumor is larger than two centimetres and smaller than five centimetres, and does non impact the alar lymph nodes. Stage 2 B- may include one of the followers: The dimension of the tumour is between two and five centimetres and has metastasis to the alar lymph nodes. The chest malignant neoplastic disease is larger than five centimetres, but no lymph are non affected. Treatment may be breast economical surge ry ( lumpectomy ) followed with radiation therapy or a mastectomy with or without breast Reconstruction. Another method used is the tegument and nipple-sparing mastectomy that preserves the nipple-areolar. Several options can be offered to the patient, from the simple arrangement of chest expanders to the usage of musculocutaneous flaps ( thoracodorsal or abdominal flap [ TRAM ] ) . Sometimes chemotherapy is given before the surgery to shrivel the tumour or after surgery to destruct any staying malignant neoplastic disease cells. Womans may besides hold a combination of other interventions, such as endocrine therapy. Phase 3 -the size of the tumour is more than two inches in diameter across and has spread to the alar lymph nodes, or has metastasis to other lymph nodes or tissue near the chest. Phase 3 malignant neoplastic disease is divided into other subcategories, phase 3A, phase 3B and phase 3C, Stage 3 A- The tumour measures more than five centimetres. The lymph nodes are affect ed. Stage 3B-The malignant neoplastic disease has invaded to tissues environing the chest, such as tegument or chest wall, the tumour may run in size. Axillary lymph nodes or lymph nodes beneath the chest under the ribs may be affected. Stage 3C-There is a possibility of the metastasis or distributing to the chest tegument or chest wall. In this phase the malignant neoplastic disease has spread to lymph nodes around the clavicle and may be in lymph nodes around chest bone. Chemotherapy and/or targeted therapies are given foremost in order to shrivel the tumour prior to surgical intercession. After surgery adult females may hold chemotherapy, radiation, endocrine therapy or a combination of intervention to assist forestall reoccurrence. Stage 4- ( Metastatic ) -The malignant neoplastic disease has spread beyond the chest alar and internal mammary lymph nodes to other parts of the organic structure near or distant to the chest. Womans with metastatic malignant neoplastic disease will have targeted intervention depending on where the malignant neoplastic disease has spread. Bone is the most common site.treatments may include orthopaedic oncology, endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or combination of interventions. By larning the different phases of chest malignant neoplastic disease it can give the patient an educated determination of her pick of intervention. This information along your general wellness will let you along with your wellness attention squad to individualise your intervention for chest malignant neoplastic disease. We besides have to see there chest tumours that will non react to hormone therapy. Normal chest tissue has hormone receptors that respond specifically to the stimulatory effects of oestrogen and Lipo-Lutin. The bulk of chest malignant neoplastic diseases retain oestrogen receptors and in these malignant neoplastic diseases oestrogen will retain proliferative control over the malignant neoplastic disease cells. It is utile to cognize the oestrogen receptor position of the malignant neoplastic disease to foretell which patients will react to hormone therapy. Cancer that lack endocrine receptors will non react to hormone therapy. McCready, Tracey. â€Å" Management of patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease. ( Continuing professional development: oncology ) . â€Å" A Nursing Standard17.41 ( 2003 ) : 45+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. This information is utile in finding forecast and intervention methods. In decision, in research for this paper I have learned of the different types of chest malignant neoplastic diseases and the options of intervention. Working as an operating room nurse I was ever involved with the surgical intervention of the diagnosing but was non cognizant of the involved and diagnostic testing to make this intervention. It is apparent that the attention for patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease is a multidisciplinary attack. To be able to make up one's mind on the individualize intervention when they are experiencing less able to make so. Bing diagnosed with chest malignant neoplastic disease is really scaring for any adult females in add-on ; doing determinations on the different types of intervention can be overpowering. Healthcare suppliers need to promote adult females to lift above the negativeness of the disease and take control of their organic structure by doing an individualize determination. Nurses must take advantage of every chance to autho rise these adult females to do their intervention picks. Console and soothe them resuscitating assurance in them. Communicating efficaciously and supplying supportive attention are really of import to their long term accommodation to their diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease. Sometimes a patient ‘s liberty is more desirable than the demand for accurate information. Today we have better cognition about the showing, diagnosing and intervention of chest malignant neoplastic disease. Technology, testing and early detainment must go on to come on so malignant neoplastic disease is no longer the most common malignant neoplastic disease in adult females. We need to maintain focal point on bar making all we can to halt malignant neoplastic disease before it starts. Committedness to the bar of chest malignant neoplastic disease is indispensable. In order for things to go on we have to perpetrate to them, nil happens automatically. It is astonishing the Numberss of utilizat ions for the human voice. We talk and cry, speak and sing mutters and complain, congratulations and proclaim. But the best usage of our voice is to show empathy and cognition and offer words of encouragement for these patients and their household members thru this annihilating disease. Mentions Buyske, Jo, et Al. â€Å" Breast malignant neoplastic disease in the 1890ss. â€Å" A AORN JournalA July 1996: 64+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. Gostout, Bobbie S. , Noralane M. Lindor, and Sandhya Pruthi. â€Å" Identification and direction of adult females with BRCA mutants or familial sensitivity for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. â€Å" A Mayo Clinic ProceedingsA 85.12 ( 2010 ) : 1111+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22. McCready, Tracey. â€Å" Management of patients with breast malignant neoplastic disease. ( Continuing professional development: oncology ) . â€Å" A Nursing Standard17.41 ( 2003 ) : 45+.A Academic OneFile. Web. 22..A

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International Banks Functions and Regulations Essay

International Banks Functions and Regulations - Essay Example This research will begin with the overview of international banks. A proper definition of International Banks mainly depicts a facility, which permits various funding organizations belonging to diverse regions of the nations throughout the globe to perform credit and debit operations. It also facilitates these funding organizations to participate in offering various loan provision services to various foreign inhabitants and establishments. Depending on the services, the international banks usually avails various sorts of exemptions in terms of reserve requirements and imposed tax rates that set by the respective governments. It is worth mentioning that direct as well as indirect support from the above-discussed funding organizations such as ‘International Banking Facility’ (IBF) eventually leads towards bringing about greater efficiency and effectiveness in the operational procedures of multiple international banks. After acquiring a brief idea about the international ba nks, it can be apparently observed that these banks offer a wide variety of services to both domestic and international clients. A few of these services have been described in the following. One of the services, which offer by international banks, is the ‘letter of credit’ service. This service is basically provided in the cases of products or services that purchase by individuals or organizations from the international banks. In relation to this particular service, the banks issue a document, which acts as an assurance of payment to the seller of the goods or the services, even if the buying individuals or organizations fail to comply with the payment process. It would be vital to mention that the banks issuing the ‘letter of credit’ document will certainly make the buyers liable for making payments to the sellers.

