Monday, January 27, 2020

Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company

Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Business Idea and Goals CEC Trading Ltd. is a Nano Energy Water Flask trading company in Miri, Sarawak. The products that we sell are water flasks that release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. This company intends to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. It is because the water flasks that this company is selling are one of a kind. It also made up of good quality and the price is very affordable. Three elements that this company concentrates on in order to reach our goal are our customers, our supplier and our employees. The major shareholder of this company (Vivian Ngu) intended to initiate the business with more than 5 employees and sell approximately 10500 water flasks in the first year which will increase in rational amount in the following month. The company intends to generate at least MYR 294,000 in sales revenue and make MYR 65,200 profit in the end of its first year of trading. 1.2 Marketing The main targets of this business are customers; range from students to workers, most likely everyone. Our company has a warehouse for storing the water flasks and we had chosen a strategic place which is situated at Jalan Bintang, Shop Lot No. 68. On the other hand, our company is selling the Nano Energy water flasks in Parkson, which is located in a shopping mall named Bintang Plaza. The reason we chose Bintang Plaza as the main location for our business is because of the huge flow of customers who visit Bintang Plaza daily. 1.3 Products Nano Energy water flasks can release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. It can restore the water’s PH level to the ideal level, which is 7.0 to 7.4. Thus, it will change the water to alkaline water which benefit to health. The Nanotechnology breaks down water molecule into smaller possible size so that they are more easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, the taste of the water is smoother, sweeter and easily absorbed by our body cell as osmosis may occur easily. Drinking energized water regularly also kept us away from suffering different kind of health diseases. Moreover, the energized water penetrates deep into the body cells more easily, transfers nutrients to the body more efficient and takes away un-useful product from our body system, thus making us strong and healthy. 1.4 Sales and Promotion Promotion of the business will take place using a variety of methods, including advertising through distributing flyers from school to school, making banner, emails and telephone ordering. We will pay a few workers to distribute flyers from one place to another place. For examples, Curtin University and always all the secondary school in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 1.5 Finance CEC Trading is a self-funding company as the initial shareholdings of RM 8000 will be injected by the major shareholder of the company (Vivian Ngu), and RM 5000 by other shareholders (Damilola, Faiznur Dilan, Wong Wen Yi and Wong Soon Siong). The company estimating the business will always show a positive value of cash surplus in every month for the first year of the operation. The company will not apply for any form of loans from outside party including bank in the first year of the operation. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Mission Statement CEC Trading Ltd. is not only aim to be one of the well-known Nano Energy water flasks traders in Malaysia but also aim to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. We want our product which is the unique Nano Energy water flask known as the best water flask in Malaysia as it is a beneficial product and it is made up of good quality. As well as any other company, we also would like to gain profit as much as possible. In order to attain our missions, our company will focus to the followings: 1. The Product: Our good which is Nano Energy Water Flask is made with 304 stainless steel. There is a filter inside the water flask which will be builded up from 13 kinds of natural materials such as tourmaline, zeolites, manifanshi, nano silver powder, kaolin earth, rare earth, far infrared stone, muyu stone, clay and others. The combinations of different kind of natural resources are approved scientifically to give highest efficiency to the water. 2. The Employees: The employees will be trained to do their own role efficiently. They will also be motivated by attending program which then they will produce better performance. 3. The Consumers: We are targeting adult as well as children and ageing people to consume our products since our product is available to any age. We would like to make sure that our customer satisfied with their purchases of the Nano Energy water flasks. For the capital, the amount capital needed to start the business is RM28,000. The amount of capital stated is needed to cover up all of the essential expenses that the business required to set up the business. The sum of capital that stated above is also needed to achieve a positive cash surplus in the first month. 2.2 Company History This is a new business which all started from the observation that we, the shareholders made. We had a discussion and came up with an idea of selling water flasks. The water flasks that our company planning to sell are water flasks with special features and benefits, which are the Nano Energy water flasks. This water flasks release charges of negative ions to the water and it is good for our health. In addition, the reason we chose to sell Nano Energy water flasks is due to the high demand of health products which needs a huge amount of money. On the other hand, we can also save the environment by reducing the use of plastic water bottle. Thus, by combining both of these situations, this company is set up. Furthermore, customers will not have to spend lots of money for their health products; instead they can buy the Nano Energy water flasks which only cost them MYR 28. 2.3 Business Goals The short-term goal of this company is to employ at least 5 persons full time on a salary of approximately MYR 4,900 per month. Our company planned to run our business within Sarawak for a start. The Nano Energy water flasks will be distributed to a few parts of Sarawak which are Miri (the main place of our business), Sibu and also Kuching. Furthermore, our company targeted to sell about 10500 water flasks in a year, which would probably increasing in the following month and gain a net profit at least MYR 65,200 for future investments. For the long term goal, our company wanted to expand the company into a bigger company by selling the Nano Energy water flasks to West Malaysia and Sabah. This is because we want to widen our market range and we would like to gain more profit. In order to achieve our long- term goal, we will analyse our weaknesses and strive to improve our business strategies. 