Monday, September 30, 2019

Hedda gabler Essay

Drama has no single definition and does not have a common meaning that can be applied to the wide range of texts, plays, acts, and various others that can be called drama. However, drama is â€Å"by far the most economical means of expression† (Esslin, 1976). The subjects expressed in drama are extensive and diverse and can be declared dramatically or subtly. A common and almost essential subject matter expressed in drama is the representation of social issues. Drama can be manipulated and used as a powerful political weapon; as propaganda. Indeed, during periods such as war, cinema and theatre were used commonly as a form of propaganda in order to gain the attention and support of the public. Perhaps then, drama’s representation of social issues differs from that of propaganda only in the way drama is used. Propaganda’s representation of social issues is often limited because of it being censored, controlled, in the hands of mainly the government. Its purpose is to persuade and convince a targeted audience of a central idea. Nonetheless, it can reflect social issues such as poverty, war, famine, or perhaps equality, democracy, peace. In Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler, Ibsen is able to use this piece of drama as a tool to comment on social values and issues; these issues being about women and their place in a ‘double-standard society’. His message is subtle but strong. While this piece of drama represents a substantial social issue, it could also be used as propaganda to argue Ibsen’s views on women. Subsequently, Hedda Gabler, as a piece of drama representing social issues, differs only from the way propaganda may have represented it in that it is drama and its aim is to express not persuade. It also differs in the way it is used: as drama or as propaganda. The diverse forms of drama are able to express many different themes and issues, including many different social issues. These include marriage, gender and sexual equality, politics, war, crime, racism and discrimination, poverty, religion, and class division. Drama is a universal form of expression and communication that can contribute to social changes by the issues it discusses. The social issues that drama represents can often be controversial and the author, playwright, or poet must try to either convince the audience of the argument they are trying to make or present the audience with a final idea or the issue itself causing them to truly reflect on it. In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, the greedy Jew Shylock suffers the hatred and injustice which Jews were treated with. The play is able to represent the treatment of a racial minority and a significant social issue. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, represents social issues such as the position of women in a Victorian marriage, while in Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession, the social issue of prostitution is represented. Shakespeare wrote through Hamlet, that theatre holds â€Å"the mirror up to nature† however, Martin Esslin writes that it is society, rather, that theatre holds a mirror to. Drama is able to influence society greatly by the social issues it represents. While these issues may sometimes be controversial, the impact of drama is more immediate, direct, and powerful, contributing to great social change. Propaganda is a certain form of message presentation usually aiming to persuade and convince an audience of an issue or idea. Sometimes it deliberately delivers false or deceiving information which supports the interests of those in power or those who are endeavoring to seize power while it may discredit those who abuse their power such as a corrupt government or simply an opposition group. Propaganda was commonly used in times of war or hardship. In this respect, it is able to represent social issues such as war, peace, poverty, or equality. However, propaganda’s representation of social issues is limited because it is a biased piece of information which only shows one side of an often multi-sided issue. One of the principal examples of propaganda was during the Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to the end of World War Two. The Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda sent out powerful propaganda in order to win the hearts and minds of the masses. This propaganda represented social issues such as discrimination and hatred towards the Jews, strong patriotism, anti-Communism, and national socialism. As this Nazi propaganda was extremely biased, it fails to represent other social issues such as the violence of the Nazi regime and the â€Å"Final Solution† to the Jewish problem- their persecution and slaughter. Meanwhile, Chinese propaganda from the last two to three decades represents social issues such as loyalty to the Communist government while it fails to represent social issues like extreme poverty. The social issues it represents are limited because it is biased. In Soviet Russia, propaganda represented political discipline and economic prosperity, and social issues such as a happy working society and national literacy to strengthen Communism. It does not represent social issues such as the class divisions, religion, and social differences and inequalities. As the aim of propaganda is to persuade, only one side of an argument will be shown. Therefore, propaganda’s representation of social issues will be limited because it depends on the purpose and the creator to decide to what extent social issues may be represented. The way in which drama represents social issues may be different to that of propaganda, but drama can also be used as a form of propaganda. Drama in the form of theatre and cinema was used commonly as a propaganda tool in places like Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. The German plays and movies often had issues of anti-Semitism and the rule of the Aryan race. Propaganda films such as Triumph of the Will were aimed at the population of Germans who were considered Aryans, of the issue of anti-Semitism and the enemy the Jews were, while also reinforcing the purity of the Aryan race. Another way drama has been used as propaganda has been through the ‘pageant’, one of the earliest forms of drama. The pageant is, in simplest terms, â€Å"a play on wheels†. However, in the United States in the 1900s, pageants were used to bring awareness to social issues in the form of propaganda. Silk workers went on strike in 1913 in New Jersey with the pageant exposing the strike and also gaining the attention of the media. Other strikes with similar purposes came to be known as the â€Å"Drama of Democracy†. They began to be used as political propaganda representing social issues such as work and wages, working conditions and hours. When drama is used as propaganda, its representation of social issues is limited in comparison to when it is simply drama. This is because drama and propaganda have different objectives and will represent the same thing differently.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The concept of challenging authority Essay

The construct of disputing authorization is one that is popularly portrayed in modern-day literature. Challenging authorization defines a person’s rebelliousness against the set regulations and commands of a certain power. Ambitious authorization can impact an single adversely by devolving them. or positively by helping them in happening their topographic point in the universe. Challenging authorization itself is filled with determination devising and important alterations. The construct of disputing authorization is explored in the two texts: Dead Poets Society ( 1898 ) a movie directed by Peter Weir and Raw ( 1998 ) . a fresh written by Scott Monk. Both texts affect an person or group who challenge the authorization of a certain power. The composers of these texts utilise movie and literary techniques to broaden the audience’s apprehension of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization Teachs of import lessons. Following an individual’s challenge to authorization. he/she may larn from their errors. This subject is reflected through the concluding chapter of the fresh Raw. when Brett Dalton walks off from the battle with Caitlyn’s male parent. This indicates that Dalton. by his initial challenge of authorization. has assimilated that force is non the reply: â€Å"He’d lost one battle but won another. † Monk’s usage of third-person omniscient develops the reader’s apprehension of how ambitious authorization can educate an individual’s polar lessons by leting them to see how others feels. In the epilogue of the novel. Dalton admits that to many past wrongs. turn outing that disputing authorization does so educate persons. Challenging authorization frequently opens the possibility of the devolution of the individual/group. An single found conflicting the regulations of a higher power is punished. in bend physically and/or mentally harming the person. In Dead Poets Society. this is apparent in the scene of Neil’s decease. Neil challenged the authorization of his male parent by prosecuting his dream of moving. and because of this. had his freedom stripped. climaxing in his self-destruction. In the concluding minutes of Neil’s life. Weir uses many utilizations dark illuming and non-diegetic sound to raise a cliff-hanging and eerie atmosphere. This creates an emotional connexion between the movie and the spectator. further developing their apprehension of the construct of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization can nevertheless positively impact an person by assisting them detect their topographic point in the universe. This is seen in the concluding scene of Dead Poets Society. where Todd Anderson backs up Keating. By disputing the authorization of Welton and going a member of the Dead Poets Society. Anderson displays his true colors. being the first to toast Keating. In this scene. Weir utilises low-angle shootings on Anderson. stand foring him as a important and powerful being. a apposition to his weakness in the beginning of the movie. Furthermore. a collage of the student’s determined faces was included to show how ambitious authorization has besides helped them turn as persons. These techniques further emphasised the passages of the characters through ambitious authorization. Ultimately. disputing authorization affects an person in both positive and negative facets. These impacts have been demonstrated through the Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society. and Scott Monk’s Raw. The composer’s usage of movie and literary techniques assist in conveying their thoughts by puting the temper and adding context. The protagonist’s challenges and alterations reflect the importance and necessity of disputing authorization.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Transition and Loss. How Managers can understand the Issue Essay