Summary of the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Summary of the article - Essay Example According to Adam Smith, as the article explains, it was the obligation of a nation to protect species outflow (LaHaye, 1986). In this perspective, national policies were geared toward the protection of the acquired wealth by encouraging the importation of species and discouraging export. The economic reason for mercantilism was to acquire much power by large competitive nation states such as Europe (LaHaye, 1986). The article points out that, these nations did not have species, but acquired them from colonies through colonization of countries endowed with this species and through international trade. In the mercantilism period, the hustle for economic power resulted in military conflict amid nation states. Laura appreciates that countries minted their currencies in order to finance their military to command a considerable territorial expansion. National policies in mercantilism period defined the relationship between government and mercantile classes. The article outline that mercantile classes (merchants and producers) provided levies and taxes that were used to finance the armies of the nation states and the government was responsible for formulating policies that protect mercantile from undue foreign competition (LaHaye, 1986). Governments of nation-states developed public policies that took different forms. In the home country, the article posits that governments promoted local monopoly over colonial markets, finance new industries, and offer tax exemption and tax holiday to the upcoming industries. The trade policy was coined in order to assist infant domestic industries by imposition of quotas, tariffs and prohibiting the importation of goods that compete with local brands (LaHaye, 1986). Marine transport was an imperative mean of transport for shipping gold and silver from colonies to colonizing countries. For instance, the article identifies that the shipment of gold was conducted to facilitate

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 143

Summary - Essay Example In order to attain the primary aim of the research, questions such as â€Å"what is the median temperature at which intracellular ice formation occurs in human oocytes?† â€Å"How readily does intracellular ice formation (IIF) occur in human oocytes?† and â€Å"what is the effect of extracellular seeding on human oocytes?† (Trad et al. 1572-73). These questions were answered through an experimental design that used failed-to-fertilize and fresh oocytes with a germinal vesicle and polyspermic eggs. This design included visualization of how IFF first occurred at a cooling rate of 120OC/min using a programmable thermal microscope stage attached to a video microscope (Trad et al. 1574). It also involved execution of extracellular seeding at a cooling rate of 0.2 OC/min in order to decrease the occurrence of IIF and in turn increase survival rates of the freeze-thawed human oocytes. The design also used distinct cryoprotectants and decreased the median temperature in both mouse and human oocytes (Trad et al. 1575). The study portrayed that IIF occurs enthusiastically in human oocytes, and detrimental IIF can be avoided, and survival rates maximized. The results portrayed a 78%, 33% and 0% occurrence of IIF, and the 24 h post-thaw survival rate was 32%, 56%, and 93% respectively (Trad et al. 1576). Trad, Fouad  S., Mehmet Toner, and John  D. Biggers. "Effects of cryoprotectants and ice-seeding temperature on intracellular freezing and survival of human oocytes." Human Reproduction 14.6  (1998): 1569-1577.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Art of Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Art of Photography - Essay Example One of best-known portraits in the Western world is Leonardo da Vinci's painting titled Mona Lisa, which is a painting of an unidentified woman. Some of the earliest portraits of people who were not kings or emperors, are the funeral portraits that survived in the dry climate of Egypt's Fayum district. These are the only paintings of the Roman period that have survived, aside from frescos. An often neglected form of art in photography is that of portrait photography. A portrait is the basic rendering of someone's likeness. A good portrait photographer not only wants to capture the true likeness, but also the personality of the individual. The photographer needs to be proficient not only in the workings and setting of the camera, but also needs to understand form and lighting. Great lighting and positioning can make someone appear at their best form if used correctly. Lighting and camera placement can also aid in correcting defects such as shortening a nose, making someone appear slimmer, etc. In this form of art, portrait photography takes on many roles, and can help create various moods that the individual is seeking (Clarke 12). Portrait photography is a popular commercial industry a... Studios sprang up in cities around the world, some cranking out more than 500 plates a day. The style of these early works reflected the technical challenges associated with 30-second exposure times and the painterly aesthetic of the time. Subjects were generally seated against plain backgrounds and lit with the soft light of an overhead window and whatever else could be reflected with mirrors (Freeman 32-33). Change in photography - the optimist would call it progress - has a number of drivers. Changes in technology, changes in the marketplace and the need for a creative individual to do new things are among the more important. Of course these interact strongly, particularly in the case of the last two, as even the most creative among us need to eat. So when we consider how photographic portraiture has developed through any period of time, one vital consideration is the changes in the various market sectors that use it. Of course some market areas are conservative by nature, perhaps most strongly the bread and butter studio portrait for the general public. Even within this constrained genre there have of course been photographers whose work stands out, many who remain unsung, others who by accident of fortune achieve fame, even if posthumously - such as the great body of portraits by Michael Disfarmer - perhaps one day the subject for another feature. Arguably the greatest area of development in portrait photography from the 30's to the 50's was the illustrated magazine, for which many of the finest portrait photographers work. A good example is Bill Brandt, who produced striking photographs of literary, musical and artistic figures in the late 40s and early 50s. Few of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Policy Briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Policy Briefing - Essay Example Its main mission has remained unchanged; to prevent and detect illegal entry of people into the United States of America. The department of homeland security is currently in charge of border security in the country. The point of interest is often the American Mexico border. Together with other law enforcers, the border patrol team has continued to place the US border under surveillance with an intention of identifying any threat to national security as well as illegal entry. Border policy does not prevent people from entering the United States, it only ensures that the entrance of people who are in possession of legal documents as well as screening individuals who may be trafficking contrabands and drugs into the country (Chà ¡vez, 2003). The border patrol in the county is responsible for patrolling two thousand miles of coastal waters surrounding Florida peninsula as well as six thousand miles of Canadian and Mexican border (Ngai, 2008). The agents are allowed to work around the clock in all types of weather conditions and terrain as well as in other isolated communities within the county. So many changes have taken place since the inception of the policy in the 1924. The number of agents patrolling the border has been increased to over twenty one thousands agents by the end of 2012. Although the United States border control measures may be considered as strict by many international states, I believe that their actions are extremely justified. The United States government has a mandate of ensuring that the people are safe from terrorists and other insecurities (DHS Increases Border Security in Response to Narcotrafficking Violence., 2009). The border patrol team thereby acts to ensure that the likelihood of dangerous people entering the United States of America is lowered. These activities are often accomplished through following leads, maintaining surveillance, interpreting and following tracks as well as responding to aircraft