3.0 MARKET CEC company is a trading company that buy product from a manufacturer (whole sellers) then sell to retailers which is to the shop we decided to sell our products. Then we sell our product to consumers. The new product we are introducing into the market is a product from Vuitton Silver Manufacturing Company that sells different types of water flask in Malaysia such as Vacuum water flask and Nano Energy water flask. The product we are introducing is Nano Energy water flask which helps to charge water with high amount of negative ion which are absorb by the body. Due to the fact that more than half of our body consists of water, water is an important element which is needed by everyone. Thus it is important that we consume healthy water daily. Nano Energy water flask can change the water ph level to be alkaline. Other than that, it can also breaks down water molecule into smaller size which then can be easily consume and the taste will be sweet and smooth. Furthermore, alkaline water ca n build up better immune body system thus prevent us from easily infected by diseases. For further information, drinking this energized water often also enhance our body’s metabolism and can concern about our beauty. However, the most important key point in drinking this energized water is keep us away from all kind of diseases. Due to the fact that our warehouse is in the state of Miri, Sarawak, our product can be found in Parkson which is in Sibu, Miri and Kuching. This water flask can be use by children as well as adult. 3.1 Market Analysis Due to the research carried out by the CEC Company, we found out that there is a lot of water flask that were on the market, but their functions are only to keep warm or keep cold. Thus, our company decided to do trading on a new type of water flask, which is for consumers’ health purpose. Another thing that the business concern about is about environmental friendly. 3.2 Seasonality The major of our sales revenues are in February to November. This is because there are no long holidays or school holidays. Thus, the customers might saw the advertisement for our product and purchased them. In the other hand, due to the holiday season such as Celebration or summer break periods, the people might be going out for vacation thus will decrease our sales revenues. 3.3 Competitors There are lots of competitors in the market who have products that perform same function with our product Nano Energy water flask, some of the companies are listed below: I. ENCHANCE PLASTIC INDUSTRY SDN BHD, MALAYSIA II. TAIZHUU GANGLUNG PLASTIC CO.LTD III. KSK GLOBALINK MANUFACTURING SDN BHD IV. ELLEDI (M)SDN BHD V. ZHEJIANG TYSESO INDUSTRY TRADE CO.LTD. VI. YONGKANG SHIQIANG HARDWARE PLASTIC CO.LTD 3.4 Market Overview The major target market of CEC Company is student, workers, athletes and the public in general. Nano Energy water flask produces storages where you can store your water to drink anytime which is tasty. Our product is convenient, easy and collectable, it is also attractive to the eyes as it will be in three colors – silver, red and black which makes the demand for the product higher because it is also affordable in terms of price. Other than that, we also provided telephone ordering for customer’s need. 3.5 SWOT Analysis We carried out an analysis on the market situation on our product with the use of SWOT analysis, which we make improvement in our business. SWOT Analysis represents the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the business. Through SWOT Analysis, it can guide the company to work on our weakness and threats where as maintain our performance regarding the strength and opportunities(citation business management). STRENGTH The strength is an initial factor which increases value for our business. The strength of nano energy water flask is to have been strong enough to get them a higher place in the labor market even with various imitations from other competitors who are in the market or wants to come into the market with similar products. It can be measured using internal assessment. Quality of the brand Strategic location Sustainability of the product Health care Light weigh of the product WEAKNESS Weakness is also an internal factor that decreases the value of the business. We need to analyze our company weaknesses so that we can make improvement based on them. Lack of marketing skill Lack of workers Limited budget Lack of advertisement Consistency of supplier OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities are external factors that add value in the business. The business needs strategies to perform better performance. Expose our products in other countries Special promotion during special events Improve the skills of workers THREATS Threats are the external factors that decrease the value in the business. The business need to be aware of the threats that may be occurred. Existence of substitute goods in the market Delayed of the products due to the transportation problems 3.6 MARKETING PLAN 3.6.1 Production/ Service Target Market The 2 main targets of doing this business are to improve the healthiness of consumers and to concern about the environment. Nano Energy water flask is a good product which helps to transform the water into alkaline water which is good for health. It is also convenient in the aspect of shape and size which makes it very easy to be carried around by anyone who needs a flask to store their water to take to either school or workplace and even to sport arenas. It is a stainless steel bottle which makes it more attractive and presentable. The fact that it is a stainless steel does not mean it going to get rust easily. On the other hand, since the product is made of stainless steel, it can be used for at least one year. Thus, we can be environmental friendly by saving the consumption of plastic water bottle. 3.6.2 Place Although the business is doing trading to Miri, Sibu and Kuching, our main business is in Miri. Nano Energy water flask is classified to be a household product, thus it can be found in Parkson, in the department where they sell household products. We also need a warehouse to store all our products. 