Transition and Loss. How Managers can understand the Issue - Essay Example When applied to and industry it refers to when a company has its expenses being more than the revenues obtained and is usually the opposite of profits. Transition could lead to loss and loss is also likely to result to transition. For instance managers who frequently experience loss in their transactions are likely to opt for another positive measure hence the transition process that the industry will undergo. On the other hand they could adopt a transition that brings loss and would force them to revert back to the previous practices (Roland 2004, 90). This forces most organization to re-think their moves as some maybe impact positively, while others will impact negatively and are likely to leave a permanent impact on them. Not only is it evident in marketing organization but also in the social care and health measures that we undertake. For instance, some health care therapies undertaken leave them with poor health that affects the rest of their life span and they have to live with it an indication of loss. As for social care, most western countries take the aged to the old homes where they expect them to be taken care of not putting in mind of the impact it has on them psychologically. This explains why most of them tend to die earlier as they are denied family love. Death appears to be a social loss in this context due to the transition they undertook in favor of their aged members. Technology has impacted mostly on transition and losses experienced in the society (Peng 2000, 76). Most tend to adopt it with the intention of inducing innovations in their work place or even daily activities. However some of the technological advances adopted losses that were initially experienced are likely to be corrected by technology adopted. This indicates that loss is likely to lead to transition and when adopted wrongly the transition would still bring about loss. However not all transitions lead to loss nor do all losses require transition. Critical evaluation of a tra nsition process and the benefits that accompany it are likely not to result to loss. A move to adopt a technological communication system in the work place as opposed to the initial use of messengers is a positive transition as there is quick transfer of information. Challenges for Managers The transition management program helps institutions to be more successful through the adoption of more innovative projects into their programmes that make them to be competitive enough. However the more innovative an institution is the more it stands the risk of losses as it brings with it complexions in management. This may not be different among managers trying to help their groups to deal with transition and loss in the health and social care sector. This is attributed to the fact that the service users expect that the moment there is an innovation then they should see the changes immediately yet in some cases this is likely to be a gradual process. As for managers, they will expect the servi ce user to be able to employ and effectively use the services being offered. This may not be the case since, some individuals are likely to be reluctant to changes being implemented hence taking a long period of time with which comes losses. For instance any changes that may bring about transition in the health sector may not go down well with some individuals who would find it to be a risk to their future health (Roland 2004, 78). The same applies to transition taking place in social care where to some extent it is likely to interfere with their social ties. It is likely that most individuals will not adopt the transition process hence the loss (Peng 2000, 56). This becomes a challenge for managers as they may sometime be forced to adopt other measures that will convince service users to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Technical Term Paper (Part B) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Technical Term Paper (Part B) - Assignment Example Wide-IP intends to develop a number of router configuration changes that would enable data center routers to be easily transferred ,one at a time and dismantling the old lines after the installed new data center are proven. This is essential in providing an uninterrupted user support during the transfer and reducing the ongoing operational risk. Fiction Corporation, a retail chain needs to move a new headquarter several miles away. Considering the distance and the chain operations, the main challenge is moving all the personell to the new headquarters and ensuring that the data center supports all the retail sales and warehouse operations. Whereas the warehouse functions from Monday to Saturday,allowing one day to transfer an AS/400 and develop new SNA links,most of the stores will be open for 24 hours, which will be significant in ensuring non interruption transfer of the network system. Basing on the viewpoint of data processing,the migration of network system will include as AS/400,a large UPS, NT PC and Novell servers, and multiple RS/6000 AIX application servers.The network will be made up of about 75 stores that are connected through frame relay that has ISDN backup to three routers located in data center.The three routers will run a common LAN that will be shared by the headquesrter staff,the warehouse and the data center. An important point to consider is there will be a possibility of everything being shut down on the Friday evening during the week of data network system transfer.During this time,fiction corporation will run backups on every server,dismantle all headquarter employee systems and data center, and reconfiguration of immovable warehouse systems. The major business goals are to reduce operational inefficiency, minimize operational cost, and improve employees productivity. Minimizing operation cost, which is measured in terms of cost per computer per year, will be achieved by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

China's Stocks Head for Weekly Gain on Policy Outlook, Europe Article

China's Stocks Head for Weekly Gain on Policy Outlook, Europe - Article Example According to the article, the stocks experience the biggest gain during the week in question influenced by signs that the Greek debt problem will be resolved and speculation and rumors about expected policy changes by the government (Shidong, 2011). The European Union has been reeling under a string of debt crisis in several of its members the most notable being Greece, Portugal, Ireland and recently Italy. This crisis has had effect on stocks across the globe. Although Europe’s problems may seem less of a concern to China, the truth is that what happens in Europe affects China in a big way. This is because the EU is the largest export market for China’s goods. The EU accounts for 25% of China’s exports. In the first nine months of 2011, trade between China and Europe rose 21.8% year-on-year to stand at $372.12 billion according to statistics from Chinese authorities (Banerjee, 2011). The EU debt crisis has a direct bearing on China’s economy because a red uction in demand here means a reduction in China’s export. Since China’s economy is export-based (Czinkota, Ronkainen, & Moffett, 2011), any reductions in the amount of exports have the net effect of slowing down the country’s economic growth. This is exactly what the crisis in Greece, Spain, Portugal and most recent Italy has done. This paper is going to evaluate the relationship between the EU debt crisis and the performance of China’s stock exchanges. The paper will find that when there is a crisis in Europe, the demand of China’s goods in these region goes down which affects the performance of the exporting companies leading to lower export earnings. The lower earnings drive the prices of the stocks involved down. On the contrary, positive indicators on the EU economic performance drive up the value of the stock in the market as people become more optimistic. As per the article, the value of the stock of major companies in China rose after the recent progress on the Greek debt problems. This is because the said progress increases investors’ confidence in taking more risks. A solution to the debt crisis will also stabilize the EU which is the biggest export market for China. This stability increases the confidence of investors considering that a stable EU will buy more from China and therefore increase the earnings of Chinese companies. It is this expected increase that drives up the prices of stock as investors expect improved dividend payments. The stock increases were also supported by speculation that the Chinese authorities will undertake more measures to boost growth. For instance, the shares of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation and of PetroChina Co. increased by at least 1.5% due to speculation that the government may give refiners the freedom of adjusting prices on their own (Shidong, 2011). The increase in the price of stock is also aided by the government’s announcement that it will step up m easures to help small business to have easier access to bank loans. The government is further expected to cut banks’ reserve requirements to boost manufacturing industry as reports of a slowdown in manufacturing emerge and inflation eases. The case highlights the challenges the Chinese face as they do business on the global scene. On one hand the Chinese economy is too dependent on exports. This means the economy is very much affected by what happens on the global sc

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of performance appraisal as a Essay

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of performance appraisal as a means of identifying and meeting employee development needs - Essay Example Performance appraisal therefore is very evident especially in total quality management. Quality is of higher significance especially in industries where there is a need to come up with competitive advantage. In the case of car manufacturing industry for instance, quality assurance is of high interest because the output or product offerings should be enough to convey customer’s trust and loyalty. Thus, an organisation belonging to this industry must be able to come up with performance appraisal among its employee to constantly check quality and organisational performance. This evaluation is centered to an individual’s performance and potential development (Singh et al., 2008). It is clear that employee performance appraisal is one of the bases in which the company has corresponding idea on how to determine employees’ given compensation and other privileges. However, despite the presence of performance appraisal in almost every company or organisation, there still a need to evaluate if it actually helps identify and meet employee’s development needs. Performance appraisal defined Evaluation is very important especially in the corporate world because it is a way in which corporate performance is known at a specific significance. The case of evaluating employee performance is a complex task depending on the nature of business operation. Employee is naturally under evaluation and it may be monthly, quarterly or annually depending on the organisation. The evaluation is said to be formal because it determines an employee’s career in the organisation. This evaluation is known as the performance appraisal and it actually helps the company decides of one’s career opportunity (Randhawa, 2007). It is a form of assessment in which an employee’s strengths and weaknesses are identified and observed for the purpose of enhancing, improving or commending performance for potential development (Landy and Conte, 2009; Aswathappa, 200 5). Performance appraisal is very complex because it involves specific standard that if not properly understood, it would result to a certain level of confusion and unnecessary feedbacks (Sandler and Keefe, 2003). Thus, it is important that employees must be able to understand what performance appraisal is all about and what it is for (Landy and Conte, 2009). The role of performance management Managers have important role to play when it comes to performance management process. One of the most and obvious role of performance management is to create a business environment that supports development and effective coaching for individual performance (London, 2003; Podger, 2009). With performance management, there is a considerable feedback that can become the basis of evaluation and control. The case of Investors in People is a good example because it is about business improvement and it tries to coach organisations to achieve their full potential. They target to help businesses improve their performance by knowing their priorities. There are many priorities that an organisation should focus. The Investors in People accredited organisations have significant priorities which include managing change, increasing efficiency, maximising profitability, increasing sales, improving productivity and strategic leadership. All of these priorities are eventually integrated with understanding the essential potential of company and its employees. Citing the case of AA Security Ltd, quality

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic Management, Organisational Strategic Analysis on Barclays Essay

Strategic Management, Organisational Strategic Analysis on Barclays PLC - Essay Example Introduction Barclays PLC is a major global financial service provider that is engaged in retail banking, credit cards, corporate and investment banking, and wealth management with an extensive international presence – Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas (Barclays, 2011). The company has its roots in the UK, which has remained as its major market in terms of income, personnel – about 60,000 – and other resources. As a big financial services provider the company is structured as follows. First it is divided into the three major categories: (1) retail and business banking; (2) corporate and investment banking, and wealth management; and (3) group centre. The retail and business banking is further subdivided into four business segments: UK Retail and Business banking, Europe Retail and Business banking, Africa Retail and Business Banking and Barclaycard. Corporate and investment banking is subdivided into: Barclays Capital, Barclays Corporate and Barclays Wealth. Global centre comprises of all the other operations at the company’s head office (Barclays, 2012a). In 2010, the group had made a total income of  £31,440 million and had nearly 147,500 employees globally. This research paper shall focus on the company’s UK Business Banking segment.... The retail and business banking is further subdivided into four business segments: UK Retail and Business banking, Europe Retail and Business banking, Africa Retail and Business Banking and Barclaycard. Corporate and investment banking is subdivided into: Barclays Capital, Barclays Corporate and Barclays Wealth. Global centre comprises of all the other operations at the company’s head office (Barclays, 2012a). In 2010, the group had made a total income of ?31,440 million and had nearly 147,500 employees globally. This research paper shall focus on the company’s UK Business Banking segment. According to Antony Jenkins, the Chef Executive of Global Retail Banking, the company’s strategic goals are â€Å"Happy customers, strong profit growth, good returns (Barclays, 2011, p.18)†. However, this may prove to be quite a challenge considering the effects of financial crisis of 2008 and the current recession in most of Western Europe (the UK included) which ar e major markets for the company. One key change that the bank will have to contend with is increased stakeholder involvement and expectations as depicted in Appendix A. 2.0. Analysis of the Internal and External environment PESTEL analysis enables a company to analyse its macro-environment. From the macro-environment the company’s strategist can then figure out which factors are more likely to change and which amongst these will have the greatest impact on their organisation (Gillespie, 2007). Five forces analysis helps a company to understand the structure of its industry and stake out a position that is less vulnerable to attack and more profitable (Porter,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss water - the sea, the hurricane, the flood - as natural and Essay