Saturday, August 24, 2019

1. Collaboration Fascination or necessity for small nonprofits to Research Paper

1. Collaboration Fascination or necessity for small nonprofits to survive effective community relations that include collaborative partnerships with other providers and organizations - Research Paper Example Collaboration brings joy to the communities and new revenues to the small non-profit organization that is involved; it also makes every person’s life more interesting and the nonprofit’s mission within reach (Peterson & Basinger, 2008). There is an always an expectation for small non-profit organizations to give back to the community, and most are of them are finding that the best way to do this is by working together. The solution to a successful collaboration is by leveraging the competencies of both partners to create a win-win situation. Before getting into collaboration, small non-profits should make sure that a common objective similar and bond exists between. Collaborations between communities and non-profits support and influence the growth of patronage in two ways: By encouraging the involvement of the community, small non-profit organizations can help to support sustainability through significant collaborations. These community collaborations may lead to enhanced non profits performance in technical and training assistance areas. Small non-profits can observe how other organizations execute collaborations to help them develop strategies and ideas (Newell & Durst, 2001). However, when working in a shorter time period such as one year collaboration, it is often hard to assess whether the small nonprofits will be capable of sustaining continued growth and improvements in their organizational capacity. Increased involvement through ties, local interagency groups and membership organizations within the community to a community-wide tactical plan can support the small non-profit organizations through the transitioning from the project and promoting continuous collaboration and growth in the communities in which they operate. There are numerous examples of the valuable principles of collaboration with communities and the effectiveness achieved through collaboration (Peterson & Basinger,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sexual Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sexual Ethics - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, the way a person expresses gender and sexuality may not be consistent with social prospects of a given gender. Gender communications may not always match or reflect socially arranged gender identity. According to Beasley (2005), ethical beliefs and conduct about sexuality are influenced and accustomed by various things. However, moral and ethical believes and conduct are molded and accustomed by the upbringing of an individual, social influence, exposure to religion, interaction with one another, and perceptions of the society in which people grow. The human race as a social creation will often tend to gather together in similar groupings that share the same ethical beliefs and conducts. This can be seen in individual families that may have distinct ethical believes that every family member is expected to exercise. However, regardless of the social influences we face, each person has an ultimate free will to decide on what is moral and ethical. There has been conflicting views on how to determine what is ethical, just, and moral. According to Sloop (2004), ethics is the logical attempt to comprehend the underlying basis of responsibility, and to express fitting codes of behavior or attitudes to the general life. Sexual ethics, commonly referred to as sexual morality, relates to a personal or community standard in regard to interpersonal relationships, which involves sex. There are those who hold the view that nothing is essentially wrong or right. On the contrary, others believe that sexual ethics should be evaluated in the context of each other’s culture practices and convictions. From another perspective, there are those who are of the idea that moral assessment is objectively true or false, meaning that everyone should act in harmony with the prevailing ethical customs (Beasley, 2005). In the Christian circles, sexual ethics has been a highly controversial issue. The Christian

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Of Mice and Men The End Analysis Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men The End Analysis Essay What happens at the end of this novel shows that Steinbecks view of life is a pessimistic and negative one. By the end of the novel tragedy struck the hopeful couple Lenny and George, as once again Lenny have done a real bad thing. He accidentally killed his little puppy, not knowing that it would get killed that easily. It really wasnt his fault, for it aint little as mice, though it wasnt big enough of a puppy either to be kept outside its mothers reach. And if that wasnt bad enough, on that same day he viciously killed Curleys wife. In the barn she was consoling her loneliness by talking to Lenny in a passion of communication. With pleasure she talks of her dreams and of her life, about how her life would be if she made somethin of herself. How she was said to be a natural in movies and how her ol lady stole letters from a guy she knew that was in pitchers. Her dream dies as with her body as Lenny tries to shut her up. Not knowing his own strength he breaks her neck after she struggles to break free, and her body flopped like a fish, as Curley did when he tried to let go of his hand from Lennies strong grasp. As soon as Candy and George discovers the unlawful act that Lenny has done, they try to reason with his actions and find the best action that should be taken against him. Pessimistically George wants to get im an lock im up, for his own good so he wont starve to death. In the end George decided to kill Lenny, for he thinks that if anyone should lynch Lenny, it should him that would kill Lenny, mercifully. I agree with the statement that Steinbecks opinion on life by the end of the novel is a pessimistic and negative point of view. By pessimistic I mean that he has a tendency to stress the adverse aspects of a situation, in this case expecting the worst possible outcome in life. Negative, meaning he expresses denial, refusal, prohibition, bad, or evil things in general. The ending of this novel in my opinion is very tragic, having three deaths occur in one day which not only does it represents physical death, but also emotional death. I see death as the negative side to life, but then again death can be seen as something positive, as religion tells us of something called heaven, which for Lenny might be tending rabbits and live off the fatta the land. On page 112 where George describes the perfect life: Everbody gonna be nice to you. Aint gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from em, it is all positive things. But the fact that Lenny had to imagine it means that he cant see it with the naked eye, therefore it does not exist in reality, leaving reality with the opposite of that imagination of the perfect life which is the negative things. I believe the puppy represents the death of trust and responsibility in the companionship between Lenny and George. George trusted Lenny to take care of his puppy, but once again Lenny acted irresponsible, not listening to Slims and Georges advice to not take away the pup from its mother. This is why Lenny was very nervous after the dog gets killed. He was afraid maybe George aint gonna let me (Lenny) tend no rabbits, that George would lose his trust on Lenny. He was afraid that George would pass a negative judgement on Lenny. The death of Curleys wife I say would mean the death of the innocent. I thought she was caught in the middle of life in the 1930s where her gender was discriminated against, and as a wife she should stay at home where she belongs. I feel pity for her living on a ranch where there arent many other women around. As her husband prohibits her to talk to other men, people might find her as trouble, jail-bait, one that conceals nothing. Lennies death, the climax of the novel situated at the end of the novel is very important. His death expresses the death of true friendship between George and Lenny, unlike the other migrant workers relations. The death of Candys dream of having a place he can call his own, the death of Crooks hope to be treated as equal, as a human being and also as a friend. The relationship between George and Lenny are different from other guys. We got each other, not like other guys who aint got nobody in the worl that gives a hoot in hell about em. Lenny and George get a sense of security out of this. This may be considered a luxury for any other migrant workers. Candy who is old and weak also yearns for security. Jus as soon as I cant swamp out no bunk houses theyll put me on the county, shows how he is afraid of his future, how if hes unemployed with no permanent residence and what would happen if he would be left out in the streets. He was deeply stricken with sadness, as his eyes were blinded with tears and how he just lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm. Crooks who tries to conceal his pleasure with anger as Candy and Lenny both were guests at his bunk, is a man who lost all his pride and dignity because of racism. People degrade him in a level so low that he has no more self-confidence or even self-respect. With the coming of Candy and Lenny he gained them piece by piece. For a moment he felt to be part of something in Lennies dream, how he hoped to live a better life where people would treat him with the respect that he deserves. All is but a memory once Lenny is killed, no chance the dream would come true. Id think everybody would just go their separate ways, living their lives in a straight line, hardly ever cross. Steinbecks style of writing noticed in the description of nature on chapter 6 is far more violent than described in the beginning of the novel. A silent head and beak lanced don and plucked it out by the head, and the beak swallowed the little snake while its tail waved frantically. But one could argue that his negative view on life already started from the beginning of the novel. The title Of Mice and Men which is taken from a poem by Robert Burns says that no matter how you plan something, something always goes wrong. George expected the worst possible outcome, being pessimistic of Lennie, by foreshadowing him to get in trouble. If you look in the positive way, the end can also mean a new beginning.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Will Texas Secede From the United States Essay Example for Free

