Sunday, March 29, 2020

Beowolf essays

Beowolf essays Beowolf is the oldest piece of British literature, and has survived for over thirteen hundred years. Scops passed this epic for two hundred years until it was finally written down by a Christian monk in 700 A. D.. The hero Beowulf continually demonstrates bravery throughout this cartoonistic tale which eventually leads to foolhardiness, a characteristic of the human condition that is still valid This epic is a traditional good vs. evil story. Beowolf battles three monsters throughout the story. The first two he does for the good of the people. His army thanks God when things go their way and throughout the story there are references to both Christian and Pagan beliefs, which gives it universal appeal. During his battle with Grendal, his mail shirt has supernatural powers, like the power of God. Grendals ferocious claws cannot touch Beowulf due to his powerful mail shirt. When he battles Grendals mother, he is given the sword of God. This sword is so powerful that it is able to cut off Grendals head. Then Beowulf single-handedly carries his head back to the people, a head that reportedly would need four normally strong men. Beowolf has a third heroic attempt at killing another bothersome monster. However, during his fifty years as king he has grown somewhat egocentric. Instead of trying to kill the monster for the good of his people, he does is because he knows he can and to prove himself, yet again. He even goes as far as telling his army not to help him, that this is a job for one man only; him. During this fight, he is not aided by God and it leads to his demise. The monster dragon dies but not before ripping Beowulfs throat. This story has survived hundreds of years for many reasons. It has a cartoonistic quality to it due to the detailed scenes of blood and guts which gives it a humorous quality. It was ...

Saturday, March 7, 2020

In 1955 Pakistan International Airline Formed Tourism Essay Essays

In 1955 Pakistan International Airline Formed Tourism Essay Essays In 1955 Pakistan International Airline Formed Tourism Essay Essay In 1955 Pakistan International Airline Formed Tourism Essay Essay In 1955 Pakistan International Airline formed. It is the 16th largest air hose in Asia, runing scheduled services to 73 finishs throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America, every bit good as an extended domestic web associating 24 finishs. PIA is three stars International Airline. In our study we did SWOT analysis and PEST analysis on PIA, place major strength we find as taking market place, trade name acknowledgment, superior operating construction, web presence, hub airdrome at Karachi, and effectual usage of engineering. Formulation on GOVT regulation, High dependences on rider grosss, high debt, and trust on oil monetary values are major failing, chances are like holding MAX path and fleet, growing demand for low cost air hose, client trueness, switching client demands and industry recovery, and major menaces are high involvement rates, accidents, strong competition by Air blue, involvement and foreign currency exchange rates, and diminution in industry. In PEST analysis we discover major Government s active function in increasing competition in the air hose industry, rising prices rate, turning of societal environment of Pakistan progressive with the new government. Invention in engineering, and its impact on dist ribution and cost synergisms from industry consolidation. We recommend PIA for better service to deconcentrate its direction system, develop SBUs, follow crystalline publicity constabularies, employee authorization to increase the employee motive and moral. Try to diminish its operating expense cost, follow effectual selling policy, two manner communicating and TQM. Upgrade its fleet ; buy new Airplane with duplicate engines these will cut down the operating cost of PIA. Improve control over menus. Hire the services of IT specializers ; better service criterions concentrating on quality. Pakistan International Airlines Introduction: When Pakistan was founded in 1947 it comprised two districts on either side of the sweep of India. It was in this unusual circumstance that Pakistan International was formed in 1955. Despite wars and economic problem, the bearer survived to turn and thrive. Pakistan International Airlines is the flag bearer air hose of Pakistan, based in Karachi. It is the 16th largest air hose in Asia, runing scheduled services to 73 finishs throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America, every bit good as an extended domestic web associating 24 finishs. Its chief bases are Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, the Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore and the Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad/Rawalpindi. The air hose besides has secondary bases, including Peshawar International Airport, Faisalabad International Airport, Quetta International Airport and Multan International Airport, from which it connects the metropolitan metropoliss with the chief bases, the Middle East and the Far East. The air hose is owned by the