3.6.3 Price Vuitton Silver Company supply Nano Energy water flask to the business with the cost of RM15 each. This cost will be derived after the deduction of all the money use in the production of the flask, such as buying of the machinery, steels, wages of employees, vehicle for distribution, insurance, rents and other expenses. After doing the analysis, our company tends to charge RM 28 for the product which can provide profits on every sales and this price can be afforded by customers. 3.6.4 Promotion and Advertisement Our company tends to alert the general public about nano energy water flask through various means in other for them to know about the product. A research was done on the strategies needed to promote the product in the market. As a result, we made use of the following promotional tools in the business. fliers and handbills posters and banners emails and telephone contact 3.7 Evaluation of Market CEC Company carried out an evaluation on the market, using the market strategy which is carried out at the end of every year to analyze the sales data of Nano Energy water flask to see it performances in the aspect of the quantity that has been sold and as well as profits made. Based on the cash flow forecast, we have cash surplus of RM 65,200 during the year. This proved that the promotions and sales have been done effectively. 4.0 OPERATIONS 4.1 Legal and Licensing Requirements (a) Business name and legal structure CEC Trading Ltd is a proprietary limited company. The company structure has already been registered and start up with five shareholders: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya (25% shareholding) Wong Wen Yi (18.75% shareholding) Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi (18.75% shareholding) Damilola (18.75% shareholding) Wong Soon Siong (18.75% shareholding) Who also serve as the directors of the entity. (b) Operating laws and licenses The business needed a license to run the business legally. 4.2 Management Details The managing director of the company will be: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya Home address: 175, Phase 2C1, Desa Senadin, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 656578 Fax: (085) 656579 Date of birth: 25 November 1991 Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Double Major in Finance and Management) Experience: Management and Financial Advisors and owner of Wealth Spring Consultancies 1997 – 2003 4.3 Organizational Structure and Staffing Most of the job of the business will mainly be done by general manager. A warehouse is needed to store our products. General manager, sales manager and accountant will mainly be working in the warehouse. On the other hand, 3 marketing expertise and 2 drivers are needed in doing sales and also deliverance. General manager  · The duty of a general manager are to manage all business plans and the performance of the employees.  · Salary : RM 1000 à ¼ Sales manager * The duty of a sales manager is to deal and communicate with the owner of parkson in order to know the amount of sales revenue. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Accountant * The duty of accountant is to record the business transactions, summarizing and analyzing to produce financial statement in the end of the period. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Sales advisor * The duty of sales advisor is to approach customers and advise them to buy our product. * Salary : RM 500 à ¼ Driver * The duty of driver is to deliver the products to the destination and also help to transfer the products to the sales department. * Salary : RM500 4.4 Professional Advisers Accountant Sunlight Accountants 55, Sunshine Park, Tun Hussein Onn Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 668 132 Fax: (085) 668 133 Lawyer John Smith 28, Fortune Park, Desa Damai Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 636 732 Fax: (085) 636 735 Insurance broker Bank account May Bank Malasyia 279, Bank Street, Pujut Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Manager: Angeline Tan Ph: (085) 678 588 Fax: (085) 678 579 4.5 Business Premises Location CEC Trading Ltd will acquire a business premise as an office which deals with the paperwork and also warehouse as the storage for stocks and equipments. The ideal location would be located at shop lot where we can store and sell the stock. The premise will be located at Shop Lot 608, Medan Commercial Centre, 98007 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. The price tag for renting the shop lot will be RM 1,500 per month. The shop lot will be repairing and do some painting. The goods that we sell will be distributed to the hypermarket, Parkson in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 4.6 Equipments Required The equipments that required for the business will be: Computers Printers Scanners Internet connections Fax machines Telephones Furniture (table, chair, shelves) The above equipments are some of the basic needs to run the daily business operation. The equipments required will change from time to time. 4.7 Production Processes Our company will get the stock from the supplier, Vuitton Silver. The estimated amount around 1000 of Nano Energy water flasks will be order from the supplier every month. Therefore, all the stocks will be store in the warehouse. Then, the workers will distribute some of the stock to Parkson. The working hour is from 8am to 5pm every day except on public holidays. There are different types of color of the water flask will be sold such as silver, black and red. The product will be sold at RM28 each for every types of color. The selling price is enough to cover all the expenses as the cost price of each water flask is RM 12. It is a reasonable price as these Nano Energy water flask is good for health and can solve the skin problems. However, the office is used as a place for the process of paperwork and storage of documents and equipments. The ordering of our company products and all the documents and accounts will be recorded down and will be kept. All the works in the office work will be done by the clerk and supervise by the manager. 4.8 Critical risks/Contingency Plans CEC Trading Ltd will organize training program to all staff members for professionalism in running the business and also for contingency plans. The training will be on how they going to promote and sell the water flask. Insurance will be bought for business premises. The aim is to recover some assets in case of any accidents such as fires, accidents and thefts as well. Those liability and car accident will be covered by the professional indemnity insurance. The injury to the managing director will be covered by workers compensation. 