Discuss water - the sea, the hurricane, the flood - as natural and symbolic forces that are associated with the Zeitoun, the protagonist, and the major conflicts in the narrative - Essay Example According to Zeitoun, water is a natural and symbolic force because the hurricane caused the worst natural disaster ever recorded in the American history. However, according to Eggers, the disaster was not entirely natural. The book gives the finest investigations of qualified journalists who did their research during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. According to the book, New Orleans became vulnerable to the disaster as a result of human error (Eggers 67). This is because the federal and the state authorities responded inadequately to the disaster. Many individuals acted alone. This is because most individuals were ignorant and selfish. The protagonist in the book is Zeitoun. He is a Muslim who was raised in Syria. He worked at the sea of a fisherman for twenty years. While working, he travelled across the universe and finally settled in the US. When the Hurricane Katrina approached New Orleans in 2005, his wife and children shifted to Baton Rouge. Zeitoun remained in the city to watch over their home, rental properties and the ongoing job sites. As a result of the storm, most houses in their neighborhood were flooded to the second floor. This made Zeitoun to start moving around in a canoe. He distributed the supplies that he had to his neighbors who were in need. He also moved them to higher grounds and saved dogs that had been abandoned (Eggers 109). The major conflict that arises in the narrative is the arrest of Zeitoun when he had not done any wrong. The National Guardsmen of the US army arrested and took him into custody on his property. They accused him of being a terrorist and treated him brutally. While under the custody of the National Guardsmen, Zetoun became a victim of physical and verbal abuse. Later, he was charged of looting $500. Contrary to the normal amount of the bail charged for the crime, Zeitoun was charged ten times more (Eggers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Engineering and Construction. Four Categories of Construction Research Paper

Engineering and Construction. Four Categories of Construction - Research Paper Example Therefore, construction would encompass activities such as site clearance and preparation, excavation, and landscaping that are related to the construction work. Among the structures that are often constructed are buildings, walls, masts, towers, structural cable, bridges, highways, and telecommunication structures (Hornbostel, 1991). Moreover, public facilities, infrastructures, and underground works such as tunnels and pipelines are also some of the structures that are constructed. Depending on the activities and processes involved and the type of structure developed, construction is categorized into residential, industrial, engineering, and building construction (Auer et al., 2007). For instance, the industrial category of construction entails the installation of industrial plants and facilities such as oil refineries and sugar factories. On the other hand, the residential category of construction refers to the construction of family homes and other family projects. However, there are other minor categories of construction such as infrastructure, institutional, and pre-engineered categories of construction. A vital point to note is that each category of construction has specific requirements in terms of plans, designs, materials, and funding. This paper explores the four main categories of construction, which are residential, industrial, engineering, and building construction. ... Nevertheless, in situations where property owners are experienced and conversant with building construction, careful and detailed planning has always ensured positive outcome of building construction projects. In the building construction of commercial buildings, private or public procurement methodologies such as cost estimation, price negotiation, management contracting and design-build bridging are applied (Hornbostel, 1991). An important characteristic of building construction is that it entails the assembly of structures for the provision of shelters. The construction of building is in fact, an ancient activity that man has undertaken since time immemorial. The adverse effects of harsh climates on man are perhaps the origin of building construction since man had to moderate or eliminate these effects of climate. Building construction is thus a means by which man seeks to adapt to the environment. The different climatic zones that people inhabit on earth have led to the designing of different buildings by man. In addition, there are the economic aspects of building construction and design that have greatly influenced the building construction industry in the world. Just like any other economic products, building construction materials and products command certain ranges of prices/costs and values to customers or clients. The other economic or cost-related elements of building construction are the security systems and protection requirements. Most important in this regard is the physical security of a property. In recent times, it has become a necessity, due to the increased security technologies, for property owners and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The blind side Essay Example for Free

The blind side Essay â€Å"The Blind Side† is based on the remarkable true story of Baltimore Ravens offensive left tackle Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron). Michael grew up in the inner city housing projects with his mother in Memphis, Tennessee aptly named â€Å"Hurt Village†. Michael’s story begins with him being homeless and coming from a broken home with a drug-addicted mother, and an absentee father. Because of his family circumstances, Family Services took control of his life as he was growing up. Unfortunately, he was being bounced around in and out of foster homes, and now as a teenager he has taken it upon himself that he would rather be homeless. By a stroke of luck, and the coach’s wish for a player the size of Michael, he ends up enrolling in a private Christian school where the Tuohy kids go. Michael is a quiet person. He is shown to have a kind of childish personality, because he tries to play with kindergarten children (Rachel St. Gelais) who reject or ignore him. Michael is befriended by S.J. Tuohy (Jae Head), the youngest Tuohy whose connection to Michael starts the ball rolling. One icy winter night, as Michael is walking down the road to the school gym, where he is sleeping, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) with her husband Sean (Tim McGraw) and children Jae and Collins (Lily Collins) pick Michael up and take him home for the night. However, he stays for the next night, which puzzles Sean, although the children accept Michael matter-of-factly. Soon, Leigh Anne offers him a room and bed. As she starts making him greater and greater favours, he comes to research through Michael’s exams, and the only positive feedback that teachers could ever say about him is that he had big protective instincts. Leigh Anne will use that to explain him how to play in the field. Up to that moment, he wasn’t able to get the hang of the game and its rules, and he wasn’t able to understand what his role in the field was. From that moment, Michael starts to play well and be useful to his team. At the traditional Christmas card photograph of that year, Leigh Anne invites him to appear on the photo. Leigh Anne’s friends Beth (Rhoda Griffs), Elaine (Eaddy Mays) and Sherry (Ashley LeConte Campbell) meet regularly at a local expensive restaurant. The friends laugh about Leigh Anne’s â€Å"project in the projects†, but she cuts it off, saying that if they don’t respect what she does, she will stop seeing them. An opportunity arises for Michael to play at  university level. However, he needs his grades to improve, so the Tuohys hire a private tuition teacher, outspoken and kind Miss Sue (Kathy Bates), who will immediately succeed. During their Geography lesson, she makes a stupid remark about some univerity burying the bodies of dead people in their game field, which Michael seems to believe blindly. There comes a momen when Leigh Anne wants to have a face-to-face conversation with Michael’s mother(Adriane Lenox). Although she seems unresponsive in the beginning, the mother finally wishes Michael the best. She says that social services had branded Michael â€Å"a runner†, and she forecasts that Leigh Anne will find one day that he has run away for good without giving any previous notice. Leigh Anne also faces some guys from the projects which had threatened Michael. They are left speechles when she threatens them and is not afraid of them at all. Three universities want Michael. S. J. talks to the coaches, and leads the negotiations on Michael’s behalf. When Michael gets his grades high enough, he must make a decision, and he does. He chooses the university where Sean had played for, and where Leigh Anne was a cheerleader. That causes Investigator Granger (Sharon Morris) to move onto the matter before Michael arrives there. She questions him as though they were holding interrogatory preceding at a police station. She thinks that the Tuohys and Miss Sue are using Michael to benefit that particular university. After thinking and questioning Leigh Ann on the matter, Michael realises that the Tuohys are now his family, and tells Granger that that’s the reason for him to choose that university. The film ends saying that he’ll succeed and become a professional player later on. S. J went out to the gamefield with Michael before all local games.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Entry Strategy Used By Wal Mart Commerce Essay