Will Texas Secede From the United States Essay We live in a country that is splitting due to political differences. It is expected that some states may want to leave the United States in future years. Governor Rick Perry once said during his time as Texas state governor, â€Å"Here is what we know after more than a decade of Republican rule: Texas works. Even The New York Times let it slip into its pages that, Texas is the future† (Perry). Good morning, my name is Caleb Taylor and today I will be discussing with you why Texas is likely to secede from the United States. First let me begin with a brief preview of Texas history, in 1835 the rebels of Texas revolted against the oppressive Mexican government. Then one year later in 1836, after numerous skirmishes with the Mexican army including the battle of the Alamo, the incident of â€Å"Come and Take it† in Gonzales, and then the final victory at the Battle of San Jacinto Texas obtained it’s independence and earned the right to be a country. Then in 1845, Texas joined the United States because it was a middle ground between the raging Mexico and United States. Texas is capable of seceding and maintaining a country for three main reasons. First, due to booms in the amount of natural resources produced in Texas every year, the economy flourishes. Secondly, because Texas is such a large landmass with a substantially large population, the body count would be capable of maintaining a country. The third reason Texas is likely to secede from the nation, is because of Texan’s pride. Texas’ economy thrives due to natural resource productivity. The state proves to provide the United States with plentiful amounts of oil, gas, petroleum, and other crude oils annually per year. â€Å"In 2009, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated the states proved reserves at 529 million barrels† (U.S. Energy Information Administration). If Texas were to secede, Texan’s would be able to maintain billions of dollars through natural resource production alone that means that the other thousands of jobs would be a bonus to the Texas economy. The second reason why Texas would be successful in seceding from the United States is due to the amount of land and population in Texas. Texas is approximately 268,800 square miles, which is over 21 times bigger than the state of Maryland. There are also approximately 25,674,681 people in the Texas. The size of Texas proves to be large enough to be a country because as of 2010, Texas was bigger than 125 other countries in the world. The third and most important reason Texas will be able to secede from the nation is because Texan’s pride. The people who populate Texas are proud to be Texans. Texas is called the â€Å"Lone Star† state, â€Å"The nickname The Lone Star State originates from the star on the 1836 flag of the Republic of Texas† (State Symbols USA). Texas is the â€Å"Lone Star† state because it is the only state that was a country before it joined the United States. If Texas was a country before she was a state, who’s to say that she will not become a country again? In conclusion, it is possible that Texas could secede from the United States because of Texas’ thriving economy, the amount of land and population in Texas, and because of the amount of pride that Texan’s have for Texas. Thank you, and God Bless Texas. Work Cited List of Texas Natural Resources. Travel Tips. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. . Texas State Nickname The Lone Star State. Texas State Nickname The Lone Star State. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. . BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

Classical school of thought

Classical school of thought INTRODUCTION There are three main areas to the classical school of thought; the Classical, Humanistic and Management Science perspectives. All three of these perspectives helped shape how industry developed through the ages, and elements of the classical school of thought are still used today in modern management. The Classical perspective emphasised a scientific and efficient approach to managing work. The Humanistic approach focused on human behaviour and attitudes as well as how to motivate workers to achieve the very best they could at work. Finally the Management Science perspective stressed the importance of applying quantitative techniques such as statistics and mathematics to management problems. One early management innovator who is sometimes known as the pioneer of management1 was Robert Owen (1771 1856) who ran mills, most famously of all in New Lanark where he introduced several new management practices. Owen also contributed towards the humanistic perspective by trying to make life better for his workers through understanding his workers needs for example by providing a nursery so employees with young children could continue working, and by proposing political reforms on issues such as shorter working hours for children, higher wages and increased job security so that workers safety and physiological needs would be better met. Even though these reforms were not passed in full due to his ideas failing to win him immediate followers and possibly being too radical for the time due to the all-or-nothing approach 2 Owens work went on to influence key reformers such as Joseph Rowntree and heavily influenced management in todays world. CONTRIBUTIONS Technological advancements such as the steam engine radically changed the organization of work. A large number of workers gathered together in a new type of workplace called a factory. This new way of organizing work was a serious challenge to any manager of the time. Planning, organizing, leading and controlling such a large and complex organization brought about many problems and challenges. Therefore, decisions based on rules of thumb and tradition became obsolete and new approaches and solutions had to be developed. Conditions in early factories were extremely harsh, with very hazardous working conditions for all employees. Long working hours (normally at least 13 hours per day, six days a week) were the norm, with children as young as five or six working under the same conditions as adults. Factory owners placed more importance on the care of their expensive machines than on the well-being (or otherwise) of their expendable employees.3 Robert Owen radically altered the approach to how a factory is run, placing more emphasis on the actual workers within the environment than just the wellbeing of the equipment. As the classical school of thought regarded people as machines, Owen recognised that machines must be well cared for in order to function optimally and lastingly, and thus improved on the classical perspective by treating the workers in a more humane way that would give them the respect and motivation to perform their best, in a happier work environment. Robert Owen not only made Lanark Mills more profitable than any other mills at the time, but he proved that happy, educated and healthy employees work harder and achieve better results: Proving that his method was effective. Owen was able to produce unheard of profit and good productivity due to his new methods of work, thus gaining New Lanark and himself international recognition. Owens social reform that helped his business progress included: Improving housing conditions Making a public refuse system Paving new streets Robert Owen was a pioneer in trying to limit child labour, by introducing a more humane and progressive employment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦No children younger than ten years old were employed and these were allowed relatively decent breaks for meals and some modestly worthwhile educational opportunities.4 In adult labour his efforts were continued extensively by enforcing simple rules to eradicate drunkenness, laziness, and crime. In order to reduce these efforts Owen created a Silent Monitor System where a square piece of wood indicated an employees performance via the colour at the front of the square; this could be linked to scientific management where employees are monitored to improve productivity, as well as the humanistic perspective as the system was an attempt to motivate laggards to perform better and good workers to maintain high performance.5 Owen thus created a workplace that was motivated and content. Owen managed to influence other early industrialists by buying out his opponen ts and changing the way their businesses were run, to mimic his new approach. This would in turn, cause others to see how he was increasing efficiency in the workplace with his methods, and cause them to follow suit. Modern managers recognize the importance of employee welfare, as they have seen how much of an impact good care can increase business success, learning from past examples, such as the ones set by Robert Owen. For example: offering flexible work methods where employees may work from home due to a large commutes, or children, so long as their work is sent in on time. Nowadays employees are offered perks in their jobs to increase working satisfaction, and hopefully increase their dedication to the company. E.g. Dental and medical care, holidays, pension funds, company cars/phones. By Owen giving education and general aid to his workers, we in the modern society have made this standard and are always looking for ways to further improve working environments and processes, to make businesses even more efficient and also enjoyable. LIMITATIONS As we have seen Robert Owen was an innovator in the industrial revolution, creating policies to benefit the business environment and creating a work place that was motivational, progressive, and organized. However, Robert Owen was considered somewhat radical in the business workplace during the time of the industrial revolution, and thus his policies had many limitations. Even in todays business environment some of his policies would be considered too heavily biased on equality, instead of focusing on profits, which remains the main aim of businesses in modern management. Robert Owens philosophy within management was based upon socialism, creating an equal workplace for everyone, to increase the overall welfare of society. He tried to stress this with his business associates, however due to his views being considered radical at the time; Owen alienated himself from many of his business partners. In his Truth Principles he states Any community may be arranged, on a due combination of the foregoing prin ­ciples, in such a manner as not only to withdraw vice, poverty, and, in a great de ­gree, misery from the world, but also to place every individual under such circum ­stances in which he shall enjoy more permanent happiness than can be given to any individual under the principles which have heretofore regulated society.6 Robert Owen believed that in todays business worlds, every worker could enjoy permanent happiness, however the principles of management are based on a competitive market place, in which capitalist values are at the core of creatin g a profitable business and permanent happiness for workers is not the main objective of companies. Robert Owens theories would be considered as too radical and somewhat unrealistic to achieve in modern management, due to the fact that everyone must have some form of authority and responsibility, creating a workplace based on incentive and promotional prospects instead of ensuring worker happiness. The diagram demonstrates another limitation that Robert Owens classical theories contain. Robert Owen could not have foreseen how business would have developed at such a rapid rate, and to the extent in which businesses have expanded, creating new branches of business in which modern management has to facilitate. Thus Robert Owen could not have known how difficult it would be to create a business structure that creates an equal and socially responsible work environment that tries to cater for an ever growing population and the effects of globalization. EVALUATION Robert Owen is truly one of the most influential management contributors in the classical perspective. He helped build a basis for modern management by introducing key social reforms, technological improvements, and increased worker productivity. Owen formed a structure for humanistic managers to develop their skills and become socially accepted. By increasing the amount of healthy adult workers, and reducing the amount of child labour, this, over a long period of time on a large scale made the countrys economy stronger by taking pressure off of the basic health systems at the time and increased the number of children in education, in order to develop a higher skilled society. By believing that every worker could contribute in some aspect and that every individual was vital to the success of his business, Owen was an inspiration to Douglas McGregor, who was the main contributor to theory X and theory Y analysis. However, we have seen some of the limitations to his approach to management and although this was heavily influenced by the classical school of thought, to achieve his status as a pioneering manager, he used humanistic approaches too. He has proved that no one can use just one school of thought only, but a mixture of this and humanistic to improve efficiency between workers and the operations of the business. SOURCES AND REFERENCES Robert Owen. Robert Owen. Web. 4 Nov. 2009. . Daft, Richard L. New Era Of Management. South-Western, 2008. Print. Sources/References Sources used for the introduction: Additional background reading for the introduction: Robert Owen, Prophet of the Poor edited by Pollard and Salt. ((