5.0 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS 5.1 Basic Assumptions and Information (a) Calculation of income and expenses Expenses are calculated based on research and management’s knowledge of costs. Income or sales revenue is assumed to be paid within the month issued. The impact of inflation or increases costs is not taking into consideration. Depreciation of equipments purchased and vehicle purchased in June 2010 is calculated using straight-line method, at 10% per annum. Gross cost of goods is RM 168,000. Drawing is RM 200 per month. The projection is for one year and the figures are in Ringgit Malaysia. (b) Financing of the business An investment of RM 28,000 will be invested into the business according to our shareholdings – Vivian Ngu Yen Shya RM 8,000, Wong Soon Siong RM 5,000, Wong Wen Yi RM 5,000, Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi RM 5,000 and Damilola RM 5,000. Sales income for June is based on early promotions, thus providing initial cash surplus and avoid the need for any short term debt financing. The operation financing strategy is showing a cash surplus in the bank accounts with total amounts of RM 70,700. The business will open a cheque account that provides electronic funds transfer facilities for customers. A minimum of two shareholder directors is needed to sign all the cheques for security reasons. (c) Distribution of profits Profits in the first year will be retained in the business. In future years, three quarters of the annual net profit after tax will be paid to the directors at the end of the financial year according to their shareholding and the remaining quarter will be kept as retained earnings. The Sales Mix Forecast, Cash Flow Forecast and The Trading Profit and Loss Statement is prepared according to generally acceptable accounting principles and conventions. (d) Goods and services tax All forecasts are net of tax. (e) Loans The firm has no current loans or debts. 5.2 Analysis of Financial Forecasts (a) Net profit margin is used to measure the company’s ability to earn a net income from sales. The net profit margin is calculated based on the first year of the projections. Net profit margin % = = = 22.18% Since this trading company is running the business for the first year, it is normal to get a relatively low figures of the margin. The margin is expected to increase in the next few years. Other than that, the company can use other ratios to do analysis on the financial statements in the coming years. (b) Break-even point Contribution margin is used to determine the amount of profit that is made towards payment of the fixed cost. Considered that cost of goods sold is the variable cost, the contribution margin is equal to sales minus variable costs. Gross profit margin = = = 57.14% The fixed cost is projected to be RM 102,800. Break-even point in value = == RM 180, 350.88 Accounting 062 May 28, 2010 5.2.1 Sales mix forecast 5.2.2 Cash flow forecast CEC CASH FLOW FORECAST for the period July 2010 to June 2011 June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May TOTAL Income Sales revenue RM 12,600 RM 19,600 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 16,800 RM 19,600 RM 28,000 RM 30,800 RM 32,200 RM 32,200 RM 35,000 RM 294,000 Capital 28,000 28,000 Total income 40,600 19,600 22,400 22,400 22,400 16,800 19,600 28,000 30,800 32,200 32,200 35,000 RM322,000 Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Business Idea and Goals CEC Trading Ltd. is a Nano Energy Water Flask trading company in Miri, Sarawak. The products that we sell are water flasks that release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. This company intends to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. It is because the water flasks that this company is selling are one of a kind. It also made up of good quality and the price is very affordable. Three elements that this company concentrates on in order to reach our goal are our customers, our supplier and our employees. The major shareholder of this company (Vivian Ngu) intended to initiate the business with more than 5 employees and sell approximately 10500 water flasks in the first year which will increase in rational amount in the following month. The company intends to generate at least MYR 294,000 in sales revenue and make MYR 65,200 profit in the end of its first year of trading. 1.2 Marketing The main targets of this business are customers; range from students to workers, most likely everyone. Our company has a warehouse for storing the water flasks and we had chosen a strategic place which is situated at Jalan Bintang, Shop Lot No. 68. On the other hand, our company is selling the Nano Energy water flasks in Parkson, which is located in a shopping mall named Bintang Plaza. The reason we chose Bintang Plaza as the main location for our business is because of the huge flow of customers who visit Bintang Plaza daily. 1.3 Products Nano Energy water flasks can release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. It can restore the water’s PH level to the ideal level, which is 7.0 to 7.4. Thus, it will change the water to alkaline water which benefit to health. The Nanotechnology breaks down water molecule into smaller possible size so that they are more easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, the taste of the water is smoother, sweeter and easily absorbed by our body cell as osmosis may occur easily. Drinking energized water regularly also kept us away from suffering different kind of health diseases. Moreover, the energized water penetrates deep into the body cells more easily, transfers nutrients to the body more efficient and takes away un-useful product from our body system, thus making us strong and healthy. 1.4 Sales and Promotion Promotion of the business will take place using a variety of methods, including advertising through distributing flyers from school to school, making banner, emails and telephone ordering. We will pay a few workers to distribute flyers from one place to another place. For examples, Curtin University and always all the secondary school in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 1.5 Finance CEC Trading is a self-funding company as the initial shareholdings of RM 8000 will be injected by the major shareholder of the company (Vivian Ngu), and RM 5000 by other shareholders (Damilola, Faiznur Dilan, Wong Wen Yi and Wong Soon Siong). The company estimating the business will always show a positive value of cash surplus in every month for the first year of the operation. The company will not apply for any form of loans from outside party including bank in the first year of the operation. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Mission Statement CEC Trading Ltd. is not only aim to be one of the well-known Nano Energy water flasks traders in Malaysia but also aim to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. We want our product which is the unique Nano Energy water flask known as the best water flask in Malaysia as it is a beneficial product and it is made up of good quality. As well as any other company, we also would like to gain profit as much as possible. In order to attain our missions, our company will focus to the followings: 1. The Product: Our good which is Nano Energy Water Flask is made with 304 stainless steel. There is a filter inside the water flask which will be builded up from 13 kinds of natural materials such as tourmaline, zeolites, manifanshi, nano silver powder, kaolin earth, rare earth, far infrared stone, muyu stone, clay and others. The combinations of different kind of natural resources are approved scientifically to give highest efficiency to the water. 2. The Employees: The employees will be trained to do their own role efficiently. They will also be motivated by attending program which then they will produce better performance. 3. The Consumers: We are targeting adult as well as children and ageing people to consume our products since our product is available to any age. We would like to make sure that our customer satisfied with their purchases of the Nano Energy water flasks. For the capital, the amount capital needed to start the business is RM28,000. The amount of capital stated is needed to cover up all of the essential expenses that the business required to set up the business. The sum of capital that stated above is also needed to achieve a positive cash surplus in the first month. 2.2 Company History This is a new business which all started from the observation that we, the shareholders made. We had a discussion and came up with an idea of selling water flasks. The water flasks that our company planning to sell are water flasks with special features and benefits, which are the Nano Energy water flasks. This water flasks release charges of negative ions to the water and it is good for our health. In addition, the reason we chose to sell Nano Energy water flasks is due to the high demand of health products which needs a huge amount of money. On the other hand, we can also save the environment by reducing the use of plastic water bottle. Thus, by combining both of these situations, this company is set up. Furthermore, customers will not have to spend lots of money for their health products; instead they can buy the Nano Energy water flasks which only cost them MYR 28. 2.3 Business Goals The short-term goal of this company is to employ at least 5 persons full time on a salary of approximately MYR 4,900 per month. Our company planned to run our business within Sarawak for a start. The Nano Energy water flasks will be distributed to a few parts of Sarawak which are Miri (the main place of our business), Sibu and also Kuching. Furthermore, our company targeted to sell about 10500 water flasks in a year, which would probably increasing in the following month and gain a net profit at least MYR 65,200 for future investments. For the long term goal, our company wanted to expand the company into a bigger company by selling the Nano Energy water flasks to West Malaysia and Sabah. This is because we want to widen our market range and we would like to gain more profit. In order to achieve our long- term goal, we will analyse our weaknesses and strive to improve our business strategies. 3.0 MARKET CEC company is a trading company that buy product from a manufacturer (whole sellers) then sell to retailers which is to the shop we decided to sell our products. Then we sell our product to consumers. The new product we are introducing into the market is a product from Vuitton Silver Manufacturing Company that sells different types of water flask in Malaysia such as Vacuum water flask and Nano Energy water flask. The product we are introducing is Nano Energy water flask which helps to charge water with high amount of negative ion which are absorb by the body. Due to the fact that more than half of our body consists of water, water is an important element which is needed by everyone. Thus it is important that we consume healthy water daily. Nano Energy water flask can change the water ph level to be alkaline. Other than that, it can also breaks down water molecule into smaller size which then can be easily consume and the taste will be sweet and smooth. Furthermore, alkaline water ca n build up better immune body system thus prevent us from easily infected by diseases. For further information, drinking this energized water often also enhance our body’s metabolism and can concern about our beauty. However, the most important key point in drinking this energized water is keep us away from all kind of diseases. Due to the fact that our warehouse is in the state of Miri, Sarawak, our product can be found in Parkson which is in Sibu, Miri and Kuching. This water flask can be use by children as well as adult. 3.1 Market Analysis Due to the research carried out by the CEC Company, we found out that there is a lot of water flask that were on the market, but their functions are only to keep warm or keep cold. Thus, our company decided to do trading on a new type of water flask, which is for consumers’ health purpose. Another thing that the business concern about is about environmental friendly. 3.2 Seasonality The major of our sales revenues are in February to November. This is because there are no long holidays or school holidays. Thus, the customers might saw the advertisement for our product and purchased them. In the other hand, due to the holiday season such as Celebration or summer break periods, the people might be going out for vacation thus will decrease our sales revenues. 