Sunday, March 29, 2020

Beowolf essays

Beowolf essays Beowolf is the oldest piece of British literature, and has survived for over thirteen hundred years. Scops passed this epic for two hundred years until it was finally written down by a Christian monk in 700 A. D.. The hero Beowulf continually demonstrates bravery throughout this cartoonistic tale which eventually leads to foolhardiness, a characteristic of the human condition that is still valid This epic is a traditional good vs. evil story. Beowolf battles three monsters throughout the story. The first two he does for the good of the people. His army thanks God when things go their way and throughout the story there are references to both Christian and Pagan beliefs, which gives it universal appeal. During his battle with Grendal, his mail shirt has supernatural powers, like the power of God. Grendals ferocious claws cannot touch Beowulf due to his powerful mail shirt. When he battles Grendals mother, he is given the sword of God. This sword is so powerful that it is able to cut off Grendals head. Then Beowulf single-handedly carries his head back to the people, a head that reportedly would need four normally strong men. Beowolf has a third heroic attempt at killing another bothersome monster. However, during his fifty years as king he has grown somewhat egocentric. Instead of trying to kill the monster for the good of his people, he does is because he knows he can and to prove himself, yet again. He even goes as far as telling his army not to help him, that this is a job for one man only; him. During this fight, he is not aided by God and it leads to his demise. The monster dragon dies but not before ripping Beowulfs throat. This story has survived hundreds of years for many reasons. It has a cartoonistic quality to it due to the detailed scenes of blood and guts which gives it a humorous quality. It was ...

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