Entry Strategy Used By Wal Mart Commerce Essay This report examines Wal-Mart as a case study. An introduction of the history, objectives and strategy was first examined. It later went on to determine what motive the company into international strategy using secondary data obtained through Websites and journal articles. Taking into consideration Wal-Mart operates in about 15 different countries its entry into Brazil was investigated. The entry strategy used by Wal-Mart was examined using the four categories of timing of entry, market choice, and investment scale and entry mode. The companys corporate strategy was examined and it was discussed in terms of whether Wal-Mart strategy was Global, Multi-domestic and Transnational. Wal-Mart strategy was concluded to be more on the transnational strategy as it took into account its global strategy and local strategy as well. Wal-Mart is known for being a company that has competitive advantage in logistics and customer service which are among its functional analysis. The logistics was examined in full as the main functional analysis affecting Wal-Mart in its entry into Brazil. Finally, recommendations were given on what Wal-Mart could do better when entering another international Market and a conclusion was made. Introduction This report discusses the Wal-Mart was first established in America in 1962 by Sam Walton .Wal-Mart is known as one of the Worlds Largest retailers serving more than 200million customers and members per week ( As at 2010, its fiscal year sales was $405 billion and is one of the Worldss most admired Companies Survey. Wal-Mart has over 8400 stores in 15 different countries ( due to its need for globalisation. In this report, Wal-Mart entry into Brazil would be looked upon enabling the discussion on what motivated the firm into globalisation, its entry strategy into Brazil, its corporate strategy that enables it success and its functional analysis. Secondary datas would be used for this analysis. Firm Motivation In order to be able to analyse Wal-Marts entry strategy, it would be worthwhile to understand what motivated the firm into globalisation. Management realised, that by the 2000 the market in the United States would become saturated and reduce their market share and decided to expand global. Also in 1990s, Wal-Mart was facing stiff competition from key players such as K-Mart and target (Angela da Rocha 2002). These two companies were taking up Wal-Mart market share and expanding their global strategy. The competition strategy used by Target and K-Mart left Wal-Mart with no choice than to enter the international market with the aim of increasing market share and sales of the company. Wal-Mart believed in its strength and technology development to help in markets abroad. Wal-Mart was also motivated in terms of thinking about the benefits of economies of scale and scope obtained through globalisation. Wal-Mart deals with major international firms like Unilever (food products) which has its own international operations thereby using its large size to demand deeper discount on items (Hills 2008). Also, another reason Wal-Mart might have decided to entry Brazil could be because of the knowledge and expertise to be gained by other firms competing in such a country and be able to integrate the knowledge obtained into other operations in the future. Diagram derived from: The diagram above details the competitive advantage that Wal-Mart has in order for it to internationally encourage to enter different markets. Entry Strategy According to Hill 2008, there are four categories of entry strategies used by firms they are as following using Wal-Mart as analysis. Market Choice In 1994, Brazil experienced a new thrust in the economy where there was implementation of lower inflation. This improved the purchasing power of Brazilians and also enhanced economic growth, Wal-Mart saw this as an opportunity to invest in the country. In 1995, Wal-Mart began operations in Brazil; Wal-Mart entered Brazil in order to be able to obtain the benefits to be derived from the potential demand of the population and potential the economic growth Wal-Mart did not use one single strategy to enter different countries. The selection of market choice was based on the detailed information of the business, competitive and economic environments of the country of operations. Govindarajan and Gupta stated After choosing the country, and understanding the environment, the management at Wal-Mart would decide on the best entry strategy. The selection varied from starting new stores from scratch (to acquisitions), joint ventures, and alliances. Wal-Mart establishes its presence in local markets by first understanding the uniqueness of each market, and then by adapting its business model to suit that market. Entry Mode Wal-Mart, through partnership with Lojas Americanas which one of Brazils leading discount store chain entered Brazil. Wal-Mart chooses to own 60% whereas Lojas Americanas would retain 40% which is a joint venture. Wal-Mart holds 60% makes decision making easier has they control a larger percentage of the company and can make quick and managerial decision compared to if it was 50:50. According to the data founded by Hill 2008, UN estimated that some 40-80% of Foreign Direct investment were in form of mergers and acquisition. It is easy to execute joint venture than to start a company from scratch .Within the time taken to start a company from the beginning a competitor might have acquired another company within the country and limit the market share to be obtained. Joint Venture makes it easier for Wal-Mart to meet its objective of becoming a globalised company in international market. The logic behind this partnership and its success is that Lojas Americanas brings in the cultural integration whilst Wal-Mart brings in the managerial skills and resources needed for the partnership to work. Wal-mart decided to open Supercenters (50,000 different items) and Sams Club stores (buyers club which required a fee for membership) because it believed its discount operations would work. The idea of the Supercenters was to provide a new product mix and varieties for the Brazilian market at lowest price. Timing of Entry Wal-Mart entered Brazil as a first mover advantage as technology was not readily available in Brazil at the time of entry given them a competitive advantage against Carrefour. This helped the economy to imitate the technological advancement and incorporate them into other businesses. Although, the sharing of technology was an advantage it could have also been a disadvantage as Wal-Mart was sharing its knowledge with its competitors and this could have been used against them. Investment Scale Wal-mart entered with Lojas Americanas which was known for its aggressive strategy in dealing with businesses thereby helping Wal-Mart gain an advantage. It entered with US$120 million to construct its stores with one in the largest city (Kotabe 2003).It entered at a large scale in order to gain competitive advantage this could have also been a problem if Wal-Mart failed in Brazil thereby losing the revenue used in entry. According to Kotabe 2003, it was stated that Wal-Marts objective was to achieve number one retailer position in Brazil and in order to do that they setup a logistics and communication system competent of supporting no less than 80 units in the Brazilian Market Wal-Mart also employed Brazilian executives who understood the market, cultures, and customers and would be able to manage the company effectively. Wal-Mart continued investing into Brazil has the demand was becoming more than the supply for their manufactured goods and services. Corporate Strategy According to Sam Walton, Wal-Mart strategy is low prices always. Wal-mart is known as Wal-Mart greeters where customers enter the store and they are greeted with a sweet face a, huge smile and a shopping cart (Burbano 2004). Wal-Mart also offered attraction of employees at disposals of consumers helping them as they enter into the stores. Wal-Mart company strategy is based on four pillars cost leadership, customer orientation, logistics and information technology (Angela da Rocha 2002). Fig 1 explains the reasons such as pressure from local responsiveness and pressure from global integration helps in determining the corporate strategy of the firms. When a company such as Wal-Mart chooses a corporate strategy it needs to decide how strong would the pressure of global integration or the pressure of local responsiveness affect its overall objective? Global Strategy In terms of Wal-Mart being a global strategy based in the beginning they prided themselves on being global. It brought the cultures, product, ways and products of the United States into Brazil and thought it could work since Brazil could not be different from America. It was later realised that it would not work and it revised it strategy by incorporating the culture of the Brazilians and the product to satisfy customer needs. Multi-Domestic Strategy In terms of localization strategy, Wal-Mart could not be seen as being localised because it never forgot its strategy of lowest prices and it incorporated some of its American product as well as Brazilian products in the market. Wal-Mart had to change its product from being USA focus and included variety of product that was an attraction to the Brazilian people. Wal-Mart prides itself on being a customer oriented in terms of good service, product at lowest prices. Wal-Mart boasts that it has a global strategy but it is also locally focused we people the people first ( Transnational Strategy Wal-Mart could also be seen as a transnational company in terms of the striking the balance between global standardization of operating strategy and local customization of store layout and stocking practices. Wal-Mart took into account what the Brazilians want by buying product from the local manufactures thereby integrating the cultures and customer needs. Also Wal-Mart adjusted to the situation of Brazilian market by increasing the deadlines of delivery by manufactures, it did not use the United State to bring in the products. Functional Analysis In order for Wal-mart to be successful in its chosen country it needs to work as a team with different departments. The departments such as Marketing, Purchasing, HRM, Logistics and Distribution etc come together to analyse the details and decide what is best for the companys operation in the chosen country. Wal-Mart prides itself on its logistic systems being that it enables the company have competitive advantage over its competitors. As Wal-Mart began operation the demand of their merchandise was increasing compared to the supply that they had in store. The checkout lines were longer than expected; there was storage of parking space, traffic congestions and aggressive reaction from Carrefour its competitor. In accordance with Kotabe 2003, Wal-Mart experienced an alarming 40% stock out rate in Brazil, as compared to 5% in the United States. Although the stock out rate has decreased since, the problem is far from being completely eliminated. Brazilian suppliers are lagging behind the U.S. counterparts in logistics technology as that level of technological advancement has not been reached, thus making computerized inventory management systems useless. Additionally, the presences of traffic congestion present another major challenge to consistency and predictability in supply of both Wal-Mart stores and distribution center. At the time of entry, Brazil was in no comparison to the United States in terms of technological advancement. Wal-Mart believed that its logistics was good enough to help them in Brazil; what they failed to consider was the population of the Brazilian people and the demand for their merchandise. Consumers were eagerly interested in the lower prices of merchandise sold by Wal-Mart, and there was no indication of stress of traveling long distance to obtain merchandise. Wal-Mart had a flexible logistics, which enabled it realize the problem the problem of distribution and transport costs from the United State into Brazil. It decided to set-up alliances with local suppliers to deliver some goods that the store needed. This enabled reduced costs due to reduce transportation and fuel by drivers of their trucks and due to the technology it had it was able to determine the quality of the products. Recommendation When Wal-Mart decides to enter into an international market it needs to fully understand the market and the potential demands, political and suppliers issues in order to be fully prepared for adverse reactions. Wal-Mart believes in its logistics as one of its competitive advantage and believes it could help them in any market. It is recommended, that they put into account the tastes and cultures of consumers and how they would be able to adapt to the countries ways of doing things. It is recommended that Wal-Mart could go a long way in benefiting internationally if the above recommendations are considered. Conclusions In this report, the motivation of Wal-Mart into internationalisation was analysed. Also, the entry strategy which included the market choice, the timing of entry, the type of entry mode and the investment scale was analysed. The corporate strategy of Wal-Mart whether it being multi-domestic, global or transnational was analysed. Its functional analysis was examined as well taking into account its logistics system. It was finished with a recommendation on what the company could do better in fir the next entry into another market.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lateritic Soils in the Tropics: The Problems and Management Possibiliti

Lateritic Soils in the Tropics: The Problems and Management Possibilities The soil name "laterite" comes from a Latin word "later" meaning brick. It is an appropriate name, as soils under this classification are characterized by forming hard, impenetrable and often irreversible pans when dried (Soils and Soil Fertility 1993). Lateritic soils are also characterized by their low soil fertility. Due to the high rate of weathering, and resulting low charge minerals, the soil is unable to retain the nutrients needed for plant growth (Ibid., Coleman 1989). Laterite soils have many names. In the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization they have been named Ferralsols and Acrisols, and in the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Taxonomy, Oxisols and Ultisols. Ferralsols, like Oxisols have high iron and aluminum oxide contents, whereas Acrisols and Ultisols are characterized by extreme stages of weathering (Oades 1989). Below, we take a look at the formation of lateritic soils, the importance of biota for soil fertility and some suggestions for laterite management. Soil Formation Both climate and parent material are important in the pedogenic processes which go into the formation of lateritic soils. Laterite soils are formed in moist, well-drained, tropical conditions (usually in areas with a significant dry season) on a variety of different types of rocks with high iron content. (See Appendix 1.) Initial stages of weathering lead to the formation of kaolinite and iron oxyhydroxides. Micro and macro-level movements of iron through soil minerals also begins to occur (Nahon 1986). Next, mottled clay layers are formed. Iron oxyhydroxides continue to migrate within the soil profile, becoming more crysta... ...69 - 190. - Oades, J. Malcolm, Gavin P. Gillman, and Goro Uehara with Nguyen V. Hue, Meine van Noordwijk, G. Philip Robertson and Koji Wada. " Interactions of Soil Organic Matter and Variable-Charge Clays" IN: " In: David C. Coleman, J. Malcolm Oades and Goro Uehara (eds.), Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter in Tropical Ecosystems: Hawaii, NifTAL Project University of Hwawii Press, 1989. p. 69 - 95. - Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda For Agriculture, Committee on Long-Range Soil and Water Conservation, Board on Agriculture., National Research Council: Washington D.C., National Academy Press, 1993. p. 218. - Soils and Soil Fertility, Frederick R. Troeh and Louis M. Thompson (eds.), New York, Oxford University Press, 1993. p. 311, 321 - 322. - Wambeke, Armand Van. Soils of the Tropics: Properties and Appraisal: New York, McGraw Hill Inc, 1992. p. 139 - 161.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Biography of Harriet Tubman Essay -- Harriet Tubman Slavery Racism Ess