3.3 Competitors There are lots of competitors in the market who have products that perform same function with our product Nano Energy water flask, some of the companies are listed below: I. ENCHANCE PLASTIC INDUSTRY SDN BHD, MALAYSIA II. TAIZHUU GANGLUNG PLASTIC CO.LTD III. KSK GLOBALINK MANUFACTURING SDN BHD IV. ELLEDI (M)SDN BHD V. ZHEJIANG TYSESO INDUSTRY TRADE CO.LTD. VI. YONGKANG SHIQIANG HARDWARE PLASTIC CO.LTD 3.4 Market Overview The major target market of CEC Company is student, workers, athletes and the public in general. Nano Energy water flask produces storages where you can store your water to drink anytime which is tasty. Our product is convenient, easy and collectable, it is also attractive to the eyes as it will be in three colors – silver, red and black which makes the demand for the product higher because it is also affordable in terms of price. Other than that, we also provided telephone ordering for customer’s need. 3.5 SWOT Analysis We carried out an analysis on the market situation on our product with the use of SWOT analysis, which we make improvement in our business. SWOT Analysis represents the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the business. Through SWOT Analysis, it can guide the company to work on our weakness and threats where as maintain our performance regarding the strength and opportunities(citation business management). STRENGTH The strength is an initial factor which increases value for our business. The strength of nano energy water flask is to have been strong enough to get them a higher place in the labor market even with various imitations from other competitors who are in the market or wants to come into the market with similar products. It can be measured using internal assessment. Quality of the brand Strategic location Sustainability of the product Health care Light weigh of the product WEAKNESS Weakness is also an internal factor that decreases the value of the business. We need to analyze our company weaknesses so that we can make improvement based on them. Lack of marketing skill Lack of workers Limited budget Lack of advertisement Consistency of supplier OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities are external factors that add value in the business. The business needs strategies to perform better performance. Expose our products in other countries Special promotion during special events Improve the skills of workers THREATS Threats are the external factors that decrease the value in the business. The business need to be aware of the threats that may be occurred. Existence of substitute goods in the market Delayed of the products due to the transportation problems 3.6 MARKETING PLAN 3.6.1 Production/ Service Target Market The 2 main targets of doing this business are to improve the healthiness of consumers and to concern about the environment. Nano Energy water flask is a good product which helps to transform the water into alkaline water which is good for health. It is also convenient in the aspect of shape and size which makes it very easy to be carried around by anyone who needs a flask to store their water to take to either school or workplace and even to sport arenas. It is a stainless steel bottle which makes it more attractive and presentable. The fact that it is a stainless steel does not mean it going to get rust easily. On the other hand, since the product is made of stainless steel, it can be used for at least one year. Thus, we can be environmental friendly by saving the consumption of plastic water bottle. 3.6.2 Place Although the business is doing trading to Miri, Sibu and Kuching, our main business is in Miri. Nano Energy water flask is classified to be a household product, thus it can be found in Parkson, in the department where they sell household products. We also need a warehouse to store all our products. 3.6.3 Price Vuitton Silver Company supply Nano Energy water flask to the business with the cost of RM15 each. This cost will be derived after the deduction of all the money use in the production of the flask, such as buying of the machinery, steels, wages of employees, vehicle for distribution, insurance, rents and other expenses. After doing the analysis, our company tends to charge RM 28 for the product which can provide profits on every sales and this price can be afforded by customers. 3.6.4 Promotion and Advertisement Our company tends to alert the general public about nano energy water flask through various means in other for them to know about the product. A research was done on the strategies needed to promote the product in the market. As a result, we made use of the following promotional tools in the business. fliers and handbills posters and banners emails and telephone contact 3.7 Evaluation of Market CEC Company carried out an evaluation on the market, using the market strategy which is carried out at the end of every year to analyze the sales data of Nano Energy water flask to see it performances in the aspect of the quantity that has been sold and as well as profits made. Based on the cash flow forecast, we have cash surplus of RM 65,200 during the year. This proved that the promotions and sales have been done effectively. 4.0 OPERATIONS 4.1 Legal and Licensing Requirements (a) Business name and legal structure CEC Trading Ltd is a proprietary limited company. The company structure has already been registered and start up with five shareholders: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya (25% shareholding) Wong Wen Yi (18.75% shareholding) Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi (18.75% shareholding) Damilola (18.75% shareholding) Wong Soon Siong (18.75% shareholding) Who also serve as the directors of the entity. (b) Operating laws and licenses The business needed a license to run the business legally. 4.2 Management Details The managing director of the company will be: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya Home address: 175, Phase 2C1, Desa Senadin, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 656578 Fax: (085) 656579 Date of birth: 25 November 1991 Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Double Major in Finance and Management) Experience: Management and Financial Advisors and owner of Wealth Spring Consultancies 1997 – 2003 4.3 Organizational Structure and Staffing Most of the job of the business will mainly be done by general manager. A warehouse is needed to store our products. General manager, sales manager and accountant will mainly be working in the warehouse. On the other hand, 3 marketing expertise and 2 drivers are needed in doing sales and also deliverance. General manager  · The duty of a general manager are to manage all business plans and the performance of the employees.  · Salary : RM 1000 à ¼ Sales manager * The duty of a sales manager is to deal and communicate with the owner of parkson in order to know the amount of sales revenue. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Accountant * The duty of accountant is to record the business transactions, summarizing and analyzing to produce financial statement in the end of the period. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Sales advisor * The duty of sales advisor is to approach customers and advise them to buy our product. * Salary : RM 500 à ¼ Driver * The duty of driver is to deliver the products to the destination and also help to transfer the products to the sales department. * Salary : RM500 4.4 Professional Advisers Accountant Sunlight Accountants 55, Sunshine Park, Tun Hussein Onn Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 668 132 Fax: (085) 668 133 Lawyer John Smith 28, Fortune Park, Desa Damai Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 636 732 Fax: (085) 636 735 Insurance broker Bank account May Bank Malasyia 279, Bank Street, Pujut Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Manager: Angeline Tan Ph: (085) 678 588 Fax: (085) 678 579 4.5 Business Premises Location CEC Trading Ltd will acquire a business premise as an office which deals with the paperwork and also warehouse as the storage for stocks and equipments. The ideal location would be located at shop lot where we can store and sell the stock. The premise will be located at Shop Lot 608, Medan Commercial Centre, 98007 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. The price tag for renting the shop lot will be RM 1,500 per month. The shop lot will be repairing and do some painting. The goods that we sell will be distributed to the hypermarket, Parkson in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 4.6 Equipments Required The equipments that required for the business will be: Computers Printers Scanners Internet connections Fax machines Telephones Furniture (table, chair, shelves) The above equipments are some of the basic needs to run the daily business operation. The equipments required will change from time to time. 4.7 Production Processes Our company will get the stock from the supplier, Vuitton Silver. The estimated amount around 1000 of Nano Energy water flasks will be order from the supplier every month. Therefore, all the stocks will be store in the warehouse. Then, the workers will distribute some of the stock to Parkson. The working hour is from 8am to 5pm every day except on public holidays. There are different types of color of the water flask will be sold such as silver, black and red. The product will be sold at RM28 each for every types of color. The selling price is enough to cover all the expenses as the cost price of each water flask is RM 12. It is a reasonable price as these Nano Energy water flask is good for health and can solve the skin problems. However, the office is used as a place for the process of paperwork and storage of documents and equipments. The ordering of our company products and all the documents and accounts will be recorded down and will be kept. All the works in the office work will be done by the clerk and supervise by the manager. 4.8 Critical risks/Contingency Plans CEC Trading Ltd will organize training program to all staff members for professionalism in running the business and also for contingency plans. The training will be on how they going to promote and sell the water flask. Insurance will be bought for business premises. The aim is to recover some assets in case of any accidents such as fires, accidents and thefts as well. Those liability and car accident will be covered by the professional indemnity insurance. The injury to the managing director will be covered by workers compensation. 5.0 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS 5.1 Basic Assumptions and Information (a) Calculation of income and expenses Expenses are calculated based on research and management’s knowledge of costs. Income or sales revenue is assumed to be paid within the month issued. The impact of inflation or increases costs is not taking into consideration. Depreciation of equipments purchased and vehicle purchased in June 2010 is calculated using straight-line method, at 10% per annum. Gross cost of goods is RM 168,000. Drawing is RM 200 per month. The projection is for one year and the figures are in Ringgit Malaysia. (b) Financing of the business An investment of RM 28,000 will be invested into the business according to our shareholdings – Vivian Ngu Yen Shya RM 8,000, Wong Soon Siong RM 5,000, Wong Wen Yi RM 5,000, Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi RM 5,000 and Damilola RM 5,000. Sales income for June is based on early promotions, thus providing initial cash surplus and avoid the need for any short term debt financing. The operation financing strategy is showing a cash surplus in the bank accounts with total amounts of RM 70,700. The business will open a cheque account that provides electronic funds transfer facilities for customers. A minimum of two shareholder directors is needed to sign all the cheques for security reasons. (c) Distribution of profits Profits in the first year will be retained in the business. In future years, three quarters of the annual net profit after tax will be paid to the directors at the end of the financial year according to their shareholding and the remaining quarter will be kept as retained earnings. The Sales Mix Forecast, Cash Flow Forecast and The Trading Profit and Loss Statement is prepared according to generally acceptable accounting principles and conventions. (d) Goods and services tax All forecasts are net of tax. (e) Loans The firm has no current loans or debts. 5.2 Analysis of Financial Forecasts (a) Net profit margin is used to measure the company’s ability to earn a net income from sales. The net profit margin is calculated based on the first year of the projections. Net profit margin % = = = 22.18% Since this trading company is running the business for the first year, it is normal to get a relatively low figures of the margin. The margin is expected to increase in the next few years. Other than that, the company can use other ratios to do analysis on the financial statements in the coming years. (b) Break-even point Contribution margin is used to determine the amount of profit that is made towards payment of the fixed cost. Considered that cost of goods sold is the variable cost, the contribution margin is equal to sales minus variable costs. Gross profit margin = = = 57.14% The fixed cost is projected to be RM 102,800. Break-even point in value = == RM 180, 350.88 Accounting 062 May 28, 2010 5.2.1 Sales mix forecast 5.2.2 Cash flow forecast CEC CASH FLOW FORECAST for the period July 2010 to June 2011 June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May TOTAL Income Sales revenue RM 12,600 RM 19,600 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 16,800 RM 19,600 RM 28,000 RM 30,800 RM 32,200 RM 32,200 RM 35,000 RM 294,000 Capital 28,000 28,000 Total income 40,600 19,600 22,400 22,400 22,400 16,800 19,600 28,000 30,800 32,200 32,200 35,000 RM322,000