Government of Pakistan ( 87 % ) and other stockholders ( 13 % ) . It has 19,263 employees ( at March 2007 ) . AIRLINE INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN: There are 36 operational airdromes. Karachi is Pakistan s chief airdrome but important degrees of both domestic and international lading are besides handled at Islamabad and Lahore. Pakistan International Airlines ( PIA ) , the public sector air hose, though confronting the competition from a few private air hoses, carries about 70 per centum of domestic riders and about equal domestic cargo traffic. The transit sector histories for about 10.5 per centum of the state s GDP and 27.4 per centum of Gross Fixed Capital Formation ( GFCF ) in FY06. It provides over 6 per centum of employment in the state and receives 12 to 16 per centum of the one-year Federal Public Sector Development Program ( PSDP ) . Government bureaus dominate the sector. Hierarchy of PIA: This organisation is divided into following sections: Human Resource and Administration, Marketing, Corporate Planning, Information Services, Finance, Flight Services, Flight Operation, Engineering, Procurement and Logistics, Customer Services, Training and Development, Quality Assurance. The organ gm of the organisation follows, with the Chairman at the top and managers of sections describing to him. The construction is centralized with the top-level direction doing the determinations. Corporate VISION OF PIA: To be a universe category air hose transcending client outlooks through dedicated employees Committed to excellence. Corporate Mission As a Symbol of National Pride, We Aspire to be a Choice Airline, Operating Productively on Modern Commercial constructs and Capable of Competing with the Best in the International every bit good as Domestic markets. Valuess: 6.1 ) . Customer Expectations: PIA is the most sure name in the industry. The ground of its good will is harmonizing the outlook of their clients that PIA has fulfilled ever. By supplying competitory duty, extended attention, and convenience to their valued and possible clients. 6.2 ) . Service: PIA purposes at supplying valuable and alone services to its clients. They are more individualized and gracious to their clients. The services are valuable and rare ; this is the ground why clients trust PIA. 28 Nov 2004, Pakistan International Airlines Pia passed the IATA Operational Safety Audit ( IOSA ) benchmark for planetary safety direction The IATA Operational Safety Audit ( IOSA ) is the benchmark for planetary safety direction in air hoses KARACHI, 22 October 2007 Abacus Pakistan officially launched Abacus Travel Secure with AIG, supplying local travel agents and travellers easy and convenient entree to AIG s travel insurance policies. Available for the first clip in Pakistan, Abacus Travel Secure brings existent clip and immediate activation of travel insurance policies to the Pakistan travel industry with a more streamlined and clip salvaging application procedure for travel agents 6.3 ) Invention: PIA presently has a figure of 43 fleets and purposes at increasing this Numberss to 53 by the following few years.PIA is adoptive to alterations and believe in invention that s create new thoughts and interpreting these thoughts into action. 6.4 ) Dependability: PIA is the most experience air hose with its service with more than 53 old ages. This has built in PIA has become the most dependable air hose. PIA is known for its trueness and consistence. 6.5 ) Safety: The most ambitious duty of any organisation is to supply complete satisfaction to its employees and clients together. This satisfaction rewards favourable and easy on the job conditions. The in-flight services are clients friendly and the organisational the organisational environment is besides employees oriented. 6.6 ) Coherence: PIA has 12 sections working in their ain way and besides provides a figure of services including speedex messenger service, providing etc. The most impressive portion is these all section and services are integrated in a cohesive manner. Servicess PIA offers two types of services. Business Class Economy Class Business Class It s the lone Business Class service that feels like First Class. A comfy place makes all the difference on a long flight. PIA s Business Class Seats elevate the construct of luxury to a new degree, to the full backing your determination to take PIA Business Class Sit back and relax in our sole Business Class Lounges at the Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad airdromes. Our hospitable staff will guarantee that you re good looked after during your stay with us at the airdrome Business Class riders geting at Airport will have a warm welcome from PIA. Our representatives will walk you right through all the arrival formalities so that you do nt hold to stand in line or concern about clearance. Economy Class: PIA s economic system category is besides comfy for rider as Business category. Economy Class offer seats with a 32-inch pitch, adjustable footstools and winglet head restraints for improved cervix comfort. The personal Television provides ongoing amusement including sound and video