Biography of Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman was born in 1820 on a large plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland. She was the sixth of eleven children. She was born in a very small on-room log hut, that was located behind her families owners house. The huthad a dirt floor, no windows, and no furniture. Her fater, Benjamin Ross, and mother, Harriet Green, were both slaves. They were from the Ashanti ribe of West Africa. Edward Brodas, Harriet's owner, hired her out as a laborer by the age of five. The buying and selling of humans was a big deal in America between the late 1600's and the 1800's. By 1835 there were over two million black men, women, and children who were slaves. These people were bought and sold. No one cared if husbands and wives got weparated or if children were separated from their parents. Slaves were not treated like people. No one really cared what happend to them. Harriet was beaten by her masters all the time. They saw as a wild child. One tiem, Harriet saw a bowl filled with lumps of suger and decided to take one. Harriet's mistress, Miss. Susan, saw her take it and started chasing her with a whip. Harriet ran away and hid out with the pigs. She ahd to go bakc, because she was really hungrey. When she went back she got whipped over and over again. She said, "Now you know, I never had anything good, no sweet, no suger, and that sugar right by me did look so nice." By her early teens, Harriet was no longer allowed to work inside, so she was hired out as a filed hand. She work very hard and long hours out in the fields. There was no such thing as a rest for slaves. In 1835, Harriet came between her owner and a slave who was running away. The owner threw a lead weight, that weighed 2 punds, at the runaway, but it hit Harriet instead. the hit put hir in a coma and it took months for her to recover. She never fully recovered from the hit and after that suffered from blackouts, really bad headaches, and sleeping spelss for the rest of her life. In 1844, Harriet meet a free black man named John Tubman. They got married, but Harriet was still a slave. They got to stay in his cabin at night. Harriet's owner died and she knew she was going to be sold to someone else. She was really afraid of being shipped to the deep south. The deep south was the worse p... ...odist Episcopal Zion Church. In 1897, Queen victoria awarded Harriet a silver medal for being so brave. The church cimpleted the hime and it was done by 1908. Harriet got old and sick. She died of pneumonia n March 10, 1913. She lived to be 93 years old. Harriet had a hard childhood, but that made her the brave and caring woman she was. She risked her own life over and over again to free family and other slaves. harriet spent most of her life working to make life better for other people, and she did a really good job at ti. She was a very strong woman and she didn't let anything get in her way. Harriet Tubman opened up the eyes of white people all over America and told them why slavery was so wrong. WORKS CITED Merton Dillon, Teh Abolitionists: The growth of a dissnting Minority, pg 187 David Alder, A story of Young Harriet Tubman, pg 22 Mark Buller, Harriet Tubman: her Courageous Story, pg 45 Free states versus Slave States, The World Book of encyclopedia, pg 475-480 Louis Filler, The Crusade Against Slavery: 1830-1860, pg 203 Sarah Bradford, Harriet Tubman: The Moses of her People, pg 56 Tim Hopkinson, Railroad to Freedom pg 142

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Effects of the Atomic Bomb Essay -- Essays Papers

The Effects of the Atomic Bomb Some regard the atomic bomb as â€Å"the thank God for the atom bomb†. This places God on the U.S. side and regards the bombs as our saving grace. This bomb forced the Japanese to surrender which in turn proved the U.S. to be the heroes who saved the American’s lives.1 The Americans intended on ending the war but did not expect to end it with such a large number of casualties. The results of the atomic bomb and how it effected the Japanese people both emotionally and physically will be addressed. â€Å"The bombs marked both an end and a beginning—the end of an appalling global conflagration in which more than 50 million people were killed and the beginning of the nuclear arms race and a new world in which security was forever a step away and enormous resources had to be diverted to military pursuits†.2 They planned to invade Kyusha in the South on November 1st, and Tokyo and the Kanto area in Honshu in March of 1946. There was a long road ahead of them so the sooner the war ended, the better. But this was no excuse for the U.S. to kill millions of people.3 â€Å"In Japan, as might be expected, popular memory of the atomic bombs tend to begin where the American narratives leave off†¦Rubble everywhere. A silent, shattered cityscape. In this regard, the heroic narrative differs little from a Hollywood script†.4 Today we have the Smithsonian Institution that represents the trauma that many of the people today do not have imprinted in their memory. This is a way for all people, who were both present and not present, to pay their respects to the participants and the victims in World War II.5 In creating the Smithsonian, the Americans initially wanted to reflect deeply upon the occurrences by design... ... the War in Asia,† The Journal of American History 82 (1995): 1124. - Ernest Hook, â€Å"The Exclusion of Minor Malformations in the Study of Mutation in the Offspring of Survivor of Atomic Bomb: Methodological, Not Sociopolitical, Rationale,† Journal of the History of Biology 30 (1997): 239-242. - Kenzaburo Oe, Hiroshima Notes, trans. David L. Swain and Toshi Yonezawa (New York: Grove, 1996). - Toyofumi Ogura Letters From the End of the World: A Firsthand Account of the Bombing of Hiroshima trans. Kisaburo Murakami and Sigeru Figil (New York: Kodansha International, 1982). - â€Å"Physical Damages Caused by the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing,† (28 Feb. 2000). - Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (New York, 1972).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Psychological And Spiritual Guide Essay

Fear has diverse implications on a person. The presence of fear in a person is actually a manifestation on one’s behavior or influences. To collaborate in animal behavior, both fear and suspicion can turn one anxious and even make one do things beyond the normal state of a being. Cases such as sexual abuse or traumas are common amongst individuals in the contemporary society, although there are certain kinds of fear which have been inhibited by an individual since childhood and may have a hard time to cope up and overcome with it (Campbell, 2006). Fear creates limitations A person clouded with fear can be manifested in the actions of a person. As sociology suggests, fear can create impacts to the people around an individual; it could either gain sympathy or make another superior. The second effect then could be considered negative since it may be used by another to take advantage over the fearful person. Scholars even showed how fear overpowers one’s confidence in situations where one already relies to the concept of fear alone and feeling weary and helpless. As a matter of fact, studies show that fear sometimes takes over on the situation limiting the person of the capabilities that one utterly possesses. Aside from that fear also takes away the person from fulfilling one’s desire or one’s aim. Given the fact that the person has already been soaked in the river of fear—this also leads to low self-esteem—the person just goes along with what is happening and is afraid to make an appeal. Psychological implications of fear Fear is revealed when one feels the failure of control over main events and state of affairs in one’s life. In other words, this is a fear of loss of personal freedom. This is a predominant fear of people with substance addictions, battered wives and children, nursing home patients, and even the nations destitute. It also surfaces when an individuals’ indenture delayed sickness such as cancer or AIDS. Such fear is also established in people whose personality type is described as learned helpless-hopeless, people who think they have minute control of their lives. Behavioral changes caused by fear The concept of fear is coupled with fear of the unknown when one contemplates the subsistence of an afterlife and reaches no comfortable answers. Further, the conscious mind can’t comprehend life without itself, and the thought of nonexistence is less than comforting. Psychologists point out that many people, who exhibit fear is extremely vigilant, normally have behavioral changes or turn away from instances or materials or people which are in one point or another not supposed to be avoided. Moreover, few stress that anger and fear thoroughly two viewpoints which are indiscriminately diverse. There are others who believe that anger is really just another shadow of fear, inspired by that which generates a sense of awkwardness inside of us. Whether they are two completely different emotions, or derived from the same source but expressed differently, they are both very authentic. Like anger, fear is a factor of continued existence. In its most primal form, fear stimulates a substantial response to flee and hide from threats that are intimidating, overwhelming, and sometimes fatal (Lehrman & Harlow, 2006). Conclusions and further remarks Motivational properties are attributed to fear, and the fear-response may be thought of as occurring with such frequency as to equal emotional persistence. The distinction must be made however, for the fear-response which has been showed to be learnable and therefore directly dependent upon environmental cues rather than merely building up with successive noxious stimulations. Further, the responses of individuals to fear, either originating as a component or concomitant of pain, but learnable in the sense that it is capable of being elicited by some triggering factors and common practices that may be conceived as root of the fear. References Campbell, D. (2006). Inner Strength Defies the Skeptic: A Psychological And Spiritual Guide from Fear to Freedom. New York, NY: Immediex Publishing. Lehrman, N. S. , & Harlow, H. F. (2006). Emotionality and Fear. Science, 131(3415), 1700+1740.