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fear of Death

Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.The best way to overcome it – as at least it seems to me – is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river – small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. Fear of Death Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.The best way to overcome it – as at least it seems to me – is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river – small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Frankenstein Analysis

When a life is created, whoever has created such life would cherish it, care for it, teach it right from wrong, and nurture it for its life. A parent or guardian of a child would be held responsible for the acts their child commits, no matter if it be great or small. Victor Frankenstein took life into his own hands, moulded it, sculpted it, and formed a living creature from pieces of already deceased humans. Frankenstein, after successfully creating life, rejected his own creation, did not give any second thought as he abandoned his own Creature. From this rejection the Creature feels only rejection, he is not able to find acceptance where he goes and is filled with depression, turmoil, and great anger at his creator. From then on, the Creature goes down a destructive path, not knowing any better. As the creator, Victor Frankenstein should be responsible for the Creatures faults, rather than playing God and abandoning his creation within the first few moments of its life. From the Creatures first moments of life, it has suffered rejection of its own creator, and by every other person who comes into contact with it. Frankenstein deemed his creation and â€Å"his features as beautiful. Beautiful! †(43), yet when the creature first arouse, as life filled its once deceased body, Frankenstein wanted nothing more than to escape from the room that held his creation, and put everything he had done behind him, he had â€Å"rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing [his] bed-chamber, unable to compose [his] mind to sleep†(44). Victor did nothing more than put it behind him, after months upon months of preparation and work. As the creator, Victor had some obligation to his creature; they were bound through this act of God. The Creature’s appearance threw off all whom he tried to get close to, all those who came into contact with him believed him to be a monster, nothing more. The Creature was believed to be evil, as if he were born evil, that the misery he suffers from was not what had caused him to become destructive, and vengeful. The rejection of all cause the Creature to become the evil Monster people believe him to be, he believes a small innocent hild can accept him for the way he looks and too is rejected, along with the rejection of the DeLacey’s from whom he learned how to live a human life. The constant rejection is what leads to the Creatures change from innocent new life, to a destructive monster, which could have been changed if Victor had taken responsibility for his own creation. If Victor had welcomes his creation with open arms, all events could have been avoided, there wo uld be no deaths and the Creature could have been a marvel to the world. Life is precious, to abandon a life is simple, Victor Frankenstein took the simple route out of his mistake, he did not take responsibility for anything his own creation did and only tried to put it behind him in his life, to ensure his own safety. The creature wandered aimlessly through his new life, becoming corrupt as his time passed. If Frankenstein had taken the time to realize what he had been doing while playing God he could’ve put an end to it all before any mistakes were made. A life, even as horrendous in appearance as the Creature, should be cherished.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

American History Study Notes - 1649 Words

History Questions (Order # A2059769) On June 17, 1972 police arrested five men in connection to a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington, DC. Because of the scandal that resulted, there were a number of political effects on succeeding presidential administrations. One of the most significant outcomes of Watergate scandal was the defining of an obscure presidential power: executive privilege. Because of the existence of a secret campaign fund which financed the break-in, after the scandal broke, both Congress and the Supreme Court seriously altered the issue of campaign finance. And finally, the Watergate scandal altered the relationship between the media and politicians; giving the media the excuse for scrutinizing the most private aspects of a politicians personal life. In 1981, Ronald Reagan made Supply Side Economics the main economic policy for his presidential administration. This was the idea that lower taxes would spur economic growth, expand the economy, and ultimately increase tax revenue for the government. However, his opponents called his idea Voodoo Economics, and was a controversial idea because of the concept that lowering the tax rates for businesses would indeed increase government tax revenues. Many critics felt that it flew in the face of logic, and the only effect that lowering tax rates would have would be to lower tax revenues. (Supply Side Economics) Three years later, on AugustShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion Among Black or African Population Gcu1095 Words   |  5 PagesPromotion Among Black or African American Population [Your Name] Grand Canyon University: Family-Centered Health Promotion(NRS-429V) January 10, 2016 Health Promotion Among Black or African American Population The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2015) notes that â€Å"Starting in 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires federal agencies to use a minimum of five race categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, AsianRead MoreThis Study Is A Continuation Of Research Conducted By The1323 Words   |  6 PagesThis study is a continuation of research conducted by the faculty members and doctoral students from the School of Professional Psychology (SOPP) at Wright State University. Cheryl Meyer, J.D., Ph.D., is the current primary investigator in this research project. 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