Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22

Reading Response - Essay Example In 1964, President Lyndon announced a war against poverty. There were many discussions held that sort to show the manner through which children suffering from cultural deprivation can be helped (Wang, 2011). The discussions were to handle the issue of stigma going around. The issue of head start classrooms came around at about that time. The head start classroom is designed in a manner that the children are offered the opportunity to engage in various activities that show the major differences between the home environment and the academic environment. Another Concept to understand is the issue of linguistic diversity. This is where the various students get to engage in many speech events. These events are effectual in that they ensure the kids spend more time working on their talking skills that are beneficial to them both now and later on. Despite the background or race of kids, it is appropriate to treat them all equally and

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