Nazi Concentration Camps

The Holocaust was one of the world’s worst genocides; concentration camps were the worst place to be if you were a captive. Adolf Hitler, a Nazi, convinced many that certain groups of people needed to be exterminated. He started concentration camps to terrorize his enemies. The first concentration camps started in 1933, six years before World War Two began. There were several concentration camps. These concentration camps consisted of European Jews, P. O. W. ’s (Prisoners of War), political prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, and gypsies, the mentally ill and other groups.The first concentration camp was called Dachau, located in Munich, Germany. It was opened March 22, 1933. Within five years of Dachau opening, the number of concentration camps quadrupled. The Nazis created different types of camps, for example, labor camps, transit and collection camps, P. O. W. camps, hostage (or death camps), and extermination camps. Labor concentration camps were where inmates had t o do hard labor under inhumane conditions and cruel treatment. Transit and collection camps were where inmates were collected and transferred to main camps.Prisoner of war camps were where prisoners were held after being captured. These P. O. W. camps caused torture and liquidation of prisoners on a large scale. Death camps were where hostages were held and killed as reprisals. Extermination camps were a mixture of the other camps and were not useful people were sent to be killed. These concentration camps were all horrible but Auschwitz was the worst. Auschwitz was located in Poland and was opened in June 1940. Auschwitz was a total of 40 kilometers. Auschwitz was a labor and extermination camp. Auschwitz had three other sub camps Auschwitz 2 Birkenau and Auschwitz 3.Auschwitz had the highest death count compared to any other camp. It’s estimated that 4 million people were sent to Auschwitz and 1. 1 million died at Auschwitz. The prisoners died of starvation, exhaustion, dis eases, or killed inhumanely by being shot, burned, or gassed. For the most part, children and elders in the concentration camps were treated the worst. If a child was born in a concentration camp, they would be killed on the spot. Most children and elders were killed as soon as they got to the concentration camps if they looked too weak to be useful to work.Some were used for drug and surgery experiments. To save the amount of poison gas and ammunition used to kill people, some children would be thrown into ovens or put into open fire pits. These prisoners were also beaten, put in pressure chambers, or frozen to death. The Nazis were brutal and didn’t care who they killed. There were many escape attempts, though only 802 attempts on record. Only 144 made it out but most of them were caught and killed, or taken back to camp and starved to death. If someone successfully made it out of the camp, random people in their prisoner block would be starved.One of the most successful es capes was when a few prisoners dressed as guards, stole a car and drove out the front gate, they were never caught. The most successful escape was when Oscar Schindler got 300 women out of Auschwitz. Oscar pretended to be one of the people in charge of the camp. Before the freight car full of people got to the camp, he told them to send them back. When they got back, he took them to a safe house and looked after them. The concentration camps were all shut down on May 7, 1945 when World War Two ended.It was estimated that 7,991,460 people lost their lives in the concentration camps. When the Germans were defeated by the allies they were forced to close down all of the concentration camps. Most of the camps were destroyed. Some of the camps were used as prisons for the Nazis. Some of these concentration camps have been converted into museums and memorials for those who lost their lives. Bibliography 1. Nazi concentration camps Jan 14-17 2011 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nazi_concent ration_camps 2. Auschwitz, Nazi death camp Jan 14-17 2011 http://www. auschwitz. dk/auschwitz. htm

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Malaria: Infection and Relatively New Species

The Compromise of 1850 is one of the most important compromises in this history of the United States, maybe even the world. The Compromise of 1850 is made up of five bills passed in the United States of America in September 1850, and it terminated a four-year confrontation between the slave states of the south and the free states of the north concerning the position of territories gained during the time of the Mexican-American war which was in 1846-1848. The most important political ramification in the Compromise has to be the Fugitive Slave Act for numerous reasons. Many historians have argued that the Fugitive Slave Act was very obliging to the abolitionist cause, even though some of the abolitionists did not like its’ provisions. The Fugitive Slave Act was not beneficial to the slaves and it did not help the slaves escape to freedom. The subject matter of fugitive slaves in an intellect became one of the single main influential armaments in the hands of the Abolitionist Movement. The Constitution has an article that says that fugitives from industry must be sent back to the South if they were caught in the North. Also, this gave slavery what people like to call more territory. That meant that it made slavery a global organization. Although the northern states did have the ability to abolish slavery, they could not pass up their own Constitutional priority to enforce the slave laws that were in the southern states. Some fugitives even carried with them the officially authorized status of slavery, even in a territory that didn’t have any slavery at all. In reality, most of the states did not do much about this. That is the reason the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was enacted, which made the federal government responsible for tracking down and apprehending fugitive slaves in the North, and sending them back to the South. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, one might say, was the most powerful exercise of federal authority within the United States in the whole era before the Civil War. The Fugitive Slave Act also had a great amount of features that seemed to terminate some liberties of free Caucasian northerners. The Fugitive Slave Act permitted the federal government to represent citizens, even if that meant against their will, and make them to take part in posses and any other groups to grab a hold of fugitive slaves. Also, it said that limited courts couldn’t give a ruling whether somebody was a slave or not. Federal commissioners would be likely to come in and see and hear the testimony. Also, the slaves were not permitted to testify either. The person who testified was the owner, or the so-called owner, of the suspected fugitive. Then, the commissioner would arbitrate whether the owner of the suspected fugitive’s testimony was actually believable or not, and after that they would send the person back to slavery. The Fugitive Slave Act was a very powerful tool. It was mostly used to gather a great amount of slaves, escaped slaves, or even people who weren’t even considered slaves at all, who were born free and ship them back to the South. The Fugitive Slave Act wasn’t a success due to an effort to keep the Union together. Rather, they focused on differences on the issue of slavery. The act also brought up some very important problems about what it means to trace the direction of law and go after fairness beneath a Constitution that both advertised freedom and permitted slavery. The acts exasperated Northern sensibilities that had turned aligned with slavery. Both, Northern social and legal reaction next to the acts were intimidating and abusive to Southerners. Southerners felt that a few abolitionists in the North, yet some Northern legislatures heartening slaves to rebel, an option that a great amount of Southerners really feared. The Fugitive Slave Act arranged commissioners to go after slaves who had to flee into Free States to capture them and return them to their masters. Because a great amount of Free States disliked being obligated to assist with a scheme they wanted to border and ultimately abolish, they enacted laws intended to limit the efficiency of the commissioners and a great amount of officials declined to assist even though mandated by law to do so. It brought up the stage of public opinion in the North that felt it could not coexist, both half slave and half free. Previous to 1850, if runaway slaves were captured, they were normally killed, and sometimes even tormented in an open exhibit to fright other slaves. Chastisement in the North for Caucasian citizens and free African-Americans who helped during escapes were formally not as cruel normally a fine for the loss of property and a petite prison sentence that might not be enforced. In 1850, consequences became much steeper and incorporated more jail time. Whites, who fortified slaves, which was frequently mandatory along the hazardous direction, could be executed. Back in the South, anybody whether white or black who helped a fugitive, could face fatality. Northern response in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act was physically powerful and a great amount of states enacted laws that invalidated its’ effect, making it valueless. On top of that, slave gatherers could officially maintain that any African-American citizen they saw was a runaway slave, which not only threatened free African-Americans but infuriated many white citizens. Northerners were shocked by reports of slave gatherers luring young free African-American kids onto boats and departing them to the Deep South. In cases where the rule was put into effect, intimidation or acts of horde aggression often required the send out of federal troops. Citizens convicted of infringing the act were frequently and seriously fined, locked up, or both. The rejection of northern states to put into effect the Fugitive Slave Act was suspected by South Carolina as one cause for its secession from the Union earlier to the start of the Civil War. Any citizen aiding an escapee slave by providing protection, food or any other form of support was legally responsible to six months' custody and a $500 fine, Â ¬ a pricey consequence in those days. Those officers catching a fugitive slave were permitted to a fee and this encouraged some officers to take hostage free Negroes and wholesale them to slave-owners. If a runaway slave was seen, he or she ought to be detained and turned in to the authorities for banishment back to the rightful possessor down south. It was considered that the Fugitive Slave Act would reduce the incentive for slaves to try to flee. The underlying principle behind this was the slaves' comprehension that even if they managed to run away from their cultivated area, they could still be captured and brought back by any citizen in the United States of America. Also, the Fugitive Slave Act led to the Civil War. Northerners, who may have been reluctant to go to war over the slavery in the South, were located in a tricky condition by the obligation that they capture African-Americans who had ran from burden and return them to their previous slave-holders. This put Northerners frankly in conspiracy with slavery, and they couldn't exist with that. In conclusion, the Fugitive Slave Act was not a success at all. Sure it had great intentions, but it just did not work out. This was one of the most contentious acts of the 1850 compromise and heightened Northern worries of a slave power scheme. It confirmed that all fugitive slaves were; upon detain, to be returned to their owners. Abolitionists called it the Bloodhound Law for the dogs that were frequently utilized to track down fugitive slaves.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Adidas Motivation

An employer of choice Rewarding employees Performance-driven remuneration system We are committed to rewarding our employees with compensation and benefit programmes that are competitive in the marketplace. The cornerstone of our rewards programme is our Global Salary Management System which is used as a basis to set the value of employees' positions and salaries in a market-driven and performance-oriented way.In addition to a fixed base salary, we also offer our employees various variable compensation components. Bonus programme: In order to allow our employees to participate in the Group's success and to reward them for their target achievement, we have implemented a global bonus programme under the name ‘aim 2 score'.This programme combines individual performance (measured in the Performance Evaluation and Planning process) and corporate performance (actual financial results measured against Group, brand, channel, division and/or business unit targets). Profit sharing: For e mployees at our Group headquarters and our other locations in Germany who do not participate in the bonus programme, we have introduced a profit sharing programme called ‘Champions Bonus'.Additional compensation components: For senior management and Executive Board members we offer Long-Term Incentive Programmes (LTIP). Other benefits include our 401-K pension plans in the USA and the adidas Group pension plan for our employees in Germany. In 2010, 2,060 employees participated in the latter, which represents 58% of all eligible employees. Other Group subsidiaries also grant a variety of additional benefits to employees depending on locally defined practices and country-specific norms.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Complaint Letter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Complaint Letter - Assignment Example James Adams put me on hold for several minutes, almost 45 minutes, and then returned to say he could not help me. Needless to say, I was quite frustrated and annoyed as I have expected a much higher level of service from your company, and this experience has disappointed me. This is the second time that I have not been treated very rudely and with no assistance. I let go of the previous situation as I did not want to cause troubles for anyone and the young lady at the store seemed overly stressed and overworked. However this call has pushed me over the edge and I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I am returning the blender to the local store immediately, and I expect a full refund. Please inform the local store [Your Local Store], that I will be back to return the blender and I do not want to be pushed around, as I do not have any more time to waste on this issue. I am including the details of my bill: This is a very saddening event as I am a regular customer at Wal Mart and I have always been treated well by all the staff at Wal Mart. However over the last two events, I have been spoken to very rudely and I do not think this is fair. I hope you do take some strict action against this and do recognise that I nothing against James Adams personally. It is the sheer lack of professionalism and courtesy that has upset me. I hope the level of professionalism and courtesy that is generally extended to all the customers is maintained and customer complaints are not overlooked. I will be informing my family and friends about this