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Mycobacterium tuberculosis :: Essays Papers

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Introduction Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been present in the human population for thousands of years; fragments of the spinal column from Egyptian mummies from 2400 BCE show definite pathological signs of tubercular decay. Called "consumption," tuberculosis was recognized as the leading cause of mortality by 1650. Using a new staining technique, Robert Koch identified the bacterium responsible for causing consumption in 1882. While scientists finally had a target for fighting the disease, they did not have the means to treat patients; the spread of infection was controlled only by attempting to isolate patients. At the turn of the twentieth century, more than 80% of the population in the United States was infected before age 20, and tuberculosis was still the leading cause of death. The production of antibiotics in the 1940’s allowed physicians to begin effectively treating patients, leading to huge drops in the death rate of the disease. Tuberculosis is still a major cause of mortality in young adults worldwide, but is less of a problem in developed countries. Microbiological characteristics Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a nonmotile, acid-fast, obligate aerobe. The bacilli are 2-4 um in length and have a very slow generation time of between 15 and 20 hours. The cell wall of the mycobacterium is unique in that it is composed mainly of acidic waxes, specifically mycolic acids. M. tuberculosis is unusually resistant to drying and chemicals, contributing to the ease with which it is transmitted. Encounter/Entry Tuberculosis is transmitted by inhalation of aerosols containing the tubercle bacilli. The required inoculum size for infection is usually high, but easily occurs with exposure to a patient who is currently infected. The products of dried aerosols, droplet nuclei, are particularly infectious because they remain in the air for an extended time, and upon inhalation easily move to the alveoli. The severe damage related to infection is caused by the reaction of the host. The tuberculosis infection has two phases, primary and secondary. Primary infection Primary tuberculosis is the initial infection of the host, usually being mild and asymptomatic. A healthy person recently infected with the mycobacterium may exhibit flu-like symptoms and has no reason to suspect tuberculosis. Left untreated, the bacilli infect and multiply within pulmonary alveolar macrophages, migrating to the hilar lymph nodes. An immune response is exhibited by the T-helper cells, and inflammation develops at multiple sites. A person may test positive in the tuberculin skin test at this point, and a chest x-ray may shows opacities in the lungs.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Virtual Reality Essay example -- Technology Science Essays

Virtual Reality Today’s science fiction is often tomorrow’s reality. As the pace of change has quickened, so it appears that we are actually living within a science fiction movie. Programs on TV continue to amaze or frighten us with yet more technological break through and with clever new products and gadgets. Over the last decade and certainly through the rest of this century, the major agent for these changes has been and will continue to be electronic computer and its derivatives. The Digital Age exploded into existence not with a whimper but a bang. The globe still shakes from its entry. The journey was long, but the impact is immediate. Now, for instance, the breath of an unborn baby can be captured and rendered visible, the Dead Sea Scrolls have been bathed in enhanced color, and Mona Lisa’s smile is safely preserved in GIF file. Throughout the world, many homes are lit by dim reflection of computer monitors. Illuminated manuscripts and images coax people to recompose real ity simply by clicking in. Mutation is taking place before our charged and filtered eyes. It is a dynamic re-vision that has altered every aspect of life, as we knew it. This phenomenon is not a fad or a trend, but an evolution. As frightening the new Virtual Technology may seem, it can benefit us in many different ways. Hence it is ethical to pursue developing this new field. Virtual Reality History Virtual Reality (VR) as a concept had its beginnings in the 1960s and it is mostly credited to the work of scientists like Ivan Sutherland and D.L. Vickers [1]. It is a simulation of a real or imaginary phenomenon in a three- dimensional environment. This simulated environment, believed to be real through feeling, is made of virtual objects crea...;> BIBLIOGRAPHY May, William. Edges of Reality- Mind vs. Computer. New York and London: Plenum Press 1996 Weimann, Gabriel. Communicating Unreality. London: Sage Publications, Inc. 2000 Kizza, Joseph. Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age. New York: Springer 1998 Rachels, James. Elements of Moral Philosophy. New York: McGraw-Hill 2003 Inition ltd, Innovative Graphics Solutions. United Kingdom 28 Feb. 2003 Barrie, Frost, Virtual Reality. Queens University 1 Sep. 1999 Altaf, Atif. Overview of Tele-Immersion. Università ¤t des Saarlandes 28 Feb. 2003 Hot Virtual Reality Sites. 28 Feb. 2003