on-demand picks. Passengers enjoy the same lovingness service from our flight attenders, along with skilfully prepared repasts and a broad scope of in-flight amusement options to take from. Free newspapers are besides provided to all Economy category riders. The PIA in-flight magazine, Hamsafar, is provided to all riders on all international flights. Humsafar was introduced on PIA flights in 1980 and it is published bi-monthly.PIA is supplying its service in 25 citations of Pakistan domestically which are as follows: Giigit Chitral Skardu Saidu Sarif Capital of pakistan Peshawar Sialkot D.I, Khan Lahore Lyallpur Multan Zhob D.G.Khan Quetta Bahawalpur Rahim Yar Khan Dalbandin Sukkar Panjgor Sukkar Jacoababad Turbat Moemjodaro Gwadar Pasni Karachis Gross Composition: Harmonizing to the latest study of PIA, 87 % of gross generates from riders, 8 % of gross generates from lading and staying 5 % consists of others. Fleet Pakistan International Airlines fleet includes the followers aircraft ( as of May 2008 ) Major Rivals: PIA is keeping the first place in market. It has 48 % market portion. Its major rivals are Airblue and Shaheen International Airline. Airblue has a market portion of 35 % while Shaheen International Airline has 17 % market portion. Peoples feel esteemed to go with PIA as comparison to Airblue and others. Latest merchandises by PIA nad qulaity accomplishments: Boeing-777 operating to middle E Flight Barcelona Associating Abu Dhabi and rahim yar khan Flights from D.I.Khan to Peshawar and Islamabad Early bargain cheaper fly Bradford- Islamabad Nov halt! Pak A ; Glasgow Flight from Multan and D.G khan to Dubai Lowest concern category menu paksitan Dubai Connecting Multan and Quetta, Islamabad with Chitral and Nawabshah with Hyderabad. Promoting web fining and SMS engagement, Ticketing bringing at Door measure 9.1 ) IATA Operational Safety Audit ( IOSA ) benchmark: 28 Nov 2004, Pakistan International Airlines Pia passed the IATA Operational Safety Audit ( IOSA ) benchmark for planetary safety direction The IATA Operational Safety Audit ( IOSA ) is the benchmark for planetary safety direction in airlines.A 9.2 ) E-Ticketing: KARACHI, 22 October 2007 Abacus Pakistan officially launched Abacus Travel Secure with AIG, supplying local travel agents and travellers easy and convenient entree to AIG s travel insurance policies. Available for the first clip in Pakistan, Abacus Travel Secure brings existent clip and immediate activation of travel insurance policies to the Pakistan travel industry with a more streamlined and clip salvaging application procedure for travel agents. 9.3 ) 3Star Graded air hose: SKYTRAX introduced the World Airline Star RatingAÂ ® programme in 2000 the Quality Analysis system that ranks air hose merchandise and service criterions, based on professional rating by air hose audit specializers. To accomplish SKYTRAX Approved Airlinea„?A position, air hoses are subjected to a really elaborate Quality rating across all countries of their front-line Product and Service criterions by Skytrax covering all countries that riders will typically experience during their trip. SKYTRAX Approved Airline rating covers over 750 facets of merchandise and service quality measuring, and is split across both airdrome and onboard environments airdrome services based around an air hose s place base airdrome. QUALITY RANKING USED IN AIRLINE RATING SUMMARY BELOW A =A Excellent A =A Good A = Fair A =A Poor A = Very hapless A : :A PIA PAKISTAN INTERNATIONALA : : a 3 Star Airline A A PIA Pakistan Intl Passenger Remarks Home Base Airport Ranking =A Karachi Airport SUMMARY RANKINGA Combined Quality of ProductA / Staff service in airdrome and onboard environments Business Class Premium Economy ClassA Economy ClassA Airport ServicesA Check-In service Business Class Check-In service Economy Class Transportation Services Business Class Transportation Services Economy Class Arrival Servicess Business Class Lounge merchandise installations Business Class Lounge staff service Onboard FeaturesA Inflight amusement may change harmonizing to aircraft type Cabin Safety Procedures Inflight Entertainment Comfortss, Blankets, Pillows, Towels etc Airline Magazine, Newspapers A ; other mags Cabin Seat ComfortA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Seat Guide Seating may change harmonizing to aircraft type Business ClassA long draw Business ClassA short draw Premium Economy ClassA long draw Economy ClassA long draw Economy ClassA short draw Onboard CateringA Business ClassA long draw Business ClassA short draw Premium Economy ClassA long draw Economy ClassA long draw Economy ClassA short draw Cabin Staff ServiceA Business Class service efficiency Business Class staff attitude A ; friendliness Premium Economy Class service efficiency Premium Economy Class staff attitude A ; friendliness Economy Class service efficiency Economy Class staff attitude A ; friendliness Reacting to Passenger petitions Cabin presence through flights Helping Parents with kids Staff Language Skills SWOT ANALYSIS 10.1 ) Strength: . Leading MARKET Position: PIA is one of Pakistan s taking air bearers, with more than 800 