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22

Reading Response - Essay Example In 1964, President Lyndon announced a war against poverty. There were many discussions held that sort to show the manner through which children suffering from cultural deprivation can be helped (Wang, 2011). The discussions were to handle the issue of stigma going around. The issue of head start classrooms came around at about that time. The head start classroom is designed in a manner that the children are offered the opportunity to engage in various activities that show the major differences between the home environment and the academic environment. Another Concept to understand is the issue of linguistic diversity. This is where the various students get to engage in many speech events. These events are effectual in that they ensure the kids spend more time working on their talking skills that are beneficial to them both now and later on. Despite the background or race of kids, it is appropriate to treat them all equally and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

NASA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NASA - Essay Example These are all good things but they do not necessarily bring about good results. The case study shows that the administrators and the systems need to be geared to solving real problems, and not just sustaining the system itself. There is no point in having an excellent health and safety system, for example, if it the accidents still happen and people still lose their lives. Another key role of public administration is to decide what needs to be done, and plan for that. Wilson’s comparison of the French and German armies at the start of World War 2 shows that it is possible to have excellent organizational systems, with everything working to plan, and yet, in the case of the French, have a plan that is not suited to the particular problems facing the organization. This means that public administration which is strong is not enough. It has to be facing the right direction and aiming for the right goals so that it can be effective at bringing about the desired outcomes. In some pu blic organizations there are very large resources devoted to the operation and so it is crucial that the senior teams think through very carefully what the priorities are, and what kind of change needs to be faced in the future. Simply maintaining the procedures that have always worked in the past is not enough. This may have been enough before, but because there are many variables in society, and because things change unexpectedly, an effective public administration needs to be flexible and able to take on board new ideas all the time. The example of the German army, and of some school head teachers, shows that highly committed individuals who can manage teams are an essential part of an effective administration. There has to be an ability to keep to an overall plan, but at the same time some small group independent thinking and action is absolutely vital. Public administration is often criticized because it is too slow moving, and over cautious. Society needs an administration tha t can respond quickly to crisis, and can break through all the red tape to take decisive action when there is a real threat. In the Centralia case study it is clear that the administrators all kept within their own narrow boundaries, and no-one stepped out to demand immediate and decisive action. Society needs this kind of leadership in public administration to identify crisis areas and respond immediately. Public administration has a very important role in society because it adds a professional dimension to community activities. Someone has to have a view of the big picture, and someone has to ensure that all the different branches of activity in society meet together for the good of all. I think Wilson’s description of the German army is a good one, because it shows that discipline and order can be matched with innovation and independent thinking. If everything was left to private individuals and companies, then there would soon be chaos and exploitation of the weakest memb ers of society. Public administration sets the standard for fairness and consistency, and it is the job of public administration managers to keep a good balance between following the rules and driving through change where it is needed. Question 2. On the basis of Long’s essay on administrative power and your analysis of â€Å"The Columbia Accident† what specific factors can you identify that can strengthen or detract from an organization’

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for Dr. McDougalls Right Essay

Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for Dr. McDougalls Right Food Asian Entres - Essay Example The founder and owner of Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods, Dr. John McDougall, as the chairman of the board of directors, continues to extend the most crucial influence to the thrusts and goals of the organization. As part of the management team, one’s sphere of influence encompasses â€Å"responsibility for corporate governance, corporate strategy, and the interests of all the organizations stakeholders† (Q Finance, 2009, par. 1). Through the coordination and participation of other management team members, one has relevant impact in suggesting recommendations towards the implementation of the business plan. The success of the management team is sourced from equal, fair and just collaboration and participation of all members, regardless of the diversity in responsibilities. In this regard, there is no eminent bias within the organization. With regards to anticipating hurdles, as normal as any organization operates, hurdles come in terms of external factors that are unseen, yet could influence the firms’ operations. These hurdles are increases in prices of raw materials or minimum wages for employees; imposition of additional value added taxes; or stiffer competitors, An effective leadership style is that which conforms, adjusts and adapts to the demands of the situation. One would demonstrate a situational leadership style that focuses on the capabilities and resources of the organization, in conjunction with the defined goals. Any strategy that needs to be designed must focus on the achievement objectives at the most efficient and effective manner. Any potential shortcoming is perceived in terms of responding appropriately to unanticipated changes in both the internal and external environment. One’s competencies and qualifications are the strengths that would assist in designing strategies towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Weaknesses could come in terms of responding effectively to

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Overcoat - Nikolai Gogol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Overcoat - Nikolai Gogol - Essay Example The portrayal of the protagonist supports the idea that environmental oppression impacts the individual, which may result in the formation of deviant behavioral patterns. Early in the work, the protagonist’s appearance is describes as ordinary and rather sallow, stating â€Å"There is nothing we can do about [the protagonist appearance], it is all the fault of the St. Petersburg climate† (Gogol 234). While this statement at surface value seems to refer to the weather, it closely parallels the bureaucratic climate that, much like the weather, is a large and dismal force that the protagonist feels powerless to alter. Even the name of the character, Akaky Akakyevich, closely resembles the Russian term ‘okakat’ meaning to smear with excrement, or the term ‘caca’, which is of Greek origin but refers to excrement in many modern languages (Paul 1). A parallel is drawn between the oppression of the bureaucratic system, wherein a designated rank oppress es societal classes, and the oppression of the individual by his personal designation, in this case the character’s given name. This is supported by in the text by statements such as â€Å"with us, rank is something that must be stated before anything else†, highlighting the oppressive qualities of personal designations, such as rank (Gogol 234). Oppression on many levels shapes the traits of the protagonist, suggesting that environmental influences are responsible for future deviant behavior. The protagonist at first negotiates a reality filled with oppression with acceptance; however, when his expectations are made higher by the prospect of a new overcoat, symbolic of a rise in the societal hierarchy, the character develops deviant personality traits, ultimately leading to his death and the wrath of his angry spirit. The author describes the Very Important Person as a character that

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How Advertising and the Media Have Created a New China Research Paper

How Advertising and the Media Have Created a New China - Research Paper Example China is no exception: a country with a long history of communism, China slowly adopts a new, westernized vision of the global reality. Chinese media reflect and contribute to the development of new consumer images. The influence of advertising on individual and collective identities is difficult to overestimate. More important are the influences of media advertising on the development of gender relations and the changing perceptions of femininity in the postmodern Chinese culture. A content analysis of Chinese printed ads will provide a brief insight into the role of media and advertising in creating the country’s female ideals. Advertising and the making of new China: Setting the context How advertising shapes new China is a question surrounded by much controversy. It is no secret that the end of the 1970s marked a new stage in the political, economic, and cultural evolution of China. Since the end of the 1970s, China has changed dramatically from being predominantly Marxist to a becoming a new, market-socialist country (Tse, Belk & Zhou 457). The no-advertising culture gave place to a well-developed advertising infrastructure, which both facilitates and is facilitated by the rapid development of modern media sources and consumer values (Tse, Belk & Zhou 457). ... Chinese consumers gradually realize the value of market openness. In their consumer choices they mostly rely on the popular media sources. Product choices in China are no longer limited to bicycles and wristwatches but make Chinese consumers think twice, before they choose the best of the best in highly competitive Chinese and international markets (Tse, Belk & Zhou 458). Against the background of market openness and relative freedom of competition, the Chinese media have become an important carrier of unique cultural meanings. Advertising does not merely sell goods but has the strong potential to create a new collective identity (Johansson 357). Advertising creates a new image of self in Chinese consumers; it strengthens the sense of belonging to one or several societal groups; eventually, advertising creates a distinct borderline between Self and Others, but whether advertising praises or judges otherness depends on numerous contextual factors (Johansson 357). Chinese media context s are extremely complex and diverse. They create and sustain a self-otherness dichotomy which characterizes most, if not all, media processes in today’s China. Women are excessively susceptible to this type of media influences. It would be fair to assume that the role of women in the Chinese society and advertising in popular media are closely interrelated: the media reflect the dramatic changes in the women-society relationship and, simultaneously, drive the development of new gender realities. Advertising shapes new China, through new typologies of women and changes in female perceptions of Chinese cultural realities. This is probably why the role of advertising in the development of female identities and their implications for new

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Media Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Media Advertising - Essay Example This paper delves into how media advertisement can be used to promote sales for software products. When marketing for software products I would engage in the process of developing the marketing plan required to sell the software. Research on how to market the product would cover market needs, market trends and the best mode of advertising. Since the identified marketing medium is through online selling on Facebook, the best tactic to use would be to display unique features about the product using creativity that is difficult to copy (Feltenstein, 2010).   Legal implications – when using the online advertisement, any breach of law can always be traced back and used as evidence of the case. Due to ignorance of law, many businesses suffer from this risk. Security breach – there are hackers or internet criminals who target the operations of the companies that undertake online marketing. This involves track on financial information and account details or company profile to create havoc (Smith, 2011).   Advertising on the internet serves as a good strategy to increase profits for the company or the business. Social media advertisement targets a large group of people who act as customers of such products and they lead to increased sales of the product. Many customers who deal with online products get more satisfaction because they can make the transactions using online system and they are able to get the specific product without going for window shopping. Since the customer satisfaction is high through social media due to factors like integrated marketing communication, there are more customers in social media which leads to increased sales and thus profitability (Funk, 2013).   Social media advertisement also leads to profits through reduced cost of operation. Through online advertisement, the business applies integrated marketing communication (IMC) which involves combining all aspects of marketing such as sales promotion, public