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Power And The Glory :: essays research papers

The Power and Glory writing assignment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak†.(Matthew 26:41) These words of Jesus are thematic in both the novel, The Power and the Glory, by Graham Greene, and the poem, â€Å"Batter my heart, three-personed God†, by John Donne. Both the whiskey priest and the speaker of the poem are involved in a battle between their sinful flesh and their spirit, which seeks the Divine. They also admit their sin and commit themselves to God. In both the novel and the poem, the authors use similar paradoxes to describe the character’s relationship with God while the search for holiness takes each on a different path. The speaker and the whiskey priest describe themselves as sinners, yielding to temptation. The speaker of the poem says, â€Å"But I am betrothed unto your enemy†(ln.10), showing the speaker is subdued by the devil. The priest, a drunkard with a child, thinks of himself as a transgressor and a disgrace to the Church. While in the prison, the priest says to the pious woman, â€Å"But I’m a bad priest†¦I know from experience-how much beauty Satan carried down with him when he fell.†(p.130) When he is arrested the priest says to a soldier, â€Å"You mustn’t think they are like me†¦It’s just that I’m a bad priest.†(p.191). In addition to recognizing their betrayal of God, they believe that a sacred life is the ultimate victory. The speaker confesses, â€Å"Yet dearly I love you and would be loved fain.†(ln.9) The priest also desires to love God above all, â€Å"He knew now at the end there was only one thing that counted – to be a saint.†(p.210) However, each character pursues the Divine in a different way. Even though the whiskey priest perceives himself as a sinner, his way of life resembles the good of the Holy Spirit. The priest resembles Jesus in many places in the novel. The prison scene is very much like the Last Supper, when Jesus said to his apostles that one of them would betray him. The priest thinks, â€Å"Surely one of these people will betray me first.†(p.128) He also cleans the pails of the cells in the prison just as Jesus washes the apostles’ feet. The night before he is executed the priest prays alone as Jesus did in the garden. The priest embarks on a mission to keep his religion alive in Mexico while helping the individuals he meets, and he finally dies because of his faith and sense of duty. The Power And The Glory :: essays research papers The Power and Glory writing assignment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak†.(Matthew 26:41) These words of Jesus are thematic in both the novel, The Power and the Glory, by Graham Greene, and the poem, â€Å"Batter my heart, three-personed God†, by John Donne. Both the whiskey priest and the speaker of the poem are involved in a battle between their sinful flesh and their spirit, which seeks the Divine. They also admit their sin and commit themselves to God. In both the novel and the poem, the authors use similar paradoxes to describe the character’s relationship with God while the search for holiness takes each on a different path. The speaker and the whiskey priest describe themselves as sinners, yielding to temptation. The speaker of the poem says, â€Å"But I am betrothed unto your enemy†(ln.10), showing the speaker is subdued by the devil. The priest, a drunkard with a child, thinks of himself as a transgressor and a disgrace to the Church. While in the prison, the priest says to the pious woman, â€Å"But I’m a bad priest†¦I know from experience-how much beauty Satan carried down with him when he fell.†(p.130) When he is arrested the priest says to a soldier, â€Å"You mustn’t think they are like me†¦It’s just that I’m a bad priest.†(p.191). In addition to recognizing their betrayal of God, they believe that a sacred life is the ultimate victory. The speaker confesses, â€Å"Yet dearly I love you and would be loved fain.†(ln.9) The priest also desires to love God above all, â€Å"He knew now at the end there was only one thing that counted – to be a saint.†(p.210) However, each character pursues the Divine in a different way. Even though the whiskey priest perceives himself as a sinner, his way of life resembles the good of the Holy Spirit. The priest resembles Jesus in many places in the novel. The prison scene is very much like the Last Supper, when Jesus said to his apostles that one of them would betray him. The priest thinks, â€Å"Surely one of these people will betray me first.†(p.128) He also cleans the pails of the cells in the prison just as Jesus washes the apostles’ feet. The night before he is executed the priest prays alone as Jesus did in the garden. The priest embarks on a mission to keep his religion alive in Mexico while helping the individuals he meets, and he finally dies because of his faith and sense of duty.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Evaluate the External Corporate Communications

P4: Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service. Task 4: Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service. External business communication is the exchange of information and messages between an organization and its external customers outside its formal structure. One way McDonald’s communicates to its external customers is their website. There are many different methods used by the company’s website and these are: the use of images, the use of fonts, Packaging and the page layout.The use of images can enhance a communication to an audience, as we tend to remember more of what we see than what we hear, therefore showing images is a better way of communicated the message to the public, and also helps the audience remember the message. The best ways to communicate through images are to: Ensure the images are relevant to what is being sold or presented, make sure the colours are Co-ordinated, prevent them from being too distracting.These ways will make sure your images gain impact, which will make sure most of your audience will give attention, illustrate the point being made loud and clear, explain something more clearly and make a point very strongly. Fonts are a design for a set of characters. A font is the combination of typeface and other qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing. For example, Times Roman is a typeface that defines the shape of each character. Within Times Roman, however, there are many fonts to choose from different sizes, italic, bold, and so on.Packaging can be described as the enclosing or protecting of products for distribution, storage, sale and use. Packaging and package labelling have different objectives. Even though they have a role in the physical protection of the product, they also have information with regard to disposal and storage of the packaging. From a corporate communication point of view, businesses can use packaging to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product.Packaging graphic design and physical design have been extremely important are constantly evolving broadly for several decades. Marketing communications and graphic designs are applied to the surface of the package and the point of sale display. A logo is a visual symbol of an organisation, this could vary from the signatures of the Coca-Cola and Cadbury’s to the pure creation of the golden arches (The yellow ‘M’ that symbolises McDonald’s. his is a communication tool that is a basic need to building a brand and communicating with the target audience. Logos are a necessary part of a company’s image and the key to their marketing success As seen on their home screen from the picture above, the company provides an image of one of their promotional products â€Å"The BCO†. McDonald’s also shows images of the three major ingredients of this product and can arguable be its major selling point.The images in th is website are big bright and colourful, which will instantly grab the audience’s attention, another important factor of grabbing attention is the colour of the background, which is red, this colour is known as a passionate and an attention grabbing colour, because of this it gets an instant focus from any individual that’s just passing through the website; however since the red background fades into an orange-like colour behind the BCO, it can give a sizzling hot sensation, which implies that this product is sold hot.The Largest text is the BCO which is colour coordinated in order to help the audience see the individual meaning of each letter which is â€Å"Bacon, Chicken and Onion†. Also with the colours being red orange and yellow. With red being a very emotionally intense colour. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure, orange representing enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, s uccess, encouragement, and stimulation, and yellow producing a warming effect that arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy.This shows a lessening from the powerful colour ‘Red’ to the warm and cool colour ‘Yellow’, therefore this shows the different flavours of the burger presented next to the ‘BCO’. The famous Golden Arches in McDonald’s logo represent style, significance and a strong corporate identity. Two prominent shades, golden and red, are used in the McDonald’s logo to represent its bold nature. Golden hue is employed to colour the two arches, now merged to form â€Å"M† in the McDonald’s logo. Nonetheless, the red colour is utilized to fill the background of the distinguished McDonald’s logo.Boldness, power and strong corporate image are truly reflected by the use of these two confident colours. In spite of the â€Å"M† on McDonald’s logo, the insign ia also grips the name of the food chain. â€Å"McDonald’s† has been imprinted in a thoroughly simple font which defines the bold picture of the firm. The simpler the font of the logo, the more radiant it becomes for the spectator. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. http://www. ehow. com/ [ 2 ]. http://www. webopedia. com/TERM/F/font. html [ 3 ]. http://www. famouslogos. org/mcdonalds-logo