day-to-day flights. Around 150,000 riders a month fly on PIA, doing it one of the major operators in the domestic market in footings of rider kilometres. PIA s international market portion was 43.5 % , In the Domestic market, its market portion was 69.4 % . On a system-wide footing, PIA s market portion was 51.2 % at the terminal of twelvemonth 2007.Its strong market place is driven by systematically low menus every bit good as dependable service, frequent and convenient flights, usage of new engineerings like e-ticketing and self check-in terminuss, comfy cabins and superior client service. BRAND Recognition: PIA has high trade name callback. It is recognized by travellers all over the state. PIA is a national air hose, runing rider and lading services covering 82 domestic and foreign. PIA has earned the figure one ranking in client satisfaction. This strong market place gives the company a scale advantage and helps it beef up its trade name image. SUPERIOR OPERATING Structure: PIA has maintained its place as the low cost bearer. It has been first category Pakistani air hose to utilize the latest engineering. Factors lending consists of different series of Boeing and Airbus and an efficient, high-utilization and point- to-point path construction. Flying one type of aircraft significantly simplifies programming, care, flight operations, and preparation activities. PIA has continually achieved high plus use and employee efficiency. Superior operating construction serves as the primary competitory advantage of PIA. NETWORK PRESENCE: PIA enjoys a strong web in cardinal domestic and international finishs. The company s web includes three the major airdromes in Pakistan, every bit good as major international airdrome such as Dubai International Airport. Having a strong web agencies that PIA can bring forth traffic provender for both its domestic and international Flights. HUB AIRPORT AT KARACHI: PIA operates from its hub in Jinnah International Airport, Karachi. Jinnah International is one of the universe s busiest airdromes in footings of figure of riders carried. It is besides one of the largest international gateways to Asia. It is besides the taking international air rider ( and lading ) gateway to Pakistan. The company s strong presences in airdromes with heaviest traffic degrees in Pakistan give it a competitory advantage. EFFECTIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: PIA has successfully incorporated latest engineering in all its systems, giving it an border over rivals. PIA takes recognition for presenting most new engineerings to the Pakistani market. It was the 2nd bearer in Pakistan to integrate the c-ticketing system and the 2nd in South Asia to present self look into in systems at the Jinnah International Airport, Karachi. 10.2 ) Failing: Formulation OF GOVT. Rules: The Basic defect of this organisation is its consolidation that is centralised system. The cardinal policies, schemes and set of Torahs are designed by the upper direction. The centralised system is one of the biggest obstructions of long term success of PIA. PIA centralizes construction lead to barrel between different degree of direction, decreased motive, difficult entree to information. High DEPENDENCE ON PASSENGER REVENUES: Passenger grosss accounted for 87 per centum of the PIA s entire gross in 2007. Cargo services allow air hoses to bring forth extra grosss from bing rider flights. In add-on, lading grosss are normally counter cyclical to passenger grosss and have lower demand snap than rider concern, which allows air hoses to go through on fuel monetary value hikings to clients. Debt: PIA has a important sum of 42 billion debts. Current and hereafter debts could hold of import effects for stakeholders of the company. For illustration, debt could impair PIA ability to do investings and obtain extra funding for working capital, capital outgos, acquisitions or general corporate or other intents. Debts could besides set PIA at a competitory disadvantage to rivals that have lesser debt and could besides increase the company s exposure to involvement rate additions. Reliance ON OIL PRICES: PIA s sustainability, growing and grosss straight depend on oil monetary values. A steep rise in oil monetary values can earnestly damage the long term viability of any air hose. Recently many air hoses around the universe went insolvents due to lifting oil monetary values. Airlines need to fudge against this hazard by taking proper steps. Opportunities: . HAVING THE MAXIMUM ROUTE AND FLEET: PIA is holding the maximal path and fleet domestic and international finishs web in Pakistan as compared to its Competitors. Route and swift enlargement will positively impact the company s operations by increasing grosss. Turning DEMAND FOR LOW COST AIRLINES: The turning demand for air travel is driven by lower menus and consumer assurance. A study by International Aviation Authority showed that ticket monetary value is the figure one standard for riders when choosing a flight, good in front of the handiness of a non-stop service. CUSTOMER LOYALTY: PIA s frequent circular and trueness plans can assist it retain clients. PIA