Friday, September 6, 2019

Study Guide for Crossword Puzzle Essay Example for Free

Study Guide for Crossword Puzzle Essay Guide Acids and Bases: 1. Be able to identify both the Bronsted–Lowry acid and base from a given reaction. ~An acid is a proton donor ~A base is a proton acceptor H3PO4 + H20 H3O+ +H2PO4- H3PO4 is an acid so it is a proton donor. It gives its positive atom to the other element 2. Be able to calculate the pH of a solution given [H3O+] Example: What is the pH of a solution with a [H3O+] of 1 x 10-2 M? The pH level should equal the exponent number of 2. Redox Reactions: Be able to identify what is reduced and what is oxidized in a redox reaction. Ex: What is reduced in the following reaction? 2 Bi3+ + 3 Mg 2 Bi + 3 Mg2+. The reduced element in the following is Bi (Bismuth) because that element is broken down without its charge number. Boyle’s Law: Be able to apply Boyle’s Law to solve for either pressure or volume Ex: A sample of helium gas occupies 1245 mL at 705 mmHg. For a gas sample at constant temperature, determine the volume of helium at 745 mmHg. P1V1=P2V2 If the pressure goes down, the volume goes up. V2=P1V1/P2 P1=705 mmHg P2=745 mmHg V1= 1245 mL V2= (705)(1245)/745 877725/745=1179 mL=V2 Charles’ Law: Be able to apply Charles’ Law to solve for either volume or temperature (remember to convert to Kelvin) Example: A gas at a temperature of 95 degrees C occupies a volume of 159 mL. Assuming constant pressure, determine the volume at 15 degree C. V1=V2 T1=T2 95Â °C+273=368K= T1 159 mL=V1 15Â °C + 273=288 T2 V2= (368)(159)/288=204 mL Ideal Gas Law: 1. Be able to calculate molar mass given density Example: For a gas at standard temperature and pressure with a density of 2. 75 g/L. determine its molar mass. Standard temperature and pressure occupies a volume of about 22. 4 L. This is known as the standard molar volume of a gas. V=cn (where c is a constant) n is number of molecules 2. Be able to calculate volume or pressure, using PV=nRT P=pressure, V=Volume, n=number of moles of gas, T=Temperature (Kelvin) R=ideal gas constant (0. 0821) for 1 mole of gas at STP, p=1 atm,V=22. 414 L, T= 273. 15K R=PV/nT

Secondary School Essay Example for Free

Secondary School Essay Some kids act really scared or nurvice and others dont. The truth is, mostlPremium 464 Words 2 Pages The Last Day of High School the First Day of the Rest of My Life The last day of my high school career is fast approaching and I can only imagine how Ill be feeling when I step out of S.F. Austins grounds for the very last time. Throughout these four years, I have felt a lot of urgency about graduating high school. I didnt think that the time to graduate wouldPremium 336 Words 2 Pages Snapshot (First Day at Primary School) My snapshot is of my first day at primary school. Why did I choose this picture? Well, because it was a totally new experience for me, essentially different to my first day at primary school because I had only been to nursery before. There were a lot of things going through my mind when this was tPremium 1242 Words 5 Pages First Day in Secondary School First day in Secondary School In Hong Kong, moving from Primary school to Secondary school is an important step, it signify a child has grown into a teenage. My first day in secondary school had a lot of first time for me. September 1st, was always the first day of every school in Hong Kong. ThiPremium 614 Words 3 Pages The Infringement of the First Amendment in High School Theatre In the landmark case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent C zzzzzzzzzcMy First Day of High School The beeping of my alarm clock sounded like a countdown. The first day of high school was only two hours away. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of are the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the strict teachers, the really hard tests, and of course being a freshman doesn’t help either. The bus ride to the school was only ten minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day ahead of me was about to get a lot more complicated though with all the work, finding a seat at lunch, and getting lost. After already being late to my first period and all of the not-so-bad  classes afterwards, it was lunch time. I dropped off some books at the locker I shared with my boyfriend, and walked down with him. We were a little late when we got there so we ended up sitting somewhere we didn’t want to because the tables were already filled up. We went up to get our lunch and came back to find our seats were taken. We soon found out getting up meant risking your seat. The whole lunch period everyone was talking about how their day went so far. Most of them were complaining, including me. Then the bell rang and it was time to go to the next period. I really didn’t want lunch to end. But on the other hand, at least there were only about two hours left of the day. Finally, it was the end of the day. Finding my next class was easier. I still wasn’t in time, but neither were the other kids. When my 6th period ended, it was a huge relief. I thought the day was finally over. But I still had to get on the bus again to go home; therefore it still wasn’t completely over. I went to our locker, grabbed my take-home textbooks and checked to make sure I didn’t lock the combination in there again. I forgot which way to go, so I followed around my boyfriend.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay

Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Topic: Define the concepts political culture and political socialization. How would political scientists describe the connection between political socialization and political culture? The term Political Culture means the attitudes, feelings, ideas, and values that people have about politics, government, and their own role, and more generally about authority in all its various forms (Munroe, 1985). Political culture has further been referred to as the beliefs, habits, behavioural patterns, values and overall distinguishing attributes that make up and characterize a political community. A political culture is the way in which the individuals within the social setting view their political system, the way in which they perceive it to function and the level of acceptance that pervades as a result. The political culture of a people is more than just their collective opinions, it is the way in which they choose to live as a result of their political beliefs, and it is the measure of what they are willing to accept, it guides they general thinking of a people (politically) and is somewhat steady in nature; i.e. the beliefs of the parents would more than likely be passed on to their offspring. Though the culture may be the same within in a society this does not in any way mean that the people would agree on the same issues or that what may be important to one individual would be important to another, it simply means that the way in which they choose to approach and deal with these issues would be in essence quite similar. Political culture usually means that they people have basically the same level of awareness of their rights, obligations and expectations as citizens. One must bear in mind also that Political culture varies from one country to another simply because the beliefs, feelings, attitudes and values of people vary. For example; the political culture of Grenada would be different from that of America or Japan for instance, just as it would vary between those two. One cannot understand the politics of a country without first looking at its political culture (Munroe, 1985). Political Socialization on the other hand is termed as the process whereby society develops attitudes and feelings towards politics in each of its members (Munroe, 1985). This basically means that political socialization is the process by which political culture is developed and maintained. It is what is taught to the people through their interactions with one another, through the media and through observation. Whereas Political culture deals with the collective, political socialization deals with the individual, it focusses on the upbringing of and interactions of the individual that result in the adherence to and acceptance of the political culture. Those groups and institutions which contribute to the process of political socialization are known as the agents of socialization. These sources affect the development of political values and attitudes differently, but they all contribute to the individuals understanding of and orientations toward politics. The primary agents of socialization are those that directly develop specific political orientations such as the family. Whereas, the secondary agents of socialization tend to be less personal and involved in the process of socialization in a more indirect manner such as the media (Wake Forest University, 2006). Political socialization has two distinguishing levels; these are primary and secondary. Primary socialization takes place through relationships with others, this is usually mostly informal relationships like peer groups, family members, social groups, etc. This form of influence is most often subliminal; the persons are usually unaware that they are being conditioned to think a certain way about their political system, situation and or standing. Individuals develop a basic attitude toward authority and power through this form of socialization and as a result this is what is emanated further in their political views and attitude towards politics. The secondary level of political socialization is more formal in nature and is found mostly in the wider social network. These range from schools, churches, media, political parties, social groups, etc. The way in which a person reacts to and interacts with their political system is heavily influences by what they hear and observe from others within their society. For example, depending on the religious beliefs of an individual their political views will be affected as such, depending on the influence of their instructors in school they will be affected, the influence of the media is a major factor in the ways an individual views the social system he operates in and so is the case for social groups and the policies and views pushed forth by political parties. Another major factor in political socialization is social status/standing; this has a major influence on the way in which a person would choose to deal with social issues, and the way in which they would try to influence policy. Demographics also play an important part in the way people respond to politics as their different situations are affects differently by their political system. A personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s race, gender, age, economic standing, country and education would have a significant effect on what they view as important to them and what they would like to be done for them through their political system. By looking at both these concepts we can see how they are directly intertwined and co-dependent on each other. Without political culture there would be no political socialization and without political socialization there would be no political culture. They work hand-in-hand to develop a political system in which everyone accepts the basic underworking of the way in which the political machine runs. Political Socialization forms political culture and political culture influences political socialization. Political socialization is part of the continuous process of social order which is responsible for teaching certain political behaviours to the new members of a society in order to make them think in keeping with the changing political system they are living in (Almond Verba, 1963). It appears that every society may succeed in maintaining its political culture through the process of political socialization; because by accessing cultural transfer channels of the society, the means to improving those set of values that contribute to the political stability and solidity of a society may be obtained (Verba, Schlozman, Brady, 1995). Through political socialization, an individual will take on a particular political personality which leads the individual to accepting a certain role in the framework of the political system. Accordingly, people knowingly adopt a certain status and position in the political structure of the society; a process which is completed by the family, school, mass media, government, political societies, parties, state organizations, local agencies, occupations, etc. (Ulzurrun, 2002).As Almond and Verba view it, political socialization is the process of maintaining or changing political cultures. Through political socialization people enter political culture and their orientations toward political objectives are formed (Almond Verba, 1963). This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Therefore, society is crucial for human beings because it is associated with their survival. In this regard, family plays the most important role in spreading socialization. The type relationship formed in family influences the early stages of childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s life and formation of their personality and thereby prepares them to abide by social norms and rules and to have a successful and effective presence in society. Parents are the first models for a child whose manner of treating others, conduct, culture, politics, norms and values are all formed in family environment. If a family fails to play its role in this respect, socialization will be impaired right from the start. To sum, one of the most important and effective factors influencing political culture is socializing different political subjects in families.