Friday, August 16, 2019

Jack Mapanje as an Imbongi.

HOW JACK MAPANJE FULFILLS THE ROLE OF AN â€Å"IMBONGI†- ON HIS ROYAL BLINDNESS PARAMOUNT CHIEF KWANGWALA. Africa is one of the world's continents, having a unique physical make up of its own which comprises of some of the distinct features in the likes of mountains, lakes, falls and plains just to mention a few. It is from this outset that one of the integral branches of literature particularly African literature sprouted.Practiced and expressed in the southern central nation of Malawi, African literature was used as a tool in a fight for change and was used to question the monstrous leadership of the Malawi nation which was being practiced by the then country's president late Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Chirambo (2009: p1) highlights that the government of former president for life Dr. H. K. Banda and the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in Malawi was a dictatorship that relied on coercion as well as mobilization of grassroots popular support and consent to maintain itself in power for 30 years (1964–1994).It was this governance that gave birth to different self camouflaging writing styles, a point which Kerr (1987) agrees to by saying that writers formed a Malawian creative writing movement which used literary methods that frequently outwitted Banda and his ever vigilant formal and informal censors. Jack Mapanje, James Gibbs, Leroy Vail and Landeg White all give accounts of how writers managed to beat censorship. Using oral forms, new metaphors from Malawi's indigenous languages, suggestive words, puns, and certain popular phrases, they managed to camouflage some of the critical literature for circulation without reprisal.Depicting such a writing style some of the writers emerged as messengers. These messengers in African literature are termed as â€Å"Imbongis†. This essay intends to bring to the fore how Jack Mapanje fulfills the role of an imbongi through his writings basing its discussion on a three stanza poem â€Å"On His Royal Blindness Paramount Chief Kwangwala†. Mapanje is one of Malawi’s renowned poets who suffered the hand of Kamuzu's readership as he was detained without charge for almost four years between September 1987 and May 1991.At the time of his arrest, Mapanje was serving as Chair of the English Department at Chancellor College of the University of Malawi. To this day the government has not given the actual reasons for his detention (Chirambo: 2009, p4). Writing in the time s of â€Å"Kamuzuism† a term assigned to symbolize Kamuzu's oppressive acts, Mapanje secured the role of an imbongi as his writings circulated against Kamuzu's leadership with criticism, disagreement and at the same time praise. Whereby these are some of the roles of a praise poet (an Imbongi).Mafeje(1967: p193) defines an imbongi as someone who lived in close proximity to the Chief’s Great Place and who accompanied the Chief on important occasions . His performances would be directed at the Chief, decry ing what was unworthy, praising what was worthy and even forecasting what was going to happen. Clearly, the Imbongi's role was one that allowed for criticism . With reference to Mafeje's definition then taking a closer look at Mapanje's title â€Å" On His Royal Blindness Paramount Chief Kwangwala† it can easily be assumed that the poet was describing the leadership of a chief whom the poet himself served as an imbongi.The title on the other hand is brandished with sarcasm as the poet has used the term â€Å"blindness† which represents the lost in direction of the leadership in discussion. This leadership can be equated to that of Kamuzu this is so as Banda regarded Malawi as one big village in which he was the paramount Chief, father, guardian, and protector of all people and went so far as to call Malawi, â€Å"my tribe . . . the whole nation, the tribe of Malawi† (Chirambo: 2001, p 226). This prompts us to earmark Kamuzu as the chief who's leadership the poet is trying to describe with sarcasm.In the opening stanza the poet is praising the chief by describing how the chief (Kamuzu) finds loyalty in the carried-awayness of his people not under the fact that they really are carried away but the chief has instilled in them a sense that he is their hero. This is the Same spirit that those who lived in the Kamuzu era expressed and it was due to the fact that Kamuzu termed himself with all sorts of self praising names for example Banda was called â€Å"Wamuyaya†, meaning â€Å"the immortal†.The other reason for the undeserved praises was that Kamuzu ordered all women and girls to sing songs of praise where ever he was to visit and he named them â€Å"Mbumba za Kamuzu† meaning Kamuzu's children. As an Imbongi the poet in the first two lines of the poem praising his chief but at the same time in the preceding four lines of the stanza the poet is expressing his bad feeling over how the chief talks to his people as he address es.The poet has used the term â€Å"golden breath† which insinuates the importance of the chief's talks simultaneously criticizing him even more by calling the speeches breath wasting, this has been presented in irony in the line that says . â€Å"Those impromptu, long-winded tirades of your might† Thus Mapanje depicting the role of an imbongi. The second stanza is just a continuation ironic praise the poet is expressing towards the Chief to whom he is an imbongi. In the first lines of the stanza th poet is refuting the thinking that he is criticizing the chief's powers which is exactly what he did in the first stanza.He manages to do this by admitting that him too is supposed to praise the leader and this has been developed in the lines that say; â€Å"I know I too must sing to such royal happiness† â€Å"And I am not arguing†. To further show his devotion Mapanje describes the leader's might by talking about how those that questioned his power suffered, and this is praise in disguise making Mapanje to assume the role of an Imbongi. Mapanje brings up the issue of those that suffered Kamuzuism as they questioned the leader's powers, as a away of showing up his might and at the same time exposing the dark parts of the leader's era.This has been brought up in the lines that say; â€Å" How dare I when we have scribbled our praises all over our graves? † Which is a question that the poet has posed to mean how could he question the president's leadership yet he knows that others have died because of doing the same. A point which in similar vain Steve Chimombo raised in his piece â€Å"A Dead Song† in which he picked animals in the likes of lizards and rats and described by saying they kept seeking refuge from time to time. In Chimombo's context these homeless animals symbolized some of the politicians who went into exile and others who died mysteriously.Mapanje in the last lines of the second stanza is using the leader's i ll-treatments for praise and implicitly unveiling the president's monstrosity. Thereby fulfilling his role as an imbongi. In the third stanza Mapanje is proceeding with his criticism by highlighting that he can not go against the president's governance as he knows people have always done what ever they can to make the leader proud and he would not want to defy such a record. This is in the five lines that say; â€Å"Why should I quarrel when I too have known mask dancers Dancers making troubled journeys to the gold minesOn bare foot and bringing back fake European gadgets The broken pipes, torn coats, crumpled bowler hats, Dangling mirrors and rusty tin cans to make their dancing strange? † Mapanje closes the last line by questioning if others did not die trying to please the president. This is to prove how inhuman the president was. In complete closure Mapanje's last stanza is in total refutation of his underlying criticism in the first three stanzas. He addresses the chief as â€Å" His grace† in sarcasm and refers to himself as just a child who is bored by the chief's self-praising, long, meaningless and tedious speeches .Even though he throws such criticism is at the same time praising the chief in the lines that say â€Å"I am only a child surprised how you broadly disparage Me shocked only by the tedium of your continuous palaver. I adore your majesty†. The poet then goes on by reminding the leader that his leadership powers are time bound and will at some point in time come to an end, and this is in total rejection of the term that refers to the president as being immortal the poet has presented this as a simile.He is also making a wake up call to the nation by asking it as to when will it realize it is misled by old age that is being expressed by the president. This has been expressed by the poet in the lines that say; â€Å"But paramountcy is like a rain drop On a vast sea. Why should we wait for the children to Tell us about too thless gums or our showing flies. In conclusion Jack Mapanje as a poet he fulfills his role as an imbongi by using irony, sarcasm, similes, metaphors as poetic tools to camouflage his Kamuzuism challenging ideas which is one of the roles of a praise poet (Imbongi) .Despite highlighting the monstrosity of Kamuzu's leadership, Mapanje at the same time praises the president. Thereby fulfilling his role as an Imbongi. REFERENCES. Chirambo, R. (2001) â€Å"Protesting Politics of ‘Death and Darkness’ in Malawi. † :Journal of Folklore Research 38. 3. Chirambo, R. (2009) â€Å"Subverting Banda’s Dictatorship in Malawi: Orality as Counter-Discourse in Jack: PDF. Chimombo, S. (1987) â€Å"Napolo Poems†. Zomba: Manchichi Publishers. Kerr, D. (1987) â€Å"Theater in Malawi', The Drama Review 31†, Summer. Mafeje, A. (1967) â€Å"The Role of the Bard in a Contemporary African Community† :Journal of African Languages.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Airline Industry Essay