s Awards+plus ( frequent circular plan ) was established to develop rider trueness by offering awards and services to frequent travellers. Such schemes encourage repetition travel on PIA, as riders seek to accrue the benefits given to regular travellers. This enables the air hose to retain clients and cut down costs, as it does non hold to pass money aiming new clients to replace those lost to other air hoses. Shift CUSTOMER NEEDS: The demands of air riders are progressively altering, as they are going more and more monetary value medium. If PIA succeeds in doing its monetary values more competitory, so the company will be able to derive important market portion. INDUSTRY Recovery: Market analysts believe that the planetary air hose industry will see an upturn in lucks over the following few old ages. This represents an chance for PIA, as it could bring forth increased grosss and bid market portion if it capitalizes on additions in demand. . Menace High Interest Ratess: The past few old ages have seen State Bank of Pakistan impose high every bit good as low involvement rates to look into rising prices and the over warming of Pakistani economic system. Inflation in Pakistan may see another rise in the short-run. Accidents: There had been five accidents with PIA listed as below: Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK 705 was a Boeing 720 040 B that crashed while falling to set down on Runway 34 at Cairo International Airport on May 20, 1965 ensuing in 119 human deaths. Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK740 was a Boeing 707-340C that crashed after takeoff from Jeddah International Airport on November 26, 1979. All 156 aboard were killed. Pakistan International Airlines Flight 268 was an Airbus A300B4-203, enrollment AP-BCP, which crashed on attack to Kathmandu s Tribhuvan International Airport on September 28, 1992. All 167 on board were killed. PIA Flight 554 is the flight figure of a Pakistan International Airlines ( PIA ) Fokker F27 that was hijacked on May 25, 1998. The flight started its journey at Gwadar in Balochistan after arising in Turbat, and was winging to Pakistan s southern port metropolis of Karachi. The aircraft was transporting 24 riders and 5 crew members. Pakistan International Airlines Flight 688 ( PK688, PIA688 ) was scheduled to run from Multan to Lahore and Islamabad at 12:05 autopsy on July 10, 2006. It crashed into a field after spliting into fires a few proceedingss after takeoff from Multan International Airport. All 41 riders and four crewmembers on board were killed. PIA has to continuously guarantee extreme safety and security of its riders. Accidents can adversely impact client assurance in PIA and consequence in declined grosss escalating competition. Strong COMPETITION BY AIRBLUE: PIA is now viing against bearers such as Airblue and Shaheen Airline. PIA remains Airblue s strongest rival because of the immense market it has gained over clip, strong trade name image and client trueness. PIA has started new low-fares subordinate PIA Express to halt the Airblue market portion turning to fast. Furthermore, major bequest air hoses have been concentrating on restructuring costs, which has improved their fight. With costs restructured, the bequest air hoses are going more formidable rivals in footings of increasing capacity, fiting monetary values and leveraging their frequent flyer plans. Increasing competition could adversely impact the company s borders. Interest AND FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE Ratess: Fluctuating foreign currency exchange rates can hold a important impact on PIA s net incomes. For illustration, as PIA is supplying its services to the UK. Negative or positive effects arise from exchange rate motions as alteration in disbursals. Strengthening of foreign currencies against the British Pound will positively impact PIA and frailty versa. DECLINE IN AIRLINE INDUSTRY: A figure of factors have caused the current diminution in the air hose industry. For illustration, the menace of farther terrorist onslaughts since September 11 and a autumn in the figure of concern travellers have both caused rider Numberss to fall. These and other factors may go on to impact demand for air travel in the hereafter, which will impact grosss of PIA. The menace of terrorist act may deter people from going by air and could particularly cut down the figure of riders going on international flights. Plague Analysis The macro-environment includes all factors act uponing a company that are non within its control. These include political, societal, economic and technological factors. These are known as PEST factors. A technique of analysis of the macro environment is PEST analysis. Environmental analysis should be uninterrupted waterless precede all facets of planning. Since the air hose industry is really much influenced by alterations taking topographic point in the environment and has undergone rapid and dramatic alterations during the last decennary, this analysis is particularly of import for PIA. Political Factor: Political factors ever have a great influence on the manner concerns operate in the air hose