Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Health and Social Care L3 Unit 618 Essay

As individuals are all different, they can respond to the same situation differently. In the same way, individuals can view and cope with their mental well-being and mental health differently. Someone with a negative view of their own situation may feel that they are to blame or not accept the consequences of their actions, they may find it difficult to deal with their own mental health and well-being. A positive individual may cope better with factors affecting their mental health and well-being. They may deal with their mental state in a more pragmatic way. 2.There are a range of factors which may influence mental well-being and mental health problems across the life span. These are biological, social and psychological factors. The biological factors include alcohol or drug dependency and long and short term illnesses. The social factors could be family relationships and friendships, unemployment, homelessness or social exclusion. Psychological factors include mental illness such as depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder or learning disabilities. 3.Risk factors and protective factors influence levels of resilience in individuals and groups in relation to mental well-being and mental health. Risk factors include inequalities and poor quality social relationships. If an individual experiences inequalities they could be restricted in the help and support they receive to recover or cope with a mental illness. Read more: Essay About  Mental Well-being and Mental Health If they have poor social relationships, they may lack the support they need to mentally recover as they have no one to turn to. Protective factors include socially valued roles, social support and contact. With the right social support and adequate contact, an individual can assess help and support to recover from a mental illness. They will be given more resources and a strong support network. With a socially valued role their resilience to mental health problems may be stronger as being socially valued could increase their self esteem. Socially valued roles and support should mean groups or communities are equipped to cope with mental health issues. Outcome 2 1.An individual can take steps to promote their mental well-being and mental health. These steps could be social connections, being active, learning and developing themselves, social involvement and self awareness. Connecting  with other people and developing relationships are important for an individual’s mental well-being. Staying active can help maintain a positive mental state. Learning new skills can create a sense of achievement and improve self esteem. Involvement in the local community or other social groups can develop strong social inclusion encouraging mental well-being. Being aware of own feelings and emotional state means an individual can maintain their mental well-being. 2.It is important to support an individual in promoting their mental well-being and mental health. When offering support it is important to be patient, understanding and accepting. Talking to the individual can provide an insight into what they are going through and offering advice based on their current state of mind. Researching different mental health issues and offering resources to the individual can help them to develop new strategies to cope. 3.When supporting an individual to promote their mental well-being and mental health, there are different strategies to use. One strategy could be to involve them in activities such as trips out, arts and crafts or cooking. In participating in activities, the individual can be given a distraction from any mental health issues they may be experiencing. Providing the activity is catered to the individual’s preferences, it may stimulate their mind. A planned activity can offer the individual a positive to look forward to. However, this strategy could have an adverse reaction. The individual may not be interested in the suggested activity. If the activity was planning too far in advance, the individual may change their mind on the planned day. 4.A national strategy for promoting mental well-being and mental health is No Health Without Mental Health. The key aspects of the strategy are six objectives; more people will have better wellbeing and good mental with fewer people developing mental health problems, more people with mental health will recover a quality of life, more people with mental health problems will have a good physical health, improved services will result in fewer people suffering avoidable harm, more people will have a positive experience of care and the public understanding of mental health will improve. 5.The national charity Mind aims to help people experiencing mental health issues to take control of their condition. In providing information and training on a national scale, it should help to promote more positive public views on mental health which should help individuals with  mental health issues to speak openly. Mind delivers training to local and national services to further this public understanding. The charity aims to give individuals experiencing mental health problems the rightful opportunity to live full lives and maintain a role in society. The charity advertises nationally and has shops as well as hospital advertisements and has its own website, but individuals may still find it too difficult to contact them for support. Like other national strategies, it hopes to reduce the stigma attached to mental health conditions, but unfortunately mental health still receives some negative views, therefore some individuals feel too shamed to access the help and support the strategy offers.

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