1. Analysis Industry: Airline Industry In the case study two groups of competitors were acknowledged: legacy carriers and the low cost carriers (LCC). The legacy carriers included most of the best-known U.S. Airlines, like United, Delta or American Airlines. These airlines used the â€Å"Hub and Spoke† model as their operations system. The LCC, including used a different type of operations model called the â€Å"Point to Point Model†, pioneered by Southwest Airlines. In 2001 many airlines cut the traditional longer routes in order to reduce costs and the demand for smaller regional routes begins to expand rapidly, helping regional carriers to become much more profitable. General Environment: During this time the airline industry faced many changes due to the general environment. Even though, there were very small differences between the cultures of each airline. There were other aspects of the environment at the time that were affecting the industry. The airlines were experiencing softening demand and higher costs due to increasing fuel prices which lead airlines to begin operating much more regionally. But there were other reasons that lead to this as well. The low cost carriers began targeting a new low budget customer, which lowered their fairs up to 65% than that of legacy carriers. There was also an emerging market with Business Customers, who were very demanding in flying airlines that would ensure that they would arrive on time to their destination. This was a great advantage for Jet Blue Airlines, since its operating principal was based on not canceling flights. There were also much more centralized cities like New York or Washington that had greater demand for f lights than others. At the time, many airlines began to try and mimic Southwest’s LCC model mentioned above, but deregulation, fare wars, amongst other problems arising, made it impossible. The 9/11 terrorist attacks made the airline industry go through and even more downfall, where the demand for flying by customers dropt significantly, leaving many competitors under bankruptcy protection.

Regional distribution centre report

Introduction: My company that I work for is currently expanding and has recently opened several new superstores on the outskirts of large urban areas. The existing distribution centers, which supply stores, are finding it difficult to meet the increased demand. So, the company has decided to set up a new distribution centre in an area, which has a mixture of old supermarkets and new superstores. Mileage: Mileage is one of the most important factors on this survey and research that I am doing and Prime thing that I have to look for is how far it is from the motorways and the supermarkets. In my opinion location C has got the best mileage and the one with the least mileage is D. Accessibility: Accessibility is not as important as mileage but it is still a convenient factor of the research and has to be considered very deeply. If the place has plenty of doors and garages, then it would be more convenient than a store with less doors and garages for the trucks or lorries to take our stock to the superstore. The best one again is location C and the worst one again is location D. But we have to remember that some locations are better at other things than at some things. Suitable Land: Land is vital for the company because we need lots of space for our staff to store the products from our regional distribution centre.6 acres would be good enough for us. The location that strike me first location A, as it has 20 acres of land which is over three times more of what we actually wanted. And the worst one was location C. In the factors above us, it was the best and now it is the worst for the land. And not everything can be perfect, you cant have a location which scores five out of five for everything. Cost Of Land: Now we are coming to the financial side of the operation and it is the thing that we have to consider before buying the location that we decide. Price is an enormous factor for everything not just regional distribution centers. The best priced location was location D, this was the location which had scored poor ratings in all the other factors and now has appeared top for the price. And the worst priced location was location C. This location did really well with the mileage and the accessibility but is very pricey. It would not be a good idea to buy this location if the company does not have a large budget. Setting Up Cost: Well, some locations do not need much work but some do and this could cost the company quite a bit. The location that really well was location E which has not exactly had that good factors in it. And the location that has done really badly or the worst was location B, this location is out of the picture as it was not good use to us. Labour Force: Where ever a business moves and there are job opportunities people would try really hard to get one so that's why we are considering to move to a place where there is a high unemployment and, the people should be skilled or have had experiences and we should be able to offer them low salaries. If we can make this happen, this could have us thousands of pounds every year. The location that has a good labour force is location D. This is truly the best location so I am considering of buying this. And the location that has done not so well in this important category was location A. Evaluation: In my opinion and my research I think that Location C is the best location because the cost of the land is really good, there is plenty of cheap labour, it scored top on the environmental factors and it almost came top in setting up. But two main things that it lacks is the mileage as it is very far from motorways and the accessibility is not good at all.