industry and the disbursement power of clients. In recent old ages it has been observed that authorities played an active function in increasing competition in the air hose industry. A figure of new air hoses such as AirBlue and JS Air have been awarded licences to come in the domestic market. Pakistan has achieved some political stableness in recent old ages. If the direction of PIA believes that the present authorities will execute good ( systematically ) , so there will be more investing in the signifier of purchase of new aeroplanes and latest engineering. The over all industry will turn ensuing in more epicurean and comfy flights. With the military coup detat authorities policies have become more broad. Economic Factor: Presently, Airlines industry has three major participants: Pakistan International Airlines, an Airblue, Aero Asia and Shaheen Airlines. Their mark market includes domestic travellers every bit good as Pakistanis populating abroad peculiarly in the UK and USA. These states have strong economic systems coupled with high buying power. Customers purchase behaviour depends really much on monetary values of the viing air hoses every bit good as services offered. As rising prices rate is unstable in Pakistan, passing power of consumers has effected in the long term. In fact growing in Pakistani economic system has resulted in an addition in passing power and has positively impacted the air hose industry. Economically, the new millenary has been extremely volatile ; the September 11 onslaughts revolutionized the whole universe. Consequently, there was a planetary depression in the North America, South America, Australia and Europe. However, in Asia particularly Pakistan the consequence in the short term was otherwise. The economic system began to din because of greater remittals from abroad and whole amount in-migration by exiles. As a consequence, demand for air travel in South Asia rose. Economic conditions of Pakistan are nevertheless bettering. PIA has cost a advantage over its rivals because of its freshly acquired, improved, long distance aircrafts from Boeing which give longer scope and better fuel economic system than any other jet presently produced. This cost advantage is a barrier to entry for new houses. However, this cost advantage will non be important on domestic paths. SOCIAL FACTORS: The societal waterless cultural influences on concern vary from state to state. The societal construction of Pakistan is closely tied. The tendency is now altering as the general populace is educated and is prosecuting professional ends. Customers are more cognizant of market conditions and available options and want to acquire best value for their money. They spend considerable clip and money on amusement hence increasing the demand of in-flight amusement systems. Besides, word of oral cavity has a important impact in the usage of air hose services. Hajj attracts a immense figure of clients. The societal environment of Pakistan is turning broad with the new government. The enterprise to automatize check-in and ticket engagement procedure might non be really popular with the general populace ( even educated population ) is still engineering averse. E-ticketing might besides confront important challenges as consumers are by and large loath to supply their recognition cards information over the phone and the cyberspace. The consumers, nevertheless, have a warm reaction to the chance of less dearly-won but choice service flights. six ) TECHNOLOGICAL Factor: Technology is critical for competitory advantage and is a major driver of the air hoses industry. Major technological alterations are taking topographic point in the air hoses industry with inventions in the reserves and booking systems. In-flight amusement systems and car cheque in counters are two illustrations of such inventions. Internet plays a cardinal function in e-ticketing as consumer can easy reserve tickets or look into the position of the flight. A cardinal issue will be the extent, to which technological promotions ( such as Internet ) impact distribution and cost synergisms from industry consolidation, can countervail upward force per unit areas on costs. PIA has ever led the way of technological inventions by presenting new engineerings in front of its rivals such as its car check-in counters which has helped it derive market portion. It was the first air hose in Pakistan to put in Sabre system followed by the market leader. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES Decentralization: PIA should deconcentrate its construction that would take to the easy direction, increased motive, easy entree to information and declaration of the struggles ( as they would be resolved by the immediate trough clip span would so cut down ) . Since employees issues sing their behaviour would decrease, so it would finally take to more satisfied employees that would ensue in enhanced productiveness of the organisation. Strategic Business Unit: PIA should do its different sections into Strategic Business Unit. Every SBU should hold a defined concern scheme and a director with gross revenues and net income duty. As PIA is a big organisation, so it must be convert into SBUs.Different factors should be determined for the success of SBUs which as follows. The grade of liberty given to each SBU director. The grade to which an SBU portions functional plans and installations with other SBU s The mode in which the corporation evaluates and rewards the public presentation of its SBU directors Transparent policy acceptance: PIA should follow transparent policy that employees should be promoted on merit footing. And Chairman of PIA should be appointed from with in the organisation. Union should back up it, it will actuate the employees and PIA will turn in net income. PIA should non invest new employees till the clip they are needed on the footing of my personal observation at Rawalpindi station I have seen that a undertaking which can be performed by individual PIA had 3 employees for that.PIA should give fillip to the hardworking and competent employees. Employee Authorization: PIA should do attempts towards authorising the employees that is traveling to take to more employee engagement in the determination devising procedure and besides consequence in more employee satisfaction and enhanced motive. Apart from this, employees would experience more independent to discourse the issues explicitly without vacillation. This would besides heighten squad work procedure at PIA as quality squad and cross-functional squads. The employees will work with more committedness and dedication and every employee would work to his/her fullest due to increased motive. However, with empowerment comes answerability, so it is suggested that while they empower their employees, there should besides be a controlled cheque on them to result the right use of power delegated to every employees within their limited bounds. Overhead Costss: PIA should besides cut down its operating expense costs that are it should mange its resources: labour more efficaciously, so that with less input, more out put can be achieved and the saved resources can be utilized in other countries such as presenting more preparation classs for the employees so that the quality of the work force could be increased. Hiring the services of expertness can better the efficiency of their services, so by salvaging the operating expense costs, they can use that money for the expertness services. So by analysing the assorted sections of the organisation and doing the right corrections, it can well better the criterions of Organizational behaviour. Selling policy: PIA should follow good selling policies so that it will convey higher net income and maximal use of its available resources, Business sector should be attracted to run at full potency. Bipartisan Communication: The suggestions of the employees can turn out to be really effectual in bettering the operations, as they are the 1s who manage them. Therefore, a top-down attack should be replaced with bipartisan communications. In this manner, the employees would experience motivated and valued, as they would be included in decision-making Entire Quality Management: Entire quality direction should be catered to within the work groups and execution of assorted skill sweetening plans for quality and productiveness betterments such as Six Sigma should be provided to its executive employees. Other recommendations are as follow: PIA should upgrade its fleet as it s doing the air hose higher operating cost and PIA is incurring loss.PIA should buy new Airplane with duplicate engines these will cut down the operating cost of PIA Airline should concentrate on the client s satisfaction, refund procedure should be promptly so that client remains loyal to trade name. There should be control on the addition of menus, as mediocre are in bulk in Pakistan, and it is extremely hard for to even believe about the air going. Management should believe over it and at least they can get down a new packaged flight twice a hebdomad holding 50 % menus. Unnecessary installations provided to the Government Department should non be discouraged but with drawn as it causes fiscal losingss. Management should concentrate on computerized system up step and execution. Management should engage the services of specialised IT forces for their system development and up step on clip. There should be clear and even distribution of work and merely qualified individual should be appointed on occupations. There should be improved service criterions and that should concentrate on quality. PIA should offer its services of reserve and place verification with by SMS and flight verification message should besides be sent via SMS to the rider. PIA should give more inducements to its frequent circular as it will bring forth more trade name trueness by giving better inducements to the clients. Comparison of PIA with Different Airlines After carry oning the research in the Preston University, EMBA pupils have rated the different air hoses in the undermentioned mode. Properties Pia Air Blue Shaheen Air Finishs 6 5 4 Punctuality 5 6 4 Quality Food 5 6 5 Customer service 6 5 5 Economic 5 5 5 Technological Promotions 5 5 5 Servicess 5 5 4 Corporate image 6 3 4 